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Click last won the day on May 15

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  1. 'so called bigger clubs' ? In every way they are both bigger clubs.
  2. Not quite sure I like the commentators condoning Richardson's actions in the tackle on Miloudi ...
  3. I just saw another replay of it, and I am not 100% sure he doesn't hit it into Rourke's head and then it goes back.
  4. Like, I am sure it did go backwards completely - But how can the VR not look at another angle of Burgess's tap back for that kick?
  5. You know you're having a conversation with yourself right?
  6. I have generally watched most of the opening ceremonies for the last 4 or so olympics... Buy I have had to turn this one off, it was very boring. The fact that they are all French helped with the decision to turn off....
  7. Well, they're a "low level amateur club" that are getting a semi pro player on dual registration for however long. I am guessing that's what is in it for GV.
  8. I kind of understand Bateman getting his own thread for his transfer... But unless I am missing something very obvious, not quite sure this is in the same area.
  9. @fighting irish Are you confused by my confusion, or do you share my confusion? I just don't understand how the following sentence makes much sense "Panthers officials are backing themselves to be the best-supported club in Las Vegas for next season’s opening round match after being the only club to have tickets left in their supporters’ bay." Unless the Panthers have the biggest supporters' bay then so far aren't they the worst supported club so far out of people that have bought tickets?
  10. I don't understand the logic behind this sentence ..
  11. Thank you, I juts found it on Spotify so will give it a listen while I am finishing work for the day.
  12. Has Rugby League ever actually got investors from London before? Most of London's ex owners are Northerners who moved away. I can only think of Branson.
  13. I had a look at page 1, couldn't find what you were referring to. I'll see if I give it a listen, who is even talking on it?
  14. I thought this was going to be a whole new thread for SL ins and outs when I first glanced the topic ....
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