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Everything posted by Wellsy4HullFC

  1. On top of that, the comparison isn't made between a club attendance and international attendance when held at Leeds or Wigan when held at London, this giving a better impression of attendance for the market. Getting 12k in London is seen as positive. Getting 12k at Wigan or Leeds isn't.
  2. ...so my plan is to relocate the brands hundreds of miles away.
  3. It's about time. Houghton has been out of form for ages and they've given everyone but Denive a go!
  4. Couldn't see well on the screen, but that looked fine to me. How'd it look on TV?
  5. I'd take him on loan this season for sure. We've got nothing to lose and it'd be entertaining at least. Wouldn't offer him a contract though unless he earns it.
  6. Jake Connor has been made available to go out on loan...
  7. It's just a bit bizarre to suggest that winning against second-tier teams in the second-tier is enough to get extra fans through the gates. Most SL clubs when relegated tend to keep a chunk of players and walk through the lower league on return to SL. I don't recall any of them increasing their support whilst doing so. Huddersfield did this in 2002, probably in greater fashion. Did they crowds increase the 3-4k they were getting in SL in 2001? There's a hell of a lot more going on at Wakefield for them to get that increase and very little of it is to do with them simply beating teams in the lower league.
  8. I assume all relegated SL clubs increased their attendance after relegation?
  9. RIP Rob. Can't find any other words right now.
  10. Jordan Abdull confirmed returning to Hull FC.
  11. I would imagine this would be in addition to, rather than in replacement of. It's not like they'll just be promoting the same squad! They'll need an entire new set of players so no reason to get rid of the amateur team they already have.
  12. 1. We're not bottom. 2. The football team don't own the ground. If it wasn't for the rugby team, it wouldn't have been built. 3. Even if it was their ground, so what? Seems a cheap point to make.
  13. Ligi Sao is another I'd like to see the back of. Absolute penalty machine. 2 in the lead up to that.
  14. With Bateman on the market, would be amazing to pair them up again! Definitely asking for too much
  15. Briers rejected a head coach role with us reportedly, so I doubt he's going to come as an assistant!
  16. Didn't see you'd made the same points as me. These are 2 huge flaws in his use of statistics. I suppose we can also take into account that some fans from within Cas may also travel outside of Cas to watch other rugby league clubs. Are we including semi pro clubs also out of interest?
  17. Did you not just say this to me earlier after a rather patronising post about me not knowing "sociology and statistics"... So if you acknowledge that some fans travel from outside Cas, why have you implied all 6k of Cas' supporters come from the town itself? You've made the mistake here of assuming that none of the RL fans attend football. Either that or you've double counted them, which would make comparing them to the town's population pointless.
  18. If we're describing rugby towns as places where the game is very popular, sure. If we're describing rugby turns as places where the game is the most popular, no.
  19. There's a lot of flaws in your logic here. Firstly, you're assuming that those that attend rugby league teams only come from those towns. Do Cas only attract people from Cas? Saints from St Helens? Or do people come from out of town also? This reduces that figure down. Secondly, there are numerous football clubs people support in these places, not just the big neighbours. Thirdly, if we include amateur clubs, the total number of people involved in not just spectating, but participating and volunteering at amateur level will dwarf rugby if both codes combined in all of these areas at every age level. Rugby is second in every town to football in practically every metric. For the record, Hull City averaged 21,980 this season. That's more than FC and KR combined and for more games.
  20. It's an interesting take and one I've thought about in the past. One thing that raised concerns for be recently was a Houghton interview not long after Smith was sacked. He said he didn't understand the comments about their being a bad culture and that he didn't think there was one. Sorry Danny, but if you can't see the issues, you're clearly part of the problem. If he thinks what we're doing is good enough and that's the results we're getting, no wonder we're in this state. We not only need someone to tell us what to do, but also to convince us that we need telling what to do in the first place!
  21. Unfortunately, that's not THE issue. It's just AN issue. One of many. I mean, in this video, there's at least two. One being the effortless warm up, the other being someone at the club thinking this is decent prep and feeling it's good enough to share online!
  22. They didn't go winless, you just showed that they won. Pointless, but not winless. The only winless team in the SL era are Toronto Wolfpack.
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