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FearTheVee last won the day on July 23 2021

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  1. Are the usual tactics working hard and defending well? Scored some really dull tries the last time we played Hudds . . . . .
  2. That's fair enough but Saints have faced a lot of highly motivated and eager opposition in recent times and not made those sorts of errors. In fact our success has been based on calmness in those situations which went missing both last week vs Catalans and this week vs Wire. As I said though - Wire were great and fair play to them.
  3. Fair play to Wire - very good performance and a cracking result. Well done. Haven't watched it back but thought we were really poor with some basic uncharacteristic errors. Our game relies on us being pretty error free but the last couple of weeks we've falled way short in that regard and when we do it becomes very difficult for us given lack of pace across the backs and halves.
  4. Easy isn’t it. Wigan should have just scored 20 and they would have been fine.
  5. Not sure why any of that excuses his approach on live TV, particularly if he's so keen on setting an example to young Aboriginal kids as you say.
  6. When I read his post I read him saying that the majority (which I take as more than half) would get walloped "by the four teams on show" - namely Roosters, Broncos, Souths and Manly. Four of the biggest clubs in the NRL. There is nothing remotely outlandish about that claim IMO. Most of the bottom half of SL get walloped by the top half of SL let alone some of the biggest clubs in the NRL.
  7. Nobody, including the person you quoted, said every SL side would get walloped by every NRL side. That is your straw man.
  8. We all know where we stand. The best SL teams would be competitive, below the top two or three it would be embarrassing. Pretending that our best side winning the WCC changes that is daft.
  9. Think this will be much closer than everyone is suggesting, and should be a good game to watch.
  10. The “winning try” was scored on 55 minutes. Still plenty of time for Penrith to win the game but they weren’t good enough to and appeared to be trialling a new strategy of getting caught on the last and/or doing nothing with the ball.
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