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The Masked Poster

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The Masked Poster last won the day on August 1 2023

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  1. Just an update on this. I now have a minimum wage job and it's boring and repetitive. But I only work Monday-Thursday and I've never been happier. Luckily I have no mortgage now, so it would be different otherwise but truly, money is NOT everything.
  2. I rewatched the 1966 WC final yesterday. I suppose I thought there was a huge amount of rose tinted specs involved here, but actually, they were a bloody great team and could have won by a lot more! The ref was noticeable by his lack of presence.....and not whistling every 2 minutes. It was football I grew up watching- and it was fantastic. (Which is not to knock the modern team either)
  3. It's quite pathetic really for a small time sport to have such hatred. But still, if it makes you happy, crack on lads.
  4. The one thing that football events like the Euros or World cup provide is drama that simply is very rarely matched by anything else. Regardless of whether the game is 89 minutes of tedium, that last minute of drama will have whole countries, if not continents jumping up and down. And that is the reality.
  5. Wakefield are doing ok at the moment and*seem* to have a decent future. Why not worry about them rather than hating Bradford? I can honestly assure you that you will benefit for it. I remember you being a bit hard of understanding so I'll repeat it: I aren't a Bradford supporter. But Bradford HAVE screwed up, been punished for it and suffered accordingly. For how long do you think they should be punished? Maybe tar and feathers? Sad.
  6. How exactly is it paranoia? Have you ever read this forum? They are inhabited by bitter and spiteful Halifax, Huddersfield and Wakefield etc fans hoping to dance on their grave - it goes beyond mere local rivalry. If Bradford fold tomorrow, whilst I would be sad to see it, wouldn't affect my life. But the fact is that nothing, but nothing less than Bradford ceasing to exist would satisfy these ghouls and they would actually delight in it. You mention a cash strapped sport....but the loss of teams like Bradford is a huge factor in that. Don't worry though, I'm actually going to Odsal on Sunday (friend got me a ticket )and will be sure to buy a few more drinks, if only to annoy you.
  7. Pretty much all these objections and complaints are based on not the overall good of the game but this ludicrous hatred of Bradford, that for some reason still exists even though they will never get back anywhere near where they were. I suspect only the complete removal of existence of Bradford would pacify most on here.
  8. Definitely watching, even though I'm not the biggest fan of the modern game. Regardless of anything else, it's one of the rare times that unite almost everybody. I'm actually going to the Bradford/Wakefield game earlier in the day too, so both bases covered.
  9. Do I think it was? Maybe not. But in the modern day, I can see why it was given. And that's all you can do, accept the decision, good and bad - and England have had plenty of bad.
  10. Very good performance by England. Spain are definitely still the favourites but in a final, who knows? Great to see so much enjoyment around!
  11. Yes but it's all about the result. If Spain lose, all their fantastic displays will have counted for nothing. If England win, all their dreary performances will be forgotten.
  12. I'm going to Las Vegas in November, so I'm going to make a point of looking out for any promotional stuff for this event. A great development IMO and RL has definitely missed the gung ho "next stop Barcelona" attitude of the earlier Super League years. Great to see someone taking the initiative.
  13. Spain deserve to win this, they are the best side by a country mile. I mean, I'd like England to win it but if they don't then Spain are very deserving of the title . That said, the semi final could well have taken a lot out of them and they might not be as explosive as they've been all tournament so far. But probably not.
  14. You'll have to forgive me mate. I was raised on average players like Cruyff, Pele, Beckenbaur etc.
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