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Everything posted by JohnM

  1. Why is holding an opinion based on observation so strange? Is it a concept you are not familiar with? For some reason you automatically disagree with any opinion and all opinions I post. How strange.
  2. The answer might have been shorter if you'd asked "when wasn't he sulking". Something in his demenour seems to have changed in recent seasons, which is a shame considering he is without doubt the greatest driver of modern times.
  3. Its not an attack. In any case , the code of conduct didn't apply to a recent topic on the main forum.
  4. Looks like you've lost your way yet again,sonny. This is AOB, not leftwing ignorant bigots (aka political sub forum)
  5. There were always spectacular crowds at Tyburn for public hangings and at the Place de La Revolution for guillotinings. The Sun has the highest newspaper circulation and the Daily Mail the busiest web site. Doesn't make them any good though.
  6. News of the demise of Alain Graillot has reached me via my bro-in-law who indulges. https://www.winespectator.com/articles/alain-graillot-who-led-frances-crozes-hermitage-appellation-to-prominence-dies
  7. Overreaction. Things are fine at Trafford Untied. Leave well alone.
  8. Jeez, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  9. They've mover the temporary traffic lights on the A52 near us.
  10. Motorbiking is the way forward. Much better fuel consumption than cars. I get around 65 mpg. 22 of us on a social ride-out yesterday, Sunday. 22 bikes at an average of 50 mpg (several BMW 1600s, 1200GSs, KTM 1290s etc) By my calculations that's 2.27 miles per gallon. We should have hired a coach instead?
  11. Is that because of Leeds' attractive and winning rugby, or because there is nothing better to do in Leeds?
  12. I hear someone on here wants a local plumber and someone else wants a sparkie. Maybe I can help. Have you tried Facebook?
  13. Hmm. what could he do that would be powerful enough to break through the barrier of newsworthy Premier League, Championship, rugby union, crikit, news items? The game is the thing. The season is the thing. Best start to that for years. You only have to look at the traffic volumes on here. Off season, AOB seems busy and main forum limps along. On season and the position is reversed.
  14. Just a thought. His absence from the media, if indeed he was , might possibly be due to the fact that for months, its been our off season when nothing has been happening of any newsworthy note. As I said, just a thought.
  15. Despite being dragged up in the heart of Lowry-land (who knows, I might even have been one of his stick men ) one of my favourites is Norman Rockwell. Regarded more as an illustrator than an artist, his images told their own stories. My dad used to bring home Saturday Evening Post magazines sent from the USA, which is how I was introduced to Rockwell's art.
  16. We were posh in Lowry land (Swinton and Pendlebury.) We had "backins" instead.
  17. No. But it could if it were part of a wider "Rugby League Cares on the road " initiative in addition to a fixed location. Perhaps the very word "museum" needs replacing with something like "festival".
  18. Yes. If they were merged, the thread attendance would surely increase. Unless people boycott it because they object to thread mergers.
  19. Good point indeed. Of course, like any critic of anything or anyone these days, I don't need facts to support my case. However, the Twickers example supports the case for not having the museum at any stadium. Only those making the pilgrimage on their hands and knees on the Path of the Blessed St. Inverdale from Rugby School to Twickenham ever get there. Hardly the best spot for passing sports fan trade. Some history of the National Football Museum here, including funding. Museum History - National Football Museum Looks like a model for us to follow. chances are slim though, as one may think that Rugby League Cares have already taken the time to look into that. But Hudds? No. Waste of time and money.
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