A few nice moments today
I was messing about in the kitchen this morning, looked out of the window, there were quite a few sparrows in the hedge at the bottom of the garden, amongst them was a bird flitting about, I could tell by the way it was moving that it was something different, on closer inspection I could see that it was a Chiffchaff, we tend to get them in most years but only once or twice per year.
About 20 minutes later, I looked out of the window again to see if I could the Chiffchaff, I saw another bird moving about strangely in the hedge, but it was moving differently from the Chiffchaff and was slightly bigger, this time it was a male Blackcap, I only recall seeing them in the garden about 3 or 4 times, the last time must have been about 10 years ago.
Next I went outside to put some rubbish in the bin and looked up to see a Red Kite flying overhead, we've seen them around more and more over the last 5 years, usually in spring or September/October time
Finally, in the afternoon, the Chiffchaff came back and I got a really good view, a beautiful looking bird, very yellowy.
Like I said, a few nice moments.