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Everything posted by EssexRL

  1. I have to say I connect with other Skolars fans via the fans FB group, although the club appears in the general discussion on this forum more often than our size probably justifies.
  2. This would seem like a basic first step...surely all those involved in the game could get together and agree this?
  3. I almost think where doesn't really matter any more. They just need somewhere they can lay roots down and grow support. Ealing, Barnet, Wimbledon, Brentford...who cares so long as they stay there. OR (radical thought) make a virtue of being nomads, have a training ground but move around London spreading the word (not realistic I realise and many down sides but its kinda what they are doing without the word spreading bit..)
  4. Made me wonder why Broncos didn't approach Skolars to play this at New River...bit depressing to think that they've gone from playing at Fulham, Charlton, Brentford and Barnet to this.
  5. You're right about the potential in London AG, but exploiting this cannot be left to the clubs here, which is what has happened so far. The only way a club could grow the game in the capital is in a discrete area, which Bronco's endless moves and what (from the outside) looks like poor (zero) promotion amongst local communities has prevented them from doing. Skolars are much more rooted in Tottenham and, despite very limited resources, do their best to promote the club and sport locally (links with colleges, schools, local MPs, local businesses etc,) Unfortunately despite the owners personal investments we've never had enough money to really promote the sport (you'd need an expert marketing firm to do that effectively) or secure or keep competitive players. Hopefully there will be new investment and some of that will used for marketing but RL needs to attract some big bucks to really grow the game here. The rewards could be substantial but it needs vision and creativity. One thing that could be done is bringing some SL games down here. Big names would attract interest.
  6. I don’t know TBH whether it has. No comm’s. Fingers crossed though
  7. Whilst I think with enough energy, resources and creativity London could support one or more pro RL teams, sadly, I don't see LB or Skolars as the vehicle any more. Over the last 20-30 years there have been opportunities with both clubs (Skolars maybe 3-5 years ago( but it is hard to see how either could deliver now. The lack of any information about the takeover of Skolars is concerning. Even with takeover money any new owners will need to spend £££ on getting a competitive squad together, most of whom won't be living in the south. There's no pool of RL players down here. At the moment pro-RL in London feels like it's almost at the end, although it will limp on. That may not be a bad thing long run as it could hopefully create space for something new to evolve.
  8. I think it was someone's suggestion of how much (min) a player in London should be paid (if they live in London) - suggesting the new owners will have to make a significant investment in the club and the team. I am sure they have thought about this and spoken to the current owners. Also, as mentioned earlier, we don't need a ton of new players; just a handful to strengthen the squad.
  9. Good news this is moving forward at last. No issue with the owners. They won’t be running the club day by day they just need to invest in those who are. The way this has been announced has been odd so far hopefully will be more professional from now on.
  10. That's not true at the fan level (although I would welcome both clubs being in a position where we could have a healthy rivalry) and I don't think it has always been the case at club level but the last two seasons in particular have not been great and partly explain our current performance.
  11. It’s happening but formal stuff not sorted and was announced to fans at first home game.
  12. No. Afraid not. It was announced in last weeks programme and share holders have been told. Assume it’s still being checked by the worthies at RFL.
  13. There’s lots to be done, as there is in all the expansion areas. What’s clear is the current owners don’t have enough funds - and have not been able to find additional resources in London to provide the boost needed. Fingers crossed the new owners will be able too.
  14. Watched the first half live then had to take the dog out for a walk and watched the second half on C4+1. Wow. What a great game and result.
  15. Indeed. They’ve not actually taken over yet. Waiting to be cleared.
  16. I expect we are talking nearer £500k TBH but who knows!
  17. You're right in respect of LB (and generally) but given Skolars probably have 150-200 core fans I suspect a one-off change in name linked to a relaunch to raise awareness wouldn't be the end of the world. No need to change venue though (although we did play at Enfield for a while while New River was getting sorted including one of my fav Friday Night Lights).
  18. I am not sure you need too deep pockets (by rich people's standards) to be competitive in L1 or even Championship given the current set up with the club. Clearly SL is another issue all together but if we grow and are successful then maybe that will attract additional support (people and investment). The truth is securing additional investment from the UK has not been possible despite the club's best efforts. Carrying on as we are means, well carrying on as we are - both on and off the field and long term I do not think that is viable.
  19. The new owners, like the old ones, will need to address the issue that all non heartland teams have too: where do we get the players that can perform at the necessary level. The playing pool down here is far too small to sustain two clubs (although many excellent players have and continue to progress through the community game down south). There are really only three options - short term: 1. Bring in RL players from abroad 2. Bring in (and support with housing and other costs) players from the north 3. Find RU players who can convert (not sure this is often a valuable route) Obviously longer term we need to grow our own.
  20. Cornwall seem a viable option on and off the field.
  21. Full details to come. As someone posted on here the public announcement on Friday took people a bit by surprise. On the name issue: yes it was due to the beer and yes it should be changes and ideally to something that gives the club an identity that resonates with this bit of London (kinda like Brixton Bulls in the south or East London Dockers (or Newham Dockers as they were!)
  22. I hope all of those involved with the club, will still be around in some capacity. Their knowledge and insights will be invaluable.
  23. Agree with all you say - and would add that we can get that right but because RL profile in London is low there has to be marketing too.
  24. I think we are the anchor tenant and have a long term lease so there is some stability there and yes as any one who has been to New River knows there is a long of old terracing around the pitch that could be developed although presumably that would be costly. Important I think that the Harringay/North East London identity is maintain and built on whatever the future holds. I think there is real value is being a club with association to a part of London.
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