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daz39 last won the day on August 6 2022

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  1. It's not a normal action to push someone away by using your elbow on their neck though, surely he should be using his hand/palm not his arm or elbow?
  2. I'm on about in the ground, we all saw it happen and believe me there was a few choice words in the crowd after it, absolute astonishment that he actually got away with, after they were allowed to play on and score!
  3. Apart from the thousands (sorry 28) of Giants fans in the ground who all saw it as it happened and were astonished it only got put on report. Joe Greenwood got instantly red carded for the exact same incident last year, Leeds got 2 advantages, they were allowed to play on and score and stayed at 13 players, consistency simply doesn't exist in this sport.
  4. Yes, and in the opinion of a lot of our fans should have been given a chance a while ago, he's ripped the championship up with Batley, Dewsbury and Bradford so has definitely bided his time, lovely lad too, so pleased he's getting his chance and taking it.
  5. To our fans who insisted it was all Watson's fault and the players were playing bad on purpose to get him sacked, well i presume they also want Robbo gone as that was as bad as we have played all season, another pathetic, less than half a r sed, lazy effort form our guys, the ones who have done so well in getting a bit of pride back in the last 2 weeks produced that!!! McGowan, Halsall, Cudjoe and possibly Naiqama take some credit but the rest...pah, they may as well have been in the fanzone with the injured players after that showing. I know it was retro round but i don't think the idea was to play like it was 1999!!!! Probably the most dissapointed i've been after a game all year, awful awful awful.... Luckily i had my Wife's home made fish pie waiting for me when i got home so that was something to look forward to.
  6. After 3 weeks of proper coaching, Giants to kick this one!. We're already seeing a massive difference in confidence, morale and effort under Robbo than we did for the previous 3 months, the players look and sound like they're enjoying their rugby again, hopefully this carries on tonight and we put more misery on them. Giants by 8 and the play-off push to march on!.
  7. Sorry? That didn't make sense to me, can you rephrase it.
  8. Spoke to Bill many times over the years when he was part of the Sky team at Huddersfield, always had a good craic and banter with him. Condolences to family, friends and colleagues. RIP BLARTHUR....
  9. Yes please, i don't like the current system, much prefer the ref to either make a decision based on what he's seen and then the VR to confirm or rule against him as it was. Ref's have it easy by guessing what they think and dropping their mate in it to get the right call, make it simple, if the Ref isn't sure hand it up and let the video ref decide with the use of technology, i'd also go back to benefit of the doubt to the attacking side too.
  10. So have Huddersfield, something to do with not verifying their ages when they signed up? The Giants Women's account are enjoying it though....
  11. It's more annoying seeing 100's of shots of coaching boxes where there are 4 or 5 people literally just sat/stood watching the game and doning absolutely nothing, i presume this is all about trying to catch that headline moment where a coach kicks or hits something, swears or shows emotion but frankly the coaches very rarely do anything like that and in this day and age i would imagine they are mindful of being on tv every 45 seconds so reign their emotions in where they can. It's almost as if it's an automatic thing where the word coach or the name is mentioned in commentary and the camera pans to said coach immediately regardless of what's happening on the field. This is my biggest, most annoying thing about Sky's coverage and i could pick a few others but this outdo's them all. Back on the original point there was a similiar incident in the Giants v Salford game where Fartown were penalised for a tip tackle and on the very next play the same thing happened again but the viewers missed it as they were being treated to yet another replay of the previous incident. Personally i don't think we need to see a replay of EVERY penalty decision or knock on, let's keep it to the key or controversial moments.
  12. Mid season blues? as a Huddersfield fan it's usually 2nd month blues never mind mid season!! I agree about something to break the season up but we have had and tried things but they've been poo-pooed by fans/media so scrapped, Exiles series, Origin series were good ideas but half assed in organisation and not supported by the supporters, given time and effort these could have been a success but as a sport we are too quick to rubbish anything and not give things time to develop. Maybe a mid season 9's competition could be looked at instead of Magic weekend, which is far from Magic these days.
  13. That sounds like the reverse of our season under Watson, obviously not the favourites bit but the bit about attitude.
  14. That was a monster effort by Fartown after what we've been through in the last few weeks, i told my Grandson that we were definitely not losing this one tonight such was the effort and i was right, it's baffling to think we are and have been capable of putting a shift in like that but chose not to... I think Salford knew they had nothing to play for now the Watson cup has been taken away from them, they offered very little which surprised me as they usually find a few gears against us. Well happy with the effort, the win but most importantly for Robbo, he deserves that after having the unenviable task of having to lift that lot after the mess that was left. The roar from our few fans at the end was akin to beating Wigan/St Helens/Leeds back in our darker days, whether it was a roar of relief or joy i don't care, it's a sound i've missed at the soulless blue cavern. For the 1st time in weeks i can actually look forward to watching a match again, hurrah for the Claret and Gold!!!!
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