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Spidey last won the day on May 24 2021

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  1. Just shows the criteria is too soft. Wakey & Wigan (for instance) shouldn’t be in the same category at the moment.
  2. Yep. I reckon there’s plenty of NCL clubs with a bigger coach bill than some SL clubs
  3. I really want to know where you can hire a coach for £700 for a return to London from St Helens. That’s very cheap
  4. It was just a number plucked out of thin air tbh. I’m not sure how you value a competition
  5. What did Sky pay to move the sport to Summer & setup SL? - probably that amount plus inflation would be a fair price
  6. Broncos don't score well on the spreadsheet Broncos don't look good on the table See you in the Championship next year
  7. Real trouble now. Kyle Amor announced as coach
  8. Isn’t it only £24k. £14k salaries plus £10k tax bill? How many times is this for Whitehaven now?
  9. Not sure about individual sanctions but the team did get disqualified
  10. Just a winding up my work for the day so switched on the olympics and found Break Dancing. Snoop Dogg obviously opening the tournament
  11. Get him to sign up. Don’t he know how much you hate the BbC
  12. If you have sky it’s free. Well it was for me
  13. Watch on Eurosport / Discovery plus. Commentators are okay for me, and on the app there’s an uninterrupted option for all sports
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