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Everything posted by Damien

  1. There's plenty of times he has looked like that at Leeds too.
  2. I'm fairly certain he's played mainly on the right for England and I certainly remember him scoring tries there against Australia and New Zealand on the right.
  3. Herbie Farnworth looks set to make his full debut this weekend.
  4. It does seem like they are using the Women's World Cup to test out a few rule changes.
  5. Ah bless, its kind of sweet that you are clinging on to a final appearances. Of course I was referring to actually winning the Grand Final, I never realised that fans clung on to Grand Final appearances. Bless. I was indeed at 3 in that time where Warrington lost against Wigan. I suppose if we keep coming back to this thread for another 65 years then they may have won one.
  6. A thread from 2007 is truly a blast from the past. Still no Grand Final to talk about in all that time.
  7. AJ still has a lot of work to do. He has had such an accelerated path to the top, often winning due to his superior physical attributes, that he is missing some core boxing skills. Also I think his training and training camp needs to change somewhat. Yes he looks in great physical condition but is it the best conditioning for a boxer? There is something spectacularly wrong when he looks so tired and gassed compared to a very out of shape fighter who had only taken a fight at 6 weeks notice.
  8. Which is completely irrelevant and completely ignored the level of competition in a particular season. It's sad that once proud fans are now trying to pretend to be happy with 2nd place.
  9. If only they changed their name to include Manchester they'd attract a lot more fans.......?
  10. Apart from Tomkins the rest can hardly be described as top rate, no wonder they struggled.
  11. I thought it was only classed as a knock on if you head it forward on purpose, being outlawed after that Saints try years ago.
  12. That's a myth and not true, Ireland weren't even the first country to play Germany after the war.
  13. He's been excellent in every game I have seen this season.
  14. Scotland haven't half gone downhill since early 90s. They have barely any players playing in England like there used to be and even the Scottish clubs now are full of average foreign players. There is something desperately wrong there.
  15. Bateman was very good and the commentators were raving about him
  16. And what should go into each bin, even what councils will accept as recycling varies.
  17. Stuck in a hotel the next few days so just done Bob's 100 press up app posted above. 26 first up on the test.
  18. Haha. I actually started again yesterday and need to keep it going now. I just have bad couple of weeks due to working away and a damn training course.
  19. The last couple of weeks every time I come to Bob's gym it's closed and I can't train ?
  20. Herbie Farnworth has been a talent for years and has been chased by all the top clubs and RU. His uncle is Brian Foley, ex Wigan and St Pats and the coach of many top players past and present in Super League. As such he has been coached in the correct skills and proper technique since being a toddler. It was actually a relief him going to Australia because many feared he would be lost to RU as they were offering far more than he would have got for Wigan in Super League.
  21. Just done weights again. My last 8 days have been shocking though and I've been doing nothing due to work and family commitments plus not feeling great too. Hopefully get going again now.
  22. That's my weights done. Best week of training so far with training 3 out 4 days so far. The snow and working from home sure has its benefits.
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