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IM2 last won the day on January 19 2019

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  1. I enjoyed it. went with mates I havent seen for a while then went out after. loved it. match was a bit ###### but id rather it happened than didnt. think if its on I think an away game in France first followed by return makes sense. gives France chance to work on it
  2. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/812545735167?aff=oddtdtcreator London Skolars are very proud to announce the return of the annual Capital Challenge on Wed Feb 21st 2024, London Skolars are combining with a selection of Southern Conference players to take on the mighty Super League Club London Broncos at the prestigious Honourable Artillery Company Gardens in the heart of the City of London. Tickets for the game are only available on Eventbrite until 6pm Feb 20th 2024 and are priced at £10 per person with no concessions. Corporate lunch is also on. £80 ex vat per place and £750 ex vat for table of 10. email kevflanagan@skolarsrl.com No Payments on the gate on the date of the game will be accepted. For Tickets please click the eventbrite link at the top of the page For Lunch bookings contact info@skolarsrl.com
  3. anyone got any ticket sales update?
  4. At £7.6k now. Not far off now. one last big push. any help much needed. should be a big announcement around Capital Challenge soon as well showing good signs of life at the club.
  5. Appeal is nearly at 65% now. £6.5k. Please spread the word!
  6. yes I personally spent around £350k before I left. I know since the another £50k+. no one does this to make money. these players are on of the reasons for doing it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:London_Skolars_players. this is just a subset
  7. well said. did the job for me. main thing is to keep as much of the infrastructure going. hopefully keep a FTE person and ensure we can use the pitches etc. 3g is expensive to use. idea for me is the club tries to keep as many of the standards they had in L1 that are doable. medical, transport to games, kit, a no sub model etc. also keep the local activity going. for example a bunch off schools were playing touch at New river ran by Skolars today. hopefully the club may also push to go back into L1 in the medium term as well. also this isnt a funding page set up by the club its by me and a few ex players and fans and we will oversea how the money is spent for bets use.
  8. secret is in the first word. what was needed was proactive help. anyway not arguing with you. you carry on with your view mate and we will beg to differ
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