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Larry the Leit

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  1. I get so hot when hill walking that I often wear shorts and a t-shirt in the winter. In the summer I swap the boots for flip flops.
  2. I'm a regular in airports. As one or two of you know, I'm on tour, with my band. Everywhere I go within Europe, and in the US there is massive drive to shift Haig whisky with adverts and stands featuring David Beckham. Anyon tried it? His endorsement is as authentic as most of the Celtic tattoos seen in Superleague. I reckon he's a Tizer supper.
  3. If it snows, or if snow is forecast, always avoid Sheffield as they always get loads. In general, always avoid Hull and Goole.
  4. I hope his blood alcohol levels were normal. Read that he's stable which isn't great but it's a lot better than critical.
  5. On Friday I learned from an 83 year old former farm worker that what is now my house was regularly used in the 50s and 60s as a place in which to force rhubarb.
  6. I bought my first ever bottle of bourbon on a recent trips to the U.S. - slightly worried I've wasted my money but we shall see.
  7. Just got back. I thought that some of the acting was child-like, singing hit and miss, and the plot was very thin. Decent selection of emotional mothers though. Three stars.
  8. This evening I am going to watch the dramatisation of work of fiction. My son will play Joseph.
  9. Irrelevent, and you know it. You're too good at playing the fool to actually be one.
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