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    North West
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    Rugby League, Football and Speedway.

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  1. Be quiet. You are helping the young lad get a move into Super League !.
  2. Been a good pro. Championship for him next year.
  3. They still have to play each other. I do think it will be Wakey that drop tbh. Cas will get away with it. But I tell you what, They had better get busy in Winter. Because next season the relegation battle will be between them and Fev. And I reckon it will be Fev that stay up. They will bring a lot to Super League. Actually looking forward to seeing them in it.
  4. Latest score, 60-0 Fev. Give the Championship clubs some hope. Give whoever they are playing each week a 30 point start !.
  5. So he was a poor coach. His playing career was amazing. International included. He was a loyal player. Proud of his County. Would never have come over here. I respect that. He knows more than all of us on here. He tells it like it is. But at the end of the day, it's only a opinion. I honestly think his comments on RL are more worthwhile than any of the football ones. Oh, Especially the Nevilles !. He should be treated the same as the other players that have represented their Country. To read that the other week was very disappointing. Schoey you are a Legend of the game.
  6. Don't write Bradford off. Been excellent since Dunning left. The one match they did lose was against Toulouse. That sort of backs your prediction up tbh. I rate Bulls. Look at just their try scorers alone today, Quality.
  7. Think you are. Sykes was sin binned during that game at some point.
  8. I would have gone to Oldham had I not been skint. See when it gets rearranged now.
  9. Well I cannot call any attendances today. I have no room to talk. Was meant to be going watching my other lot, Oldham. Got a unexpected bill. Listening on Radio instead. Tut tut !.
  10. Makinson. His spectacular tries. Can defend. Even in this modern game. Marshall. Try machine. Under rated. One of my favourite players.
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