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FearNothing last won the day on April 24 2018

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  1. Knowles and Frizell both played for Wales when younger and less experienced, but both went to the bigger nations when they got good enough In fact, Frizell played for Wales in the 2011 4 Nations (still got a photo somewhere when we were beating the Aussies 8-0 at the Racecourse before they beat us, in the year that Lee Briers and Ian Watson retired from Internationals after the tournament)
  2. I know it's early in the season, but I still recon the Yeds are nailed on for automatic promotion... I just hope we can build on the good start (and get back to being a good second half team!!). How the rest of us do will be interesting to see play out..
  3. Fair Do's, The Sportsman does a pretty good job of their coverage
  4. Limited again this year for attending but glad to see a Cru win over what appears to be an improved Hurricanes, and also a decent crowd. Looking forward to getting there when I can and hopefully Cru going well into the playoffs again. Oldham, with the squad they've got, looking favourites for automatic promotion this year.
  5. BBC should show the all-amateur tie, promote the bottom end of the league setup. I was a bit disappointed they didn't show Hammersmith v west's last time around.
  6. Sorry, that was a possible answer to Griff and you asking why there aren't sufficient athletes coming forward to play RL specifically....maybe they're just softer darn sarf
  7. I recon that at least part of it is that if you play RL, you are DEFINITELY going to get a bit of a physical pounding no matter what position you play, and that is enough to put a lot of people off. A bit like boxing or american football, I suppose, only those willing to be hit will take it up. Yes there are other physical impact sports, and injuries will happen in almost any sport, but something as punishing as RL will deffo be a barrier to most.
  8. Ah well....a game too far for us today, but all credit to the lads - facing a bigger, more experienced team they dug in well. There's always next year.....
  9. in answer to the original question..... the last few weeks or so by having pretty much a full squad fit & able to play. The last couple of seasons we've finished 2nd and 3rd in the season, but gone into the playoffs with a knackered depleted squad and not fared so well. This year it's almost the mirror opposite, so have had a strong team and hit a bit of form at the right time. My only regret is that I've not managed to get to any of the games this year what with one thing and another, but I'll be screaming at the telly on Sunday afternoon and singing along when I can hear the Cru fans during the coverage!! cru....CRU....CRU-SA-DERS!!!!!
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