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Josef K

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Everything posted by Josef K

  1. I thought the RFL would be involved in the stats Harry so id blame them.
  2. Wow £25,000 for a club way down the pyramid that is shocking & sad.
  3. The SL site doesn’t seem to like Harry Robertson as he and his stats are invisible again. I will give the stat man the benefit of the doubt, but if he plays on Friday and remains invisible i think the RFL should be looking for a company who can do a better job. Or is it typical RL with a half arsed attempt at getting someone to keep the stats ?.
  4. Wellens is out of his depth but Rush should take a lot of the blame for our lack of quality signings. The choice to give Lomax an extended deal was terrible, i think we need a new CEO to bring in new ideas into the club.
  5. I am glad we lost because we didn’t deserve anything. Wire were by far a better side and seemed to be strolling, it felt as if they could step up another gear. As for Saints i only usually have a pint at a game because i don’t want to keep going the bogs. But i had four pints to deaden the boredom of watching a predictable plod, plod, plod, plod, plod, dolly kick into the corner. Two Saints fans were fighting in the concourse the St Helens Yoof not a clue what over. I even missed Royle’s try as i went the bog but i was told it was a nice one.
  6. Prescot Cables are in meltdown after releasing a statement on Monday that their manager & assistant manager will be stepping down with immediate effect. Following an evaluation of the clubs financial situation for the coming season. The fans are not happy and no wonder.
  7. Saints/Wire pulled in 14,800 last season. For tonight’s match i think Saints will be lucky to get 12,500.
  8. Saints have got injuries even though wellens doesn’t like to talk about ALL THE INJURIES the club have. You will never hear him say “I WONT USE ALL THE INJURIES AS AN EXCUSE, BUT WE HAVE HAD A LOT OF INJURIES BUT I WONT THAT AS AN EXCUSE”. Saints by 8.
  9. I’m going to contact them because they’re not that good, it looks as if they only do the top twenty players.
  10. I heard on the news yesterday that someone had taken some crisps into a school/college in Japan, but after a number of pupils had eaten them they fell ill.
  11. I thought there was going to be improvements on stats this season. I enjoy looking at them after each match but it is poor when a young lad Harry Robertson making his debut for Saints doesn’t even appear. I don’t know who they get the stats off or if they do it themselves. Do other sports like football & cricket miss players out after a match, if so then i apologise.
  12. I think Saints will win, but i dont know if the fans will except another marvellous, wonderful, brave, brave, brave defeat. Well some will because they’re so blinkered but as i am told by plenty of people i go the match with “i am not a proper fan” (I don’t know what a PWOPER fan is). But i wouldn’t be disappointed if Wire gave us a good hammering.
  13. It was great seeing the small following from Cas celebrating at the end of the game. The Cas hooker who came off the bench had a really good game. I joined in the booing at FT as well as doing the same at HT, they were my two highlights from a Saints fan point of view. Off the field - Rush, Wellens, Smith should bog off at the end of the season. On the field Hurrell, Davies, Royle, Bennison, Blake can go. Lomax should’ve never been offered an extended contract. I did have a ticket for this Friday’s match but i gave it to one of my daughter’s boyfriend’. That performance Vs Cas was so bad i just cannot be arsed sitting through another 80mins in the ground.
  14. I have got tickets to see them in November in Manchester they’re a great band.
  15. I had an enjoyable afternoon yesterday in the Salford sun, with a great atmosphere and no beer being thrown. Salford really are a pleasure to watch because they have so many different options. Their pack walking all over Saints’s pack was the stepping stone for their deserved victory. As For Saints i don’t know how much help wellens needs with that long line of little helpers sat with him. But whatever they’re doing isn’t helping, wellens is way out of his depth he doesn’t seem to know when to use his substitutions. for me it is Wellens OUT.
  16. I don’t like u****, id sooner watch horse racing on itv which is dreadful. They spend most of the time talking about what people are wearing, but then it is interrupted for a few minutes because of a race. But still it is more entertaining the other code.
  17. Martin i wish id appreciated your try scoring feats when you was playing against Saints. You were a great player. 1. How do you spend your free time. 2. What subjects, current events, or causes are you passionate about. 3. How long do you think you’d survive in a zombie apocalypse. 4. What is your favourite smell.
  18. I apologise if this has been mentioned before. I used to love Worcester sauce French fries, i am sure they used to be in a 6 pack with salt&vinegar, ready salted. Is there any idea why that stopped ?.
  19. Whenever i have got tickets for wembley i always make sure i am not in the “Baked Alive By The Sun Section”. Some of the people i have been with love it, shirt off basking in the sun wanting to look like a wrinkled leather jacket, but for me it is a nightmare being frazzled. I am not going but i am looking forward to watching it, it should be a cracker.
  20. I didn’t want to see him in the Red Vee for his last ten years at Saints.
  21. 11,368 at Saints last night which must be close to being 4,000 down on last year. Going on some of the people i know who are pay on the gate, with my brother being one of them if he isn’t on nights. Even he couldn’t be arsed going last night, he said “he wasn’t wasting £26 to be bored stiff by Wellens tactics”. He went on to say “if the likes of Davies & Royle are regulars in the first team i won’t even watch it on Sky”. A lot of the pay on the night fans are disenchanted with the tactics and lack of flair so are staying away.
  22. I don’t do Facebook/Twitter or any other RL site but i was wondering if leeds fans want Smith gone on them ?. They started off really well when they moved the ball out wide, then the great kick across to Ash Handley. They also defended well in the first half, but when they let Sironen offload the ball to Clark to score 5mins into the second half their heads seem to drop.
  23. I thought Leeds would win tonight i was amazed when id seen they had a +16 start on the coupon. So i put £50 on the Rhinos, and that is why i am a pleb getting up really early to go to work whilst Mr Fred Done & Denise Coates are rolling in money because of suckers like me. The leeds first try was a cracker, amazingly Saints decided to throw the ball about in the 2nd half and entertain the home fans. Decent support from the Rhinos they backed their side from start to finish. How long will they stick with Smith.
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