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  1. Tough yes, but I still believe he is their best chance yet of setting something up domestically. The cashed-up Aussies have been "trying" for the last 29 years. This guy (as he said in the interview) is trying a completely new approach. They have absolutely nothing to lose and I would love nothing more than to see him succeed.
  2. What league do Goole currently play in? Surely this is a little unfair on their opponents? Could it be that RFL are requiring them to gain promotion via the NCL leagues? So they are start their push to clim their way up to League One? (eventually)
  3. France win 40-0. Hopefully next year England send their full team rather than a "community lions" team as they seem to have done this year.
  4. Actually, I hate to say it, but you are wrong. He was in the squad, but did not see a single minute of match time. Neither did the only other genuine Italian, Mirco Bergamasco, who was a former Italy RU international. As is often the case, both were given the "honour" of carrying water for the Aussie boys.
  5. Great to see that this is being played up in Nantes too. On the stream it sounds like there are a few hundred there too.
  6. It wasn't really even directed at you. Just a ore-emptive strike, as I know the mere mention of RFL around here is a slippery slope and can derail any kind of topic.
  7. Yes, what I was saying is that there are already quite a few of these "RL nuts" out there who have already gotten the ball rolling in various places. So we'd be best off trying to bolster their efforts in any way possible, rather than putting trying to get more people to 'start things from zero'. Ideally you want both, but when it comes to the scarce resources we have, if we have to focus on one, then I'd be focusing on the former. As for BARLA (which I believe these days are usually touring as various regional Lionhearts teams), I have to say they do seem to still be doing tours of Europe fairly regularly. More of it would definitely be a good thing. In any case, please let's not turn this into another "it's the RFL's fault!" thread please!
  8. I liked when they introduced the ruke that the ref had to state their opinion before sending it to the VR. It put just a bit of onus on them, it seemed to me they were just sending everything up to VR on a whim and getting lazy. I see no reason to change it.
  9. Great post and very well articulated. Only on this last point I "disagree". The people you describe are already here! I could actually point you to one of these people in several countries in Europe alone. The problem is, this needs to be coupled with some resource. Otherwise the inevitable eventually happens, these passionate people eventually run out of steam. As you say, not only they do all the heavy lifting, they are often the targets of all the criticism and in many cases are using their own money to plug the financial holes along the way. It is the worst of both worlds in many ways. So until any resource is given to compliment the great work they are doing, then it is very difficult to establish any strong, long-lasting foundations in any of these places. Think of how many nations appeared and started off with a bang, only to eventually fade away (Turkey, Spain probably the two best examples). This is why a profitable WC and IRL are essential. Financial backing for these minnow nations is the difference between merely existing or thriving.
  10. Great interview here with the new coach Gioele Celerino, who seems very ambitious, keen to try a new approach and seems willing to undertake many tasks beyond coaching the national team, start with setting up teams that will play RL all year round. Good luck to him, this is 100% the right approach! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/white-line-fever-kicks/id1527296930?i=1000663051951 (Starts at 07:40)
  11. Great story! I did not realise the history of the game in the region went so far back!
  12. Anyone know how many this stand holds?
  13. Not sure I agree with that. Did you see the size of some of the American lads? Most are Pacific Islanders and I would say on average their players had a 10kg weight advantage on the Serbian boys. Yes, they are new to League, but most are coming from an RU background.
  14. Yes there was an article saying Ukraine had 5 Aussies (4 players, 1 coach I believe) that flew in for the matches. Serbia I believe are 100% domestic. Their match with USA today should be interesting, though I expect USA to win.
  15. Yes, they said that in the post-match interview with Steve Mascord. I suppose he hope is that this might be the start of some new youth activity in the US?
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