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Everything posted by Bleep1673

  1. I saw that, great film. Ferris Beuler was on Sunday, my 12yo had never seen it before, I haven't heard her laugh out loud so much in ages.
  2. Wind change might be good for the bathers in Hastings, as we had a triple sewage spill.
  3. One of the complaints about e-scooters, is they are fast, and quiet, therefore undetectable to blind people. But so are bikes, e-bikes, and electric motorbikes & cars, but the politicians are saying they are the future. I nearly got hit by an e-taxi last weekend because I looked the wrong way, at the wrong time. She just drove on. If I had been hit, The Sun & Mail would've be requiring a ban on 60 year old walking alone.
  4. I now overlook the start of the Hasting Park Run, and the Start/Finish of the Half Marathon (+/- 100m), so from my nice warm comfortable sofa I can observe all the suffering.
  5. Everything will be alright in the end, if it's not alright, it's not the end.
  6. If anybody enjoys watching Horrible Histories "with their kids", and has watched Ghosts will be pleased to know the 3rd series is coming up soon. Strange coincidence, the house where it is filmed was also inherited by a relative that didn't know he had a connection, the inheritor was University Challenges Bamber Gascoigne.
  7. Despite hating anything Red out of principle, I quite like the home kit.
  8. I noticed Park Run in Hastings started again Yesterday.
  9. A couple of years ago when Brighton were in the Championship I took my daughter to the Amex to see them play Leicester, Brighton won 3-0, City still went up and Won the Premier League soon after.
  10. Selfish & Parochial, Superleague? Nah, wouldn't stand up in court, too drunk. Apart from relocating Catalans to Liverpool, it's not an M62 sport, at all. NRL Players probably do more miles per season than SL Clubs do
  11. Has Japan gone into Lockdown again, or are they operating as normal for Olympics, with some events blocked out?
  12. Australia says it is too risky to travel to the UK, but isn't 50% of Australia currently under another Lockdown?
  13. OMG that is close, if the ball goes over the stand it coil end up next door.
  14. Shame, I liked Tom, he made me laugh. Seen some video's on You Tube, so I'm not sure why.
  15. At the weekend, while rearranging my bookcase, I realised I had never got around to reading The Last Hero, by Sir Terry Pratchett. So I started it yesterday, probably the only book of his I haven't read.
  16. I was watching Fargo yesterday with my 12yo daughter, after 30 mins I turned round to notice she was asleep. Film off, Tour de F on, woke wik 15km to to & explained TdF, humanely, to her.
  17. What a stupid place to live. On a day like today, when the atmospherics are at their worst, I can't pick up Hastings local Radio Station, but I can pick up 10 French talk Radios.
  18. My 10,000th really freaked people, because no-one had thought about it before. One of my Jamaican mates invited me to his 10,000th birthday, which fell on a Friday. I didn't get home until 0345 on the Monday.
  19. I had parties for my 10,000th & 15,000th, currently 21581.
  20. They had Trolley buses when you went to school, I thought you walked to the pit?
  21. Arbroath F.C. is the closest ground to the sea in the world according to wiki. One road between the ground & the North Sea, it must be bitter during the storms in Winter. Dundee, and Dundee United are the closest teams that don't groundshare.
  22. If you want to appear at the top of the pre-season football tables, just add AFC to the front of your name, this doesn't work for AFC Sunderland though.
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