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  1. Isn't that what we've been doing all year ?
  2. Does anyone know what injuries Bussey and Albert have ? I must have missed it - I don't recall any announcement but it seems that they are no longer expected to be in the squad each week.
  3. I think its a fair point that England's form dropped after being one of the better players early on (although the same could be said for one or two others) but, even allowing for that, I'm not sure that Silk is a like for like replacement - given that England has been virtually in the 17 each week. I'm sure that Silk will be seen as more of a fringe player ?
  4. Anyway... Yeah agree with the above. There seemed a definite improvement in defence particularly with reducing the amount of offloads. For me half the battle with the attack is a quick ptb but we don't seem to even try to play it quickly or in some cases look too knackered to get up quickly. Plenty to be optimistic about given the players to come back........
  5. I'm fairly sure the post referred to where we'd be tomorrow and I think its highly unlikely we can be overtaken ? As far as the end of the season goes yeah actually I do think 6th or above - of course - I mean look at who is below us. I am confident that Ford can't cling on much longer then the season can start...........
  6. I think you know thats taken out of context. It was ridiculous because you were highlighting the difficult fixtures we still had to play - even before halfway through the season - and my point was that every team still had to play one another i.e. our fixtures were no different to anyone else's That said I have to admit that your prediction as to where we would finish is looking a little ominous. We literally could not have done any worse in the last 5 games and I can't believe anyone could have seen us losing them all. Yet we are still 6th so I'm still confident. I wonder what odds you would have got on those back to back defeats as an accumulator ?
  7. I partly agree with the comments above Losing games - especially when we're expected to win doesn't half spoil my Sunday evenings. I wish it didn't. But if it didn't I probably wouldn't get the same buzz when we win and come to think about it I probably wouldn't care enough to take a few hours out of my Sunday. If we're being honest I don't think any of us walk away after a defeat and forget about it ? Maybe getting angry is another level to just being a bit disappointed but we have now seen an unacceptable run of repeated poor performances / results against very beatable opponents, In doing so we've seen even more crucially a lack of effort / desire / intensity. So I think people paying their money have the right to get angry and have their say if it makes them feel better. We've seen a number of players turning out for us this year who haven't looked interested imo. Some may disagree but that sort of thing makes me angry. I don't particularly want to pay £20 for a slap in the face every week. Anyway of course its not a matter of life and death - its far more important than that.....
  8. Whats this ? No DR and that loan from Cas gone back ? Only Albert missing ? Can't have any excuses now. I'd like to think that if that squad had been available for the last 4 games we could have won them all. But then again maybe not. I don't think it matters who turns out for us at the minute.
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