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Cult TV Special Thread-Brian Clemens' Thriller (1973-76).

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Dicky's party is in full swing at his flat. All the cast are there. Loud music and booze.
Tony to Anne" living next door to Dicky, he has to invite me, or I complain about the noise"
A " what, can't hear you?"
Penny is sitting by herself in a corner of the room, Mark comes up to her.
M " I'm sorry Penny, my fault, it was a massive mistake asking you here. I'll get you a taxi"
Dicky comes up,
D " done that ten minutes ago, I could see it was a mistake"
P " thanks Dicky, lovely party"
D " but not for you, not at this time"
M " I'll walk you to the taxi"
D " aha, no Mark, host's privilege"
Dicky leads Penny out and downstairs to the street. The party goes on. Five minutes later Dicky returns looking dishevelled, his glasses smashed, blood on his face.
M " Dicky what happened, is Penny alright ?"
D " yes, she got in the taxi, a car was waiting, it nearly ran me down. So close ..almost killed me"
Anne hands Dicky a scotch.
D " thanks , no damage, just to my glasses"
T " we've had a run of incidents with cars, poor Larry, my tyres and now Dicky. Coincidence I suppose"
Mark looks thoughtful,
M " coincidence? I'm not so sure"
The next day at the studio Tony is annoyed,
T" Penny is late on set, give her a bigger role and she thinks she's some sort of star "
Penny in her nun's habit walks onto set, carrying the bible Rook gave her. Rook is there, an onlooker with his visitor pass.
P " look Mr Rook, your bible, it'll be in the show today"
R " I'm so grateful Sister Mary, I want you to see something"
He opens his attaché case and pulls out a magazine.
R " volume 1 issue 1 the Sister Mary fan club official magazine. For you."
Penny quickly looks through it,
P " it's very professional looking Mr Rook. Must have cost a lot"
R " worth every penny, nothing but the best for you Sister Mary"
Penny turns to the others,
P " sorry I'm a bit late"
On set - in Mother Superior's office, just Penny and Tony,.Mary and Father.
Father" you are too young Mary to make a decision like this, that is all I have to say"
Mary " Father please, you don't own me, I will decide, you will not ruin my life like you did Mother's"
F " how dare you!"
Tony slaps Penny on the face.
Director " and cut....fantastic both of you" Penny leaves, Tony says to the director in a hush voice,
T " between you and me I enjoyed slapping that young thing! She came on set five minutes late, she's getting too big for her boots if you ask me"
Dir " never mind Tony luv, see you tomorrow"
Tony leaves for the dressing rooms, Rook glares at him.

Tony and Anne are standing in the corridor outside the dressing rooms, Penny comes out of her room. Tony all smiles and politeness in front of Penny.
T " nicely played today, very nice. Hope I didn't slap you too hard"
Mark comes along with Dicky.
M " here Penny don't forget this" He hands Penny the fan club magazine.
T " what's this? Sister Mary fan club. I don't believe it!"
M " that's right Tony, a lot of fans rooting for Penny. Don't be sore Tony, I'm sure you've got your fans too"
Mark and Penny leave together. Dicky turns to Tony,
D " Tony, I've got to work late tonight, do us a favour and feed my cat will you?"
T " oh, god"
D " please Tony, you've done it before, here's the key, leave it under the mat"
T " okay "
Dicky leaves , Anne fancies winding Tony up a bit.
A " come on Tony, mustn't leave the fans waiting, they're probably hordes of them outside now wanting a piece of you!"
Tony knows when he's being goaded and storms off in a huff.
Tony enters Dicky's flat and in to the kitchen. A cat is there meowing.
T " okay okay, bloody moggy, I'm feeding you"
He gets a can of cat food from the cupboard and opens it , placing the lid down on the worktop. He bends down and spoons the food into the bowl.
Behind him a black gloved hand picks up the lid, Tony looks up, too late, the serrated lid is slashed across his face, not once but twice.
Rook " keep away from Sister Mary"
Blood goes everywhere, even onto the cat.
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Dicky has told Anne and Mark and Penny what happened at the studio the next day.
A " I know he was a bore and an incredible egotist, but who would want to do that to him?"
D " police reckon he must have interrupted a burglar doing over my place..there was so much blood.....so much...he's in a coma....touch and go on whether he'll pull through"
P " are you okay Dicky?"
D " just a bit shaken, to think, it could have been me"
The director comes up to them,
Dir " okay people, you know about Tony, we must assume he's not coming back. The writers have decided his character will die in a car crash"
Later on set, in Mother Superior's office.
MS " I'm sorry Mary, very sorry"
Mary " my father? is he badly hurt"
MS " very badly..you must face it Mary , he may not pull through"
Rook is watching at home, the credits roll, a close up on Mary's tearful face. Rook touches his hand on the tv screen.
R " don't cry Sister Mary, I did it for you, he was so brutal to you"
Penny is in her flat with Mark
M " ready Penny, it's about thirty minutes to the hospital"
The phone rings, Mark picks it up, it's Rook, he hands phone to Penny.
M ( whispering) " your pet nut"
P " yes Mr Rook"
R " just reminding you about the 10th. The opening of the club premises...you can come"
P " erm...okay sure"
R " I'll pick you up at four. We're going to immortalize you Sister Mary, so you'll be remembered forever and ever"
P " that sounds interesting, see you on the 10th Mr Rook"
She puts phone down.
P " says he's going to immortalize me"
M " that's one kook I can rule out"
P " of what?"
M " my theory. I think someone has it in for the show. Think about it, Dicky, me, now Tony"
P " but who could hate the show so much"
M " dunno...come on let's go"


In the hospital Tony is in intensive care, a man at the bedside, who stands as Mark and Penny arrive.
DSM " Detective Sergeant Moore. Are you relatives?"
M " no work colleagues"
DSM " of course, saints and sinners, I recognise you, you're Sister Mary"
P " that's right. How is he?"
DSM " not good, in a coma, probably die without coming out of it, poor sod"
Tony is heavily bandaged, only a part of the left side of his face unbandaged.
A couple of days later, it's the 10th, Rook arrives at Penny's flat, she is in full nun costume.
R " four o'clock on the dot , just like I said I would. I see you've done what I asked, thank you"
P " I feel silly wearing these clothes off set"
R " seems right that the Sister Mary fan club should be opened by Sister Mary....as she really is"
P " how far is it to this club?"
R " not far , about 15 minutes"
Meantime Mark is back at Tony's bedside, along with Detective Sergeant Moore.
DSM ( doing crossword) " can you think of a nine letter word meaning retribution? It'll have to start with a Q and end in X , unless I've got all the others wrong. I'm hopeless with these puzzles "
M "any change ?"
DSM " nope "
Suddenly there's a groan from Tony, he's regained consciousness.
DSM " can you hear me Mr Barton?"
T ( quietly)" hurt me...hurt me.."
DSM " who, who hurt you?"
T " man.."
DSM " what man Mr Barton, did he say anything to you?"
T " yes...keep away from sister.."
Tony slips into unconsciousness.
DSM " okay we got something, keep away from my sister...could be a revenge attack, someone's sister and Mr Barton...the brother didn't like it"
M " no no, he didn't finish, not my sister, but sister Mary, that's what he was trying to say, I'm sure ,that's what the guy who mugged me said, keep away from Sister Mary"
DSM " what Saints and Sinners?"
M " it must be"
In the meantime Rook and Penny have arrived at the club premises, situated in a dingy street in an industrial estate.
They get out of the car.


R "here it is"
A large steel door, above it a sign - THE SISTER MARY FAN CLUB HQ.
Rook opens the door, they go in to the old grey bricked building. As the door slams shut, the sign outside falls off, revealing this sign- WATSONS COLD FOOD STORAGE.

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Penny looks around the room, very impressed. It's an exact replica of the studio set, courtyard, convent building outer wall, Mother Superior's office.
P." it's incredible Mr Rook"
R " I made it all myself"
P " it's a bit cold in here isn't it"
R " yes, I bought the place off of a meat storage company"
P " where are the other members?"
R " they'll be along shortly, I thought I could have you to myself for awhile before they come. You wouldn't begrudge me that?"
Rook pours sherry into a glass and offers it to Penny.
P " thank you"
Meanwhile Mark and Moore have arrived at Penny 's flat.
DSM " that's marvellous, she keeps a key under the mat, and then tells you"
M " I'm a friend"
They enter, Mark sees the fan club magazine on the coffee table.
DSM " you say she's gone with this Rook character"
M " yes, a fan, hang on, you know what fan is short for"
DSM " I told you I'm no good at puzzles "
M " fanatic, an obsessive, he idolises her, cares for her, surely he won't harm her"
Moore looks at the magazine's first page.
DSM " listen to this, President Rook, secretary Rook, treasurer Rook, but no address where we can find him..wait a minute...the printers will know"


Penny wanders around the club premises, and sees the huge poster of herself in character on the far wall. Actually it's not on the wall, but hanging loosely from a beam about two foot from the wall.
P " what's behind here?"
She peers round and sees a glass coffin on a dais.

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R " oh dear I wanted that to be a surprise Sister Mary. That's for the finale"
P " this doesn't appear in the show, the writers wouldn't be happy you changing anything Mr Rook"
R " that's just the show, this is real life"
Rook seems totally mad and unpredictable, he now can it seems differentiate between fact and fantasy.
P " the other members Mr Rook, shouldn't they be here by now"
R " other members....yes I always meant to .....but I couldn't share you, I just couldn't. And all those people wanting you, sharing you, I couldn't deal with all of them, not all, well could I ? This way I won't have to"
Rook is totally insane.

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Moore and Mark arrive at Rook's place. He lodges with an old woman in a house.
Woman. " this is his room Sergeant"
They all go in, and see something unexpected. The wall is totally covered in photos of Penny, in and out of a nun's habit. An altar with candles is in the corner
M " Jesus Christ!"
DSM " he's in a world of his own"
Moore opens a desk and takes out more photos.
DSM " my god, these aren't of Miss Stacey, these are of a girl who went missing eighteen months ago. Rook is dangerous and dangerous people are unpredictable...in a fantasy world , look invoices"
Moore gives some of the paper invoices to Mark.
DSM " come on give me a hand, look through them"
They both flick through reams of invoices.
DSM " here's one, a purchase of a cold storage plant, not more than ten minutes from here"
Mark reads an invoice with great concern.
M " oh my god, he said he was going to immortalize her, this is for embalming fluid"


Penny is feeling extremely sleepy, yawning.
Rook " that'll be the tablets I put in the sherry. Triple dose of sedatives. I take them when I can't sleep. I couldn't bare to break your skin, so when you're asleep I'll suffocate you. And I'll preserve you for ever and ever. I've read all the books on the subject of embalming, got all the apparatus, I'm sure I can do it.
You see Mummy was wrong, I can think for myself"
Penny has collapsed on a pew in the copy of the set that Rook has constructed. Rook leans over her, stroking her face!
R" you see I'm not religious , but I can recognise good, there are so many bad people and not enough good ones, and you are so good Sister Mary, we must preserve all the good people, and this place is so cold, it's perfect"
There's a huge thud on the outside door, it flies open, in run Moore and Mark.
DSM " stay where you are Rook, police."
Rook is no fighter, he runs, up some stairs, leading to a gallery running around the storage chamber.
DSM " Field, up the other stairs we'll cut him off"
Rook is trapped in the middle as Moore and Mark close in, Mark reaches him and tries to grab him, Rook lashes out with a swipe of an arm, he loses balance , and falls screaming into the glass coffin below. He lies across the shattered glass coffin, blood coming from his mouth.


A huge glass shard punctured his stomach. He staggers to his feet and falls through the poster of Penny towards her.


R " I did it for you Sister Mary"
Rook dies at her feet. Mark picks Penny up, on to her feet, she is just about awake.
DSM " I'll call for an ambulance"
Penny looks at the dead Rook, a mixture of disgust and pity, Mark walks her into the fresh air outside, safe at last.

Rook.....Robert Powell
Penny( Sister Mary)....Jennie Linden
Mark Fields.....George Maharis
Tony Barton.....Anthony Newlands
Mother Superior.....Joan Hawthorne
Dicky......Derek Fowlds
Larry....Leigh Lawson
TV Director....Gerry Cowan
Det. Moore.....Windsor Davies

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Taylor is a desperate man, he drives along the motorway late at night, in a hurry, constantly viewing his rear mirror to see if he's being followed.


He turns off the motorway onto a road leading to the Woodheath Motel. He enters reception and goes up to desk. Sam a man in his fifties checks him in, and hands him room 4 key.
Taylor enters room 4 and relaxes, he feels safe.
A little while later two men approach Sam at the desk, Sam nods and hands them pass key , they enter room 4.
Taylor is in the shower when suddenly the shower curtain is drawn back. The two intruders stare at Taylor, the larger one, Roscoe holds a knife and without saying anything he calmly stabs Taylor in the stomach. Taylor collapses, his blood trickles away down the plug hole mixing with the water. Roscoe and his mate Terry return the key to Sam at desk, Sam nods and carries on reading his paper, it's all in a day's work at the Woodheath Motel.

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Mike and Helen Spencer arrive at the Woodheath Motel, park the car outside in the car park, and Mike leaves and asks Helen to give him 5 minutes before entering herself. Mike signs in at reception and Sam hands him key to room 4. Inside room 4 Mike puts a case down on the bed and opens it, to reveal electronic surveillance equipment. He takes out a bugging device and conceals it under a table lamp.
Helen enters motel and is shown into room 7, across the corridor from room 4.
Helen waits a few minutes then surreptitiously leaves her room making sure no one sees her knocking lightly on the door of room 4. Mike lets her in and the two discuss a delicate situation. Mike is troubled, the firm he works for have started an audit of the accounts and Mike knows they'll find it short of 40,000 pounds. Helen says," but you didn't take it Mike."
Mike, " as my sister I doubt your view will be considered impartial, I just don't know who to trust. Burns will point the finger at me, but he's the only other person to have access to the account, it must be him who stole it."
Mike is here because he received a phone call from Burns secretary Janice Freeman that Burns wants a meeting here at the Woodheath, and says Mike, " whatever happens in this room I want a witness."
Mike hands her a walkie talkie and shows her the bugging device, " now go back to your room Helen and wait for Burns, we've got about half an hour."
Helen leaves with a recording device, and Mike lays on the bed waiting to see what Charles Burns , his colleague and probable thief is going to say, possibly a deal to split the money he stole.
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Helen in her room also lays on her bed, takes a book out of her bag and starts reading.
Roscie and Terry approach Sam at the desk, he nods and looks over to room 4. Roscoe knocks on door, Mike answers it and Roscoe and Terry barge in.
In room 7 on Helen's walkie talkie the sound of a struggle is heard as Mike fights for his life. Unfortunately Helen is oblivious to the sound as she has fallen asleep.
Room 4 door opens, Roscoe carries Mike's body out and walks off down corridor.
Helen awakes, looks at her watch , calls Mike up on the radio, but gets no answer.


She hurries out of room and enters room 4 to see Sam in room cleaning and tidying.
Sam, " can I help you Miss?"
Helen, " the man who has this room, where is he?"
Sam, " the room is vacant Miss, no one been here for sometime."
Helen worried, " what?! A man checked in before me, he signed for room 4."
Sam, " oh him, he left Miss, didn't like the room. Why, do you know him?"
Helen, ". er no, it's just that he lent me some cigarettes and I wanted to pay him back."
Sam, " oh I see Miss, we have a machine in reception for cigarettes Miss."
Helen backs out of room in a state of some confusion.
Meanwhile Roscoe has entered room 7, and sees the walkie talkie, picks it up and runs out and shows Sam.
Helen makes a dash for the front door and runs for her car.


Sam to Roscoe, " get her!"
Helen drives off and heads down the road, Roscoe in pursuit in his car. Helen stops at a phone kiosk, runs into kiosk and dials for the operator. She makes a reverse charge call to Mike's fiance Kathy Nesbitt.
Kathy is relaxing in her apartment when she gets the call, Helen tells her she's in the Woodheath Motel at Minsterley and Mike is in trouble and has disappeared, suddenly though the call is ended. Roscoe has yanked open the door of kiosk and grabs phone. Helen terrified as Roscoe, the 6 foot plus giant looms over her.


Kathy concerned, " Helen..Helen....Operator what's happened to my call."
Operator, " sorry caller the connection has been broken."

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Charles Burns is in his office along with an auditor, his secretary Janice and two policemen, Turner and Osgood.
Kathy enters and senses something is wrong. Burns tells her the accounts have been milked for 40,000 pounds and now after examining the foreign account that is missing £60,000. Janice the secretary has just entered from her office and is shocked, " oh god!"


Turner wants to know where Mike is, Kathy defensive says Mike is not a thief and she doesn't know where he is, but his sister Helen phoned her to say Mike's in trouble.
Turner, " he certainly is Miss. Did she say where he is or where she was calling from."
Kathy has no intention of revealing this, " er no she didn't say."


At the Woodheath Motel Sam is making a call to a client, " oh you can't talk right now? You've got the police there? I see, well we've done what you asked, no problem there, but there's a complication ,his sister turned up, we've put her on ice, so we need to discuss what to do ."........
..........and Charles Burns replaces the receiver after a phone call.

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The next day Kathy turns up at the motel.
She signs in and is transfixed by a gold watch on Sam's wrist, she says nothing and is shown into room 7.
The maid is in there dusting and cleaning, her name is Petra a middle-aged lady.
Kathy sees a paperback book on the bedside table, picks it up, it's the one Helen was reading.
Kathy, " who does this belong to?"
Petra," previous occupant I guess Miss."
Kathy, " can I have it I could do with something to read."
Petra, " certainly Miss."


Later that day Kathy is in the office of Mr Lee, private detective, she tells him of her worries about Mike.
Kathy, " the gold watch, I gave it to Mike, it had an inscription on the back."
Lee," but you didn't see the back did you?"
Kathy, "well no, but this book ,the one I recommended to Helen, the same one in the room"
Lee, " there was 100,000 copies printed, it doesn't mean a thing, nor the watch."
Kathy," not on their own but together.."
Lee, " look sweetheart has it occurred to you Mike doesn't want to be found, they might be hiding him. He takes the money then lays low for a bit until the heat's off."
Kathy, " NO, Mike is not a thief."
Lee seems a real low life Private Eye, slimy and enjoys the dirty side of the business and a womaniser to boot.


Lee, " I can't stand this cloak and dagger stuff, divorce is much more interesting, you never know what'll turn up. I tell you what , I'll make some enquiries, sniff around, because I like you."
Kathy, " what about your retainer."
Lee sees his chance, " I'll have a poke around the motel, then meet you in your room to discuss payment , which room is it?"
" Seven."
Lee grips her wrist, " fine, you wait for me and I'll come round about 7 this evening, we can have a drink and discuss developments and erm...payment. "


Later that afternoon Turner and Osgood arrive at the Woodheath Motel, they've traced the phone call from Helen as coming from a phone box nearby.
They speak to Sam who denies seeing Mike Spencer , they walk out of motel as Roscoe and Terry walk in.
Turner turns to Osgood, " did you notice that man coming in, the big one?"
Osgood, " nope."
Turner, " observation was always your weakness."
Osgood, " ah, but give me a set of cooked account books and I can spot the bad 'un."
Turner, " well I'm the same with faces and that one definitely is from the rogues gallery."
Roscoe worried goes up to Sam, " police Sam?"
Sam, " nothing to worry about just routine, Spencer's body get it out of here."
Later in the nearby woods a courting couple are walking near a lake, as couples in love often do, they playfully tease each other, the girl runs off urging her boyfriend to find her in a game of hide and seek.
She hides behind a tree, when suddenly something brushes the back of her head. She turns, and screams, Mike's body is hanging by the neck from a branch.


Later, Lee arrives at the motel and heads for the garage at the back, he uses a hairpin to open door and sees Mike's car, he examines it, it's been repainted.
Lee enters the reception and up to Sam.
Lee doesn't waste time, " Mike Spencer, I know you're hiding him, I've seen his car repainted, let's go somewhere to discuss terms."
Sam and Lee go into the kitchen.


Sam, " who exactly are you?"
Lee, " call me an opportunist, I've read the papers , Mike Spencer got away with 100,000 , I'll take a slice of your slice."
Sam, " how long have I got to think about it?"
Lee, " five minutes."
Sam, " no....not nearly as long as that."
Sam picks up a kitchen knife and runs through Lee.
Roscoe enters and sees Lee dead on floor.
Roscoe, " who was he?"
Sam, " called himself an opportunist, but he came at a very inopportune moment, tried to squeeze us."
Roscoe, " what we're going to do?"
Sam points to chest freezer, " we could put him on ice till we think of something, it'll confuse the time of death. I need to speak to our client."

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Kathy in room 7 opens the evening newspaper she has just collected from reception. The headline screams out, WANTED BUSINESSMAN FOUND HANGED, with a picture of Mike.
Kathy is distraught and cries.

Sam answers the phone at reception, " oh hello I was about to call you, yeah..hmm okay it's a bit short notice but we can manage, we need to discuss this in person."

Charles Burns arrives at the motel and is given room 4. The deadly routine plays out.
A knock on the door and Burns answers it to see Roscoe and Terry framed in the doorway, menacingly standing there.
Burns, " yes gentlemen can I help you?"
Roscoe and Terry push their way in.
In the kitchen later Roscoe cleans his hands and the bloodstained knife, and says to Terry , "Sam's a genius ,best racket I've ever been in, and so simple. Give yourself an alibi, send your victim to us and we do the rest. We're going to be rich Terry."

Later Kathy has recovered her composure after the shock of Mike's death, and picks up phone to Motel switchboard, Petra answers it.
Petra," switchboard here."
Kathy, " can you get me Minsterley 391, a Mr Lee please."
A few minutes later, " sorry room 7 , no answer on that number, I can try later if you want."
Kathy, " yes please. "

Kathy pokes her head out of her room and quietly walks to reception, no one is around and she enters kitchen. No one here either, Roscoe and Terry have been told by Sam to dump Mike's car and have left motel.
Kathy looks around kitchen , she notices blood stain near freezer, and opens it, to see it full of frozen food. She removes top layer of food, jumps in horror as Lee's face stares up at her.

She hears footsteps, and looks for a hiding place, and opens broom cupboard door and out flops Helen half dazed lying on floor.
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Kathy drags Helen back into cupboard and hiding as Sam enters to cook himself eggs.

Janice Freeman, Burns secretary enters motel and Sam shows her into a private office.
Sam , " no problem with Burns but the price is now 15 grand not 10."
Janice, " what! You're joking."
Sam," a complication , Helen Spencer. "
Janice, " your problem Sam."
Sam, "no ours, look you got away with 100,000, you did it neat and tidy , it'll be a shame to spoil everything for such a small amount. I'll tell you what I'll throw in for free a Mr Lee a snooper ,now he is our problem."
Janice, " okay Sam I'll leave it with you."
Sam, " okay make yourself comfortable and we'll celebrate this latest deal with a drink."
In the kitchen Roscoe says to Terry, " Sam wants us to deal with Lee, dump him somewhere."
Petra comes in carrying tea tray, " Lee?"
Roscoe, " yeah, that's what his ID said, snooper."
Petra, " she's been trying to contact a Lee, girl in room 7."
Roscoe and Terry look at each other grimly.

Kathy after comforting a groggy Helen tells her she's going to get help , when the coast is clear she creeps out of cupboard and into reception to see Sam at desk.
Kathy, " I'd like to check out please, sorry it's so late."
Sam, " that's okay Miss, if you just give me a few minutes to get your bill."

Detectives Turner and Osgood are working late at the HQ of Mike's company when Osgood searches Janice Freeman's desk, and finds a Woodheath Motel room key.
Turner, " find anything.?"
Osgood, " yes look, in the secretary's desk."
The phone rings, Osgood answers it, it is from an airline company asking for Janice Freeman, Osgood takes the message.
" Miss Freeman asked us to book her on the first available flight to Rio De Janeiro, well the first isn't until the 13th next week. We wondered if that'll be okay."
Turner grabs phone,
Turner, " if I was you I'd cancel it."
Turner slams phone down and says to Osgood, " that rogues gallery face, I've just remembered, Roscoe, wanted for the Benson killings, escaped jail 6 months ago, come on."

Kathy is at the desk with Sam waiting to pay her bill with her luggage with her when Janice comes out of the office.
Janice, " Kathy? What are you doing here?"
Sam, " you know her?"
Janice, " Mike Spencer's girlfriend."

Roscoe appears and grabs Kathy's case, "not going are you Miss?"

Kathy is led forcibly into room 7.
Janice goes to leave, walks out of front door, then comes running back in.
" Sam..police."
Sam, " my office quick."
Turner walks in and confronts Sam, "Roscoe where is he?"
Sam, " who?"
Turner, " and where is Janice Freeman?"
Osgood and other officers run into reception from kitchen having got in the back way.
Turner, " okay search this place."
Suddenly a scream is heard from room 7, Turner and men run in just in time to stop Roscoe suffocating Kathy with a pillow. Roscoe and Terry arrested.
Sam grabs gun from reception desk and covers Turner as he comes out room 7.
Sam dashes out, Janice hearing the commotion and overhearing the police wanting her, runs out of office shouting, "wait for me Sam." Janice runs out followed by Turner.
Sam outside fires gun, Janice falls dead, Turner ducks behind parked cars, makes his way behind Sam who is ducking behind another car. Sam gun drawn watchful, Turner up behind Sam, springs into action, grabs Sam who fires wildly into air as Turner eventually wrestles him to ground.
The excitement dies down, Kathy and Helen arm in arm leave comforting each other.
Sam ,Roscoe and the gang are driven away in a police vehicle.
A couple of stray bullets fired by Sam had obviously hit the neon Woodheath Motel roadside sign, it now reads.....d.eath Motel.


Sam.....Derek Francis
Kathy.....Robyn Millan
Mike.....Ralph Bates
Burns.....Edward Judd
Roscoe......John Hallam
Lee.....Alan MacCelland
Helen....Anne Rutter
Turner....Patrick Jordan
Janice.....Gillian McCutcheon
Osgood....Paul Humpoletz
Terry......Patrick Tull
Petra.....June Watson

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Professor Michael Lane teaches at Cambridge University no less, a teacher of engineering and physics. It's Sunday morning and at their Cambridge home his wife Elizabeth is getting ready for her regular church attendance. She hopes Michael will come with her, but he's now an agnostic, though respectful of his wife's devoted Catholicism. Anyway he tells her he promised this Sunday morning to give private extra tuition to George Newton one of his students.


Elizabeth resigned to having to go on her own leaves, minutes later there's a knock on the back door, and into the house steps a young lady, Stella Mason, and into Professor Lane's arms.....they kiss.

That evening Elizabeth is in bed, Prof Lane in the bathroom cleaning his teeth, he calls out mentioning that tomorrow night he's got to go over to see Prof Peterson to discuss the next term's curriculum. Understandably he doesn't expect Elizabeth to come, it's going to be a very dull cerebral evening of discussion about education.
Elizabeth concurs that she'd rather not go. Michael asks if she has a message she'd like him to pass on to John Peterson or his wife Margaret.
Elizabeth says, " tell John I look forward to seeing him and give my love to Margaret."
Michael, " ah come on Elizabeth sound as if you mean it."
Elizabeth quite tired , but used to her husband's pinickety ways says again forcing enthusiasm in her voice, " I look forward to see you John and give my regards to Margaret, happy now dear?"
Michael laughs, " yes dear, much better "
What Elizabeth doesn't know is that Lane has hidden a tape recorder under the bed and it's all gone on tape.
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In the middle of the night while Elizabeth sleeps Lane is in the study playing back the recording of Elizabeth saying greetings to John Peterson, he stops the tape, then using scissors cuts this portion of tape out from the spool. Then on a newspaper Lane has laid out a pane of glass, using a hammer he smashes the glass, then listens carefully hoping Elizabeth upstairs asleep hasn't stirred. He has a tape splice machine and using this he splices the recording of Elizabeth to the recording of the glass smashing, so now when he plays tape we hear, " ......give my regards to Margaret. " from Elizabeth then the sound of smashing glass.


The next day Elizabeth is at home alone when the doorbell rings, it's George Newton one of Professor Lane's students, he's come to collect a book he left here when last was in the house having private tuition. Elizabeth asks how was the tuition yesterday on Sunday. George is puzzled, he wasn't here yesterday.


That evening Elizabeth mentions this to Prof Lane, who apologises saying he meant George Riley of course was coming over.
Michael Lane is ready to leave for an evening with Prof Peterson, he is in the study, and calls out to Elizabeth, apparently he's lost one of his lecture papers with all his notes on it and has Elizabeth moved it at all. Elizabeth comes in saying that his papers are no concern of hers and she hasn't touched anything, but she helps with the search looking in a bottom drawer of a desk. Lane comes up behind her holding a heavy looking ornament, he smashes it down on her head, Elizabeth falls, dead instantly.
He quickly steps over the body and opens a cupboard and takes out a homemade contraption he has built.


It's a large tray made of wood, attached to it is a metal strip with a little hook on the end of it, this strip is attached to a small motor. He picks up the telephone from the study desk and places it on the wooden tray near the metal strip, the hook at the end of the strip hooks over the dial of the phone. The motor in turn is connected to a timeswitch. Also on this tray Lane places his tape recorder, this too is connected to the timer. When the timer is activated, the metal strip attached to the phone will move in a pre programmed action to dial a number, the tape recorder will play, first an amount of blank tape before the Elizabeth recording starts to play.

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At John Peterson's house, Peterson and Lane discuss the curriculum when the phone rings, Lane says he'll answer it as it's probably Elizabeth just checking that he arrived safely. Lane picks up phone, his plan has worked beautifully, his contraption has dialled this number, he checks his watch knowing when the Elizabeth recording will start, he pretends to speak to her.
Lane, " yes dear I'm alright, just about to get down to serious work, okay dear, ( to John) John, Elizabeth would like to say a few words."
John picks up receiver, " hello Elizabeth."
He hears Elizabeth saying, " I look forward to see you John, and give my regards to Margaret " then John hears glass breaking.
John, " Elizabeth...Elizabeth are you okay, ( to Lane) Michael I heard glass breaking."
Lane takes receiver, " Elizabeth...hello."
Lane puts down phone then says," look John I better pop back just in case, probably nothing but I better check."
Lane arrives back home, steps over the body then dismantles his device, phone back on desk, motor and timer disconnected and wooden tray broken in pieces and chucked on the fire. Then he calls the police......has he committed the perfect murder?


Inspector Rush is on the case and the next morning he and his men having searched the house for clues without getting far.
Rush says to Lane, who is dabbing his eyes with a hanky wiping away fake tears, "well the intruder obviously broke this window to gain access." Rush points to the French windows leading to the garden that Lane had smashed to make it appear as a burglary.
Rush, "and presumably surprised by your wife, a panicky thing he did, took nothing and then left."


Lane, " Elizabeth probably didn't turn the light on, so the burglar didn't see her."
Rush, "no quite, a pity he didn't take anything, we'd have a lead you see, stolen property. We can pinpoint the time of death accurately, when she spoke to your friend Peterson. Very unusual that, it may help."
Lane crying, " it won't help her!"
Rush, " no...I'm very sorry."
Rush leaves and Lane then bursts into hysterical laughter....this is all too easy.

It's weeks later and Michael Lane and student Stella are necking on the couch at his place. Stella wonders if it was all fate, the work of God, Elizabeth died to clear a path for them. She wants to marry Michael soon, but he suggests they should leave it a while longer in case suspicious tongues start wagging. Stella is puzzled, " what d'you mean suspicious?"
Lane nervously laughs, " sorry did I say suspicious I meant malicious of course."
Stella, " oh Michael I love you."
Lane, " and I love you Stella."

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The next day at university Lane is completing his lecture to his students including Stella and George Newton, the lecture ends and the students file out except Stella, she has a few words with Lane and says she'll see him this evening at his place.


After Stella leaves Lane goes back to his seat at his desk and is about to get a big shock. An envelope has been left on the desk, Lane opens it and looks on horror as inside is a single white sheet with the words " I know what you did MURDERER" on it, the words a composit of letters cut out of a magazine page and pasted onto sheet.
Lane slumps on the chair flummoxed mouthing, " how? WHO?"


Back home Insp Rush greets Lane as he enters with news that there's no news, the police aren't getting far with their enquiries. Rush notices on the wall a number of paintings, all depicting Christ, he uneasily has a question to ask.
Rush, " forgive me professor but could your wife have known her assailant , is it possible that there was another man?"
Lane laughs, " no chance, if you knew Elizabeth..."
Rush, " devoutly religious?"
Lane, "totally."
Rush, " well I had to check sir, oh by the way, I intercepted the postman outside, these are for you."
Rush hands over letters and leaves. Lane immediately sees a letter with handwritten capitalised letters address, he rips it open to read, " MURDERER TIME WE MET" again in composit cut out letters, and a meeting place specified.


A little while later Lane is in his car at the crossroads in a country lane, he stops, gets out and checks his watch and waits. Suddenly he sees coming towards him on a bicycle a figure, as it gets nearer Lane relaxes, no it can't be the blackmailer, it's an old lady, who pedals away. Then Lane hears a bike bell ringing, he turns to see George Newton waving at him pedalling away down the lane.
Lane, " so, it's George!"

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George Newton is invited around for more tuition to Lane's house. George sits at the study desk, opens his scholastic books enthusiastically saying he'd appreciate the professor hearing his theories on structural engineering he's come up with. Lane suggests they relax first, have a drink, Scotch whisky. Lane pours the drinks and out of view spikes George's drink with pills.
Lane " tell me George anyone know you're here?"


George, " no I did as you said told no-one."
Lane ," good, don't want anyone thinking I'm showing favouritism. You've erm...told no-one then about you know...."
George, " no professor, may I say something Professor, I know you and Stella are..well you know.... well I like her too, what I'm saying is I'm willing to step aside."
George downs his whisky, Lane smiles, " that's very magnanimous of you George, but you're being swept aside, like dirt."
George shocked, " what d'you mean."
Lane, " oh come now George let's not pretend."
George suddenly slumps over desk clutching stomach, " what's happening.?!"
Lane, " I'm killing you George, 7 pills is a lethal dose, you've had 10."
George slumps dead, now Lane has to remove the body.


Next day Rush is back at Lane's discussing George's death.
Rush, " it's a strange one professor, when someone commits suicide they usually do it at home, in bed with a drink perhaps, one last comfort before meeting their maker. They don't usually cycle out to the country, lay down in a field and do it."
Lane, " obviously a very disturbed young man."

At university Lane is addressing the students regarding George's death.
Lane, " we all know the incredible pressures you have at this time, if only poor George had come to me I could have helped. Plus if any of you have any worries remember I'm always available."
The students leave, Lane puts on his coat, there's a letter in the pocket, he rips it open.....IT CAN'T BE!! The letter says, " THAT'S TWICE YOU'VE MURDERED, ELIZABETH AND GEORGE."
Lane staggers onto chair, " who ? WHO CAN IT BE?!"

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Lane is at Peterson who is worried about him and he and Margaret would like him to come round for dinner regularly but Lane refuses, as he swigs another whisky. Lane is clearly rattled by what's happened and rages at Peterson when he says," if anything is bothering you Mike, you can confess to me, I'll help if I can."
Lane shouts, " I don't need a confessor."

In the evening Lane and Stella are smooching on the couch at home when Stella has to leave, she's got a busy day tomorrow and longs for the time when they can see each other openly.
Lane walks her to the door, she gets in her car and drives off.
Lane returns inside and notices a letter on the couch where they were sitting. He opens it, horrified, it says, "TWICE A MURDERER YOU WILL PAY. "
Lane can't believe it, crying, " no ! Stella STELLA!"

Lane phones Stella and says, " I need to see you urgently....I'll pick you up."

Later Lane and Stella sit in his car on a deserted country lane, its passed midnight, Lane turns to her, they kiss then..
Lane, " I did it for you Stella, for us, so we could be together."

Stella, " did what Mike?"
Lane, " you know what, killed Elizabeth, I did it to be with you, but you betrayed me, I see it now, you and George in it together."
Stella is shocked, " Mike, no....."
Lane menacingly moves towards her.

The next day at uni Lane is in his classroom, the students silently work, Lane looking out of the window sees Insp Rush walking across the lawns across the campus.
Lane sees Peterson walking passed his classroom and goes to him.
Lane, " John, how long has he been here, that policeman Rush."
Peterson, " a little while, one of the students Stella Mason didn't get home last night, reported missing. He asked me a few questions."
Lane," what did you tell him, has he mentioned me."
Peterson is worried, " Mike you are on edge, what's up?"
Lane walks off, then peers out of a corridor window to the lawn below, Rush is standing there staring up at him.
Lane arrives home in a distressed state of mind. He pours himself a drink, then sees the impossible, another letter, this is not in an envelope , but placed on the arm of the couch. Lane reads it, as with the others put together by cutting out letters from a magazine and pasting them to the sheet.
A voice behind Lane says, " I know what you did."
Lane turns, Rush is standing there, " I know what you did."
Lane, " it was YOU."
Rush, " I put it there for you to find professor, but I didn't write it, you've been receiving these letters every day haven't you, in fact I have too, every day, ' I KNOW WHAT YOU DID' or something similar."
Lane ," then WHO?"
Rush goes over to writing desk and opens drawer, and pulls out magazines, pages cut up, glue and scissors.
Rush, " you wrote them professor."
Lane slumps down in tears, Rush has some sympathy and says," I don't know what the psychiatrists will make of it, guilt, a need to confess, I'd say a need to be caught, punished for your sins, whenever you're ready professor."
Rush goes into hall , a uniformed policeman is there, Rush says, " we'll give him a bit of time."

Constable, " shouldn't we stay in there with him sir, in case he attempts suicide?"
Rush looks around at the many paintings , all Catholic themed.
Rush, " no I don't think so, not him."
Lane , hands in front of him as if praying to God, crying, " Elizabeth.....Elizabeth.."

Angharad Rees......Stella
Patrick O'Neal......Michael Lane
Michael Kitchen......George
Gerald Sim.....Peterson
Gary Watson......Insp Rush
Patricia Donahue.....Elizabeth
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S3 E1 - A COFFIN FOR THE BRIDE( in depth)

A posh hotel, the honeymoon suite, two newly weds, both middle aged. The Jamesons, her a large dumpy lady, not too attractive, he a light brown long haired gentleman with a straggly beard.
Mr Jameson stripped to waist in the bedroom using chest expanders to keep fit, she rubbing oil into his shoulders.
Mrs J " you're beautiful darling"
Mr J " you're not supposed to say that to a man"
Mrs J " okay, handsome then, like a Greek god, and fit"
Mr J " had to be when I was in the merchant navy"
Mrs J " sorry darling, I know you don't like talking about it"
Mr J " it was a bad scene for me"
Mrs J " the accident?"
Mr J " if it was an accident. I was pushed I know I was. Jealousy, if it had been in the water I would have had a chance, but it was the hard deck"
Mrs J " don't upset yourself darling"
Mr J " I've got bad memories and a plate in my skull. But I did see the world, learnt a lot. There was this Chinaman, all going to flab, but he taught me about pressure points. Put pressure on the right place and you go out like a light, nothing to betray you afterwards"
The two kiss, suddenly Jameson squeezes on his wife's neck,she collapses instantly unconscious.
Jameson stares down at her,
J " did you really think I could fall for someone like you? All fat and indulgences"
He casually rips her nightdress off, and drags the body to the bathroom. The sunken bath is filled up, and in she goes.

The next day Jameson enters the suite, looking very Bohemian, a velvet brown jacket, very distinctive.
A noise from the bathroom alerts him, he enters, a tall gentleman is there, dark hair small moustache, in a business suit.
J " Mr Mason?"
Mason and Jameson stare at the sunken bath.
J " this is kind of morbid isn't it"
M " hard to believe she drowned in that"
J " some kind of seizure perhaps"
M " no I don't think so"
J " you heard the coroners report"
M " yes, but I didn't believe it. I think you murdered her!"
J " I don't think I care what you think Mason"
M " a woman like her, beyond the marrying age, then you show up. Yes you did it"
J " you are aware of the laws of slander Mason"
M " oh quite, that's what the police said"
J "you told them, what did they say?"
M " no suspicious circumstances"
J " well then, all you have to do is read the will. Not that you have to, she left everything to me didn't she"
Mason, a solicitor, fixes Jameson with a hard stare.
J " what are you staring at Mason?"
M."you, your face, I'm never going to forget it "
Jameson thinks this is funny, as he chuckles almost manically.
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It's a year later and Oliver Mason ,the solicitor to the late Mrs Jameson is hard at work in his office when secretary Connie enters.
C " Mr Mason is it alright to move these papers to archives?, I need the space"
M "what papers Connie?"
C " the ones we kept when we closed Mrs Jameson's affairs. You said Mr Jameson might return for them"
M (sighing) "No Connie, It's been a year, Jameson won't be back, okay they can go to archives. Oh hang on, I'll keep this"
He takes a photo of Jameson, looks hard at it, then pops it in his desk drawer.
At the Stukely Hotel, Devon
Two newly weds are in the bridal suite, Tony and Yvonne Tully, a middle aged couple.
Mr Tully, tall, dark haired, with glasses , wearing a sober business suit. IT'S JAMESON! looking totally different.
Tony Tully comes out of the bathroom,
T " I've run your bath for you dear"
Y " thanks darling. What a lovely two weeks we've had. Back to domesticity I suppose"
Tully/Jameson gets out his chest expanders as Yvonne gives him a kiss and goes into the bathroom. Moments later, Tully follows her in, squeeze on the neck, a splash, it's all over, another wife dead.


Oliver Mason the next day reads his newspaper in the office and sees the headline;
" newly wed wife drowns in bath"
Mason goes into outer office,
M " Connie can you get me the Stukely Hotel, Devon, try directory enquiries"
A little later the phone rings, Mason picks it up,
M " hello, Stukely hotel?, ah yes I wonder if I can ask you about the Tullys....that's right the lady who drowned sadly...well actually it's Mr Tully I'm interested in......well you see he might be an old friend and if he is I'd like to send my condolences.....mmm yes, athletic, looks like a man who keeps fit...I see....his appearance?...dark hair,like a sober businessman...oh I see, no it doesn't sound like my friend...thank you anyway goodbye"
Mason gets the photo of Jameson from his desk and doodles over the brown hair turning it black. Connie comes in with his coffee. Mason's face lights up,
M " Connie, you dye your hair don't you! "
C " well...just the highlights you know "
M " so simple"
Mason is right, in the hotel bathroom Tully/Jameson or whatever his real name is, is standing by a wash basin, towel on head, brown liquid dye in the basin. He turns to his bed, opens a suitcase and removes a passport for Tony Tully, tears it up, he has about a dozen forged passports, who will he be next, who will be the next victim of this lady-killer?

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Posted (edited)

Mason is having a rather heated discussion in his office with Inspector Quilley of Scotland Yard.
Q " there is absolutely no connection Oliver between Mrs Tully's death and Mrs Jameson's"
M " except both were newly weds and both died in a bath"
Q " the Devon police were satisfied and that Mrs Tully died of natural causes. And your description of Jameson didn't match Tully at all"
M " except both were athletic"
Q " naturally I didn't leave it there, I checked, Jameson as far as we can gather left the country"
M " as far as you can gather?"
Q "leave it Oliver please"
M " okay, but Mrs Tully's family, you'll put me in touch"
Q " okay, as a friend yes, but off the record"

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Who is Tully/Jameson really? He is Mark Walker, clean shaven light brown short hair, walks into the Townsend Health Hotel. The hotel has all the obvious services you'd expect, but also a gymnasium, jacuzzi, and other fitness services for anyone who wishes to use them.
Walker goes into the bar, where Freddie the barman works.
F " lovely to see you again sir"
W " and you Freddie"
F " the usual sir?"
W " yep, orange juice. Must stay in trim"
F " really Mr Walker, someone as fit as you has no right in a place like this, your physique puts us all to shame"
A young lady walks in, blonde, thirtyish, looking around amazed.
F " you're not seeing things Miss, it's oldy worldy on the outside and modern inside. Result of the fire , isn't that right Sir?"
W " right Freddie, fire gutted the interior but left the fabric intact"
F "what can I get you Miss?"
Lady " Gin and Tonic please"
The blonde takes her drink to a table"
W " who is she Freddie?"
F " never seen her before, day-tripper I suppose come for a sauna"
W " then I'll have to work quick"
F " fancy your chances sir?"
W " my chances? I fancy her, ( quietly under his breath) and this one is strictly for pleasure!"
Mark sits himself down next to the lady,
W " it's very damaging you know, destroys the brain cells, erodes the liver, alcohol"
The lady smiles and picks up her drink,
" this drink has a lot to live up to then"
W " I'm sorry I just wanted to break the ice Mark Walker is the name, I'm a talk to pretty girls addict"
S " Stella McKenzie"
W." McKenzie, that's a nice Gaelic name explains everything, only Gaelic girls have your cool beauty, poise elegance"
S " speed you move Mr Walker you should change your name to sprinter"
W "it's all bluster I assure you. Sometimes I must admit I get introverted,within myself, doctors say it isn't healthy. I'm lucky to be alive, had a bad accident in the merchant navy, a bad scene for me, this keep fit kick I'm on it's part of the syndrome, the recovery"
S " you were so surprised to survive the accident you're striving to maintain life"
W " you understand that Stella?"
S " it's not so difficult to grasp"
W " Stella, when I came over I was planning to make a pass, flowers, dinner , the whole routine, but now....I really want to know you. How about dinner tonight? Here in the hotel"
S " I'm not sure your revelations weren't part of your technique Mark"
W " I swear.."
S " okay, yes I'd love to, I'll meet you here at eight"
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Walker is in the hotel reception waiting for Stella, when suddenly, panic!, disaster! Oliver Mason walks in . What the hell is he doing here?!
Walker hides behind a pillar unseen by Mason, and as Mason goes up to Freddie at the bar, Walker slips out into the car park. Stella arrives in her car and greets him.
S " sorry I'm a bit late. Aren't we eating here?"
W " er..no it's a bit busy tonight, we can do better, lets go, I know a place"
After dinner, Stella and Walker enter her house, a few miles from the hotel.
S " I'm not in the habit of inviting men back, not on the first date Mark"
W " I'm honoured"
He looks around the living room.
W " cosy, you own this place?"
S ' no, just rent it, a drink Mark, oh sorry you don't do you?"
W " I have one once in a while, scotch please"


Walker notices a large desk with drawings on it, of clothes.
W " you a dress designer ?"
S " good lord no, I'm a theatrical designer, costumes for productions, doesn't pay great but I love it. Here's your drink"
Walker drinks it down quickly.
S " what happened to the smooth talker I met this afternoon, you've hardly said a word all evening"
W " business worries, I told you sometimes I get inside myself" He pours himself another drink.
S " you drink when you're withdrawn. You're so tense"
W " well, untense me Stella"
His hands reach out to hug her, and tries to kiss her.
S " the drinks gone straight to your head Mr Walker and your hands. I think it's goodnight time"
W." Yes, okay. I'll see you tomorrow?"
S " I'll be around" He leaves.
Walker arrives back at the Townsend hotel, as he climbs the stairs he looks down at the bar below, Mason is there, their eyes meet, for a good five seconds they stare at each other. Walker goes upstairs, Mason carries on drinking.
Later, at midnight Mason gets into his car,starts it up, suddenly Walker springs up from rear seats, applies pressure on neck, Mason out like a light.
The next morning, beautiful sunny day, a mother and her two kids walk in the nearby woods. The kids run off, when suddenly one screams and comes running over, pointing to the lake. A dead body is floating on it, it's Mason.

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Posted (edited)

The next day at Mason's office, Connie is in tears, comforted by Inspector Quilley.
Connie sobbing " I don't understand, Mr Mason committing suicide, but why?"
Q " he had not seemed different in any way Connie?"
C " no nothing"
Q " what an earth was he doing in that part of the country? Did he say or do anything unusual lately?"
C " no, except he took some private calls, asked me to leave the office for an extra lunch break while he took them"
Q " I'll miss him Connie"
That afternoon Walker is back at Stella's place, a smile on his face, doing press-ups on the floor.
Stella " you've changed, your old self is back"
W " yep, thought I had bad news, but it turned out good news. I'll see you tonight?"
S " sorry Mark, I'm a working girl remember, I've got to finish these designs off today, theatre bosses on my case" She gets to her desk and starts drawing, " I'll see you tomorrow"
Mark disappointingly leaves.

Back at the hotel Walker enters the bar, and sees an extraordinary woman chatting to Freddie. This is Angie, fortyish, reddy brown hair, horned rimmed glasses, a very very pronounced north of England accent and a laugh on her that could scare The Devil himself.
Angie " double scotch barman, and what do I call you?"
Freddie. " what you like madam"
A " okay Mr What-you-like, lets have that drink "
She gulps it down in one,
A " same again "
F " you here for a fitness break ? er Mrs..."
A " Angela Ludlow, friends call me Angie"
F " here's your drink Mrs...Angie"
A " haha like it, Mrs Angie. No love, I don't go in for this fitness malarkey. My first husband said men like a bit of meat on the bone, know what I mean, something to grab onto, the others , well they can date a broomstick if they want. No I'm here looking at cottages, hope to find one to rent until I find one to buy, if you follow me. This seems like a nice neighborhood, ( shouting )though everyone here seems a bit reserved and stuffy"
Mark Walker sits himself next to her at the bar. She downs her second double scotch, and leans over to Mark almost breathes in his face,
A " don't suppose you approve of hard liquor. What are you called then?"
W." Walker..Mark", he has noticed her jewellery, diamond encrusted rings, pearl necklace, diamond earrings.
W " so you're staying in the area for a while?"
A " hoping to make new friends. I'm a bit on my lonesome"
W " lonely how come?"
A " I married above my class. First husband one day dropped dead in the street, left me all his loot. Two years later second husband drowned, two husbands both dead, left me filthy rich, I'm surprised the police aren't investigating me!"
W " the police?"
A " Two husbands both dead and me the beneficiary , obviously can't keep a man. Haha, anyway I left my relatives behind and they don't forgive you for that. I tried making peace with them, but nothing doing, I gave up on them, and I don't get on with my husbands friends neither, that leaves you lonely"
W " you shouldn't be lonely, fine looking woman like you"
A " you're moving a bit fast Mark! I'm eager but not that eager"
W " how about dinner tonight, here, eight thirty be alright?"
Walker has spotted another potential victim here, lonely and rich, perfect. First to put Stella off in case she comes to the hotel.
Its early evening about an hour after Angie left for her cottage hunting, Walker on phone to Stella.
W "Stella, been trying to call you, I'm sorry darling business meeting has popped up, probably keep me busy all evening. I'll phone if I can make it round to yours...okay Stella bye."
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Posted (edited)

It's 8.30 Walker is waiting in the bar.
W " no sign of Mrs. Ludlow?"
Freddie " not yet sir, if she was around you'd have heard her by now!"
W " yes quite"
Suddenly her voice is heard, carried into the bar all the way from the car park.
Angie " well, if you don't like the way I've parked it you know where you can go!"
She walks in,
A " sorry I'm late Mark. Anyway found a cottage I liked, put my stuff down in the hallway there and then, it's mine for as long as I like"
W " fantastic , I'll get some champagne, Freddie, best vintage you've got. We should celebrate"
A " we?!, remember Mark I'm no fool, been round the block I have, two husbands dead and buried and I've met fortune hunters before. I don't know enough about you"
W " I can withstand any scrutiny Angie, and remember you approached me"
A " mmm, that's right, that's in your favour"
After an evening together with the very tiring Angie, it's hard work being nice to her, Mark drives to Stella's place, it's about midnight. He rings the doorbell, but no answer, and leaves.
The next day he walks into the garden at Stella's , through the French windows , and there is Stella hard at work at her designs.
S " Mark, hi"
W."were you out last night? I tried calling here"
S " ah was that you ringing my bell. I was tucked up in bed, I'm not in the habit of opening my door at midnight or later Mark"
W " fair enough"
S " how was the business meeting?"
W " oh fine. No it's a nuisance Stella. I've finally found a girl I want to settle down with and I'm busy"
S " am I that demanding?"
W " no not at all. If you were a pauper or a millionaire it wouldn't matter"
S " that's a strange remark"
W " yeah I know, I'm a strange fellow, lead an odd life. This deal I'm cooking will make me rich, richer, but I promise myself, I promise you it's the last time. "
S " you're not making sense darling "
W " no and for a time maybe I won't, but I have all I want right here with you. I won't be able to see you much in the next week or two, maybe longer, I don't want to lose this contact"
S " you won't"
They kiss. Walker, the lady killer has one more job to do, Angela Ludlow.

A Few Weeks Later
Mark and Angie arrive at her cottage after an evening out. He has been cultivating this relationship for a week or two now, fitting in seeing Stella when possible.
Walker gives Angie a box of chocolates and a gift.
A " what's this?""
W " open it"
Angie opens the wrapping paper, inside a jewellery case, and inside that a diamond encrusted necklace.

A " Mark! My god it must have cost a fortune"
W " they are my bona fides"
A " your bona whatsies?"
W " my proof of good intentions. Anyone know a fortune hunter giving up a fortune. I can match you share for share"
A " but why would you want to?"
W " because I think I'm falling in love with you"
The next evening at the hotel Walker in the bar telephoning Stella, there is no answer. Angie comes up behind him,
A " I'm here love. Well it was me you were phoning wasn't it?"
W " er..yes of course"
A " shall we go then, I'm starving"
Freddie offers her a scotch.
A " no time Freddie love"
F " come on Angie, it takes six paces to the door, you can down this in four"
A " oh Freddie , if you weren't married I'd take you home with me"
F " if I weren't married I'd already be there"
A " you're a scream Freddie!"
Angie roars with laughter ,downs the drink, and she and Mark leave.
As they leave,
A " I'll show you that jewellery you were interested in"
W " jewellery?"
A " wasn't that you? Someone else then"
Later that evening at her cottage Walker makes his move.
W " I want you to marry me Angie. Third time lucky"
A " oh Mark, I'm definitely the lucky one"
They kiss, Angie in tears of joy.
A " if we're going to marry, it has to be equal partnership. What's mine is yours and vice versa..Communal properties, the lot. When we marry I want wills drawn up favouring the other. I know I'm a blunt woman, I believe in speaking my mind. Still want to marry me?"
W " absolutely, we think alike. I've made plans, we'll honeymoon in Greece"
A " Greece lovely"
W " I know a place. We'll have the beach to ourselves. Swimming every day"
A " I can't swim"
W " I'll teach you, you'll be perfectly safe. Angie there's something I've not told you, I've been married before too, we're divorced now and on easy terms, but I'd rather she didn't know, not yet anyway, so no announcement in the papers or any publicity"
A " she'll have to know sometime"
W " yes of course, but she's likely to push for more alimony. I'll tell her in my own way"
A " I understand love, now let's have a drink to celebrate"

W " no I ...."
A " c 'mon, not every day you get engaged "
W " okay"
Walker drinks , in fact has two scotches, and then feels a bit faint.
W " oh god, I'm feeling a bit whoozy"
A " let me look at you. Mark you're drunk on two drinks. That comes from not being a drinker, you've no resistance"
Mark slumps onto the settee,
W " gone straight to my head"
A " you can't drive back to your hotel tonight. You better stay here"
She lays him out on the settee, gets a blanket to put over him.
A " I would invite you to my room, but we must save something for when we're married"
Soon Walker is asleep. Angie looks down at him asleep, that chirpy smile on her face gone, replaced by a cold stare.

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The next morning Walker comes down the stairs after bathing and dressing.
W " don't know what happened last night, won't happen again though"
Angie is having breakfast, tea and toast at the coffee table in the living room.
W " how do you feel?"
A " a bit jaded, I wish I hadn't invited that McKenzie woman over"
Walker looks aghast,
W " er..McKenzie woman!?"
A " yeah, Stella McKenzie, she was out walking, saw the roses out front , asked if she could take a cutting, I said you can have the whole damn bush I only rent the place"
W " when she due?"
A " anytime now"
W " erm.. I better be off"
A " your breakfast?"
W " I'll eat later, got plans to make darling"
A " Mark! You're running away. What is it with you and this McKenzie woman?"
W " you're absolutely wrong Angie, but right about running away. I told you about my wife"
A " so , this is a total stranger"
W " I don't trust anyone. I'll go the back way, more discreet"
Walker hurriedly leaves, and walking along the side of the house he hears the front door opening . He stands motionless listening,
Angie's voice " come in love"
Stella's voice " thank you"
The door shuts, satisfied the coast is clear, he quietly leaves.


Arriving at Stella's, Mark enters through the French windows just as Stella comes out. She is carrying a part of a rose bush , some mud ends up on Walker's shirt.
S " sorry darling, I've just been getting these roses"
W "where from?"
S " extraordinary woman, Angela someone, you must have seen her around the hotel"
W " yes"
S " then you know how ghastly she is"
W " I have noticed "
S "still, I suspect a kind heart under all that make up"
W "what did you talk about?"
S " she did all the talking, I just let it wash over me "
W " but when you mentioned me..."
S " darling, that ego of yours really, I never mentioned you. Anyway now I've dirtied you up I might as well go the whole way. Can you plant these for me, there's a spade outside "
Walker goes into the garden to do the job.
Meanwhile at the hotel, Freddie is at the bar cleaning the glasses when the phone rings.
F " Townsend hotel hello "
Angela's unmistakable voice is heard,
A " Freddie come quickly, I think he's going to kill me!!"
Mark finishes his rose planting,
W " all done darling"
S " thanks"
W "planting roses has a permanent feel to it,means you'll be here when I get back"
S " you're going away then?"
W " just for a couple of weeks. I must go now, I'll see you later"
Mark leaves, Stella smiling as he departs,
S " goodbye "


In the hotel bar Freddie is talking to two gentlemen, both police officers, one uniformed the other plain clothed.
F " here he is now"
Walker is met by the officers,
Weston " Mark Walker? I'm Inspector Weston C.I.D., is this your driving licence? "
W " my god yes it is, I never realised I had lost it thanks. Where did you find it?"
Weston puts it in his own pocket,
Wes " if you would follow me sir"
W "what is this?"
Wes " we'd appreciate your cooperation sir. And you Freddie, you'll have to come too"
They all get in the police car and drive off. To Walker's surprise they end up at Angela's cottage.
Inside the cottage is an unexpected sight. The furnishings are upturned, glass on the floor, Angela's spectacles smashed on the floor.
W " where's Mrs Ludlow?"
Wes " you know her sir?"
W " yes of course, I stayed here last night. Not what you think, I got drunk that's all, left at 10.30 this morning. Now stop playing games and tell me what this is all about"
Wes " we were hoping you'd tell us sir, you see your licence was found on the settee, Freddie what happened this morning"
F " she called me at noon"
Wes "sure it was her?"
F " Definitely her, I'd recognise that voice anywhere. She said you Mr Walker had too much to drink, you were turning violent and demanded to see her jewellery "
W" that's a lie"
F " I remember last night she talked about showing you her jewellery "
W " yes but that was a mistake "
Wes " then what?"
F " she wanted me to come over and calm him down. So I hurried over and found the place like this, then I called you Inspector "
Wes " well Mr Walker?"
W " she's trying to frame me. but why?!, what time did she call?"
F " noon or thereabouts "
Walker (grinning) " then I'm in the clear. I can prove I was nowhere near here at noon, I was with Miss Stella McKenzie. Don't take my word for it ask her"

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They all enter Stella's place through the French windows,
W " Stella? Stella?" Mark stops in his tracks, the room is almost devoid of furniture, what there is is covered by dust sheets.
Wes " doesn't look like anyone's been here for some time "
W " she was here an hour ago! Her easel was over there for her design work."
Wes " I see you've got mud on your shirt, been digging sir?"
W " we planted roses." But outside there are no roses to be seen, Walker totally baffled. Weston sees poking out of the dust sheet covering the dining table the spade Walker used.
Wes " I bet this has got your fingerprints all over it"
W " I told you I used it. This is a frame, A LOUSY STINKING FRAME!"
Wes " turn your pockets out Walker"
Mark empties his pocket, and looks aghast as he pulls out two diamond earrings.
Wes " a frame?, and I suppose these are plants. Where is she Walker ? Angela Ludlow, where did you bury her"
A few hours later, Walker is in a police cell. Weston comes in.
W " you found her? Stella McKenzie "

Wes " no we didn't, because she doesn't exist Walker "
W " SHE MUST! The estate agent must know"
Wes " we tried them , they never heard of Stella McKenzie "
W " someone rented that house"
Wes " it was rented to an Oliver Mason, but he drowned himself before he could use it. Where is she Walker, Angela Ludlow, where did you bury her. I've got you cold on circumstantial evidence, motive, opportunity everything , but where is the body Walker? Some people think you need a body to prove murder, take it from me, you don't!"
The trial of Mark Walker ends with the judge passing sentence.
Judge " Mark Walker you have been found guilty of murdering Angela Mary Ludlow. It is my duty to pass sentence. You will go to prison for a term of at least thirty years "
W " no.....no..( shouts) NO !!"

A few months have passed, Walker is languishing in jail. A warder enters his cell.
Warder " on your feet Walker you've got a visitor"
W " visitor? who 'd want to visit me"
Wrd " it's a lady"
Walker goes to the visitors' room. He sits down behind a glass screen, and in walks Stella.
W " Stella! My love, what happened to you?"
S " I went away"
W " away?, you must have known what was happening, you must have read the papers. It doesn't matter you're back, and you can tell them"
S " I've come to tell you Mark. I didn't want you sitting out the next thirty years without knowing, that would be too kind"

W " Stella!?"
S " no it's not Stella or McKenzie, but Sheila O'Rourke, you were right about the Gaelic at least"
W " O'Rourke?"
S " that rings a bell does it Mr Walker, or should I say Jameson or Mr Tully. Yes Tully, because Mrs Tully was Yvonne O'Rourke my sister. It was poor Mr Mason who put me onto you, you killed him didn't you because he recognized you. We had got together a really private investigation and we had so little to go on, just a man who liked to keep fit. I did a tour of health clubs for months before I spotted you. I was sure it was you, but Mr Mason had to come to make the identification. Before he could say, he was dead, that was confirmation enough"
W " you and Mason!"
S " an unlikely team but a nice man , I liked him, and I loved my sister and you killed her too. Now you're paying for it, oh not for the murder you did do but one you didn't do. But that suits me fine!"
Walker ( shouting)." You're no better than me, you murdered too, Angela Ludlow, I'll tell them and whatever your motive they'll put you away too"
S " you still don't understand do you? I told you my job was theatre design, but before that I was on the other side of the footlights"
Suddenly to Mark's horror the unmistakable voice of Angie emanates from Sheila's mouth.
S " I didn't kill Angela Ludlow, I CREATED HER my old love. But who can prove it"
Sheila O'Rourke gets up and leaves, turning back to Walker saying in her Northern England Angie voice.
S " cheerio love, don't do anything I wouldn't do, for the next thirty years!"
Walker, stunned, head bowed, beaten.
The End
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Note- Mirren halfway between Stella and Angela, pictures superimposed on screen as twist is revealed. 
Walker.....Michael Jayston 
Stella......Helen Mirren 
Mason......Michael Gwynn 
Weston.....Richard Coleman 
Freddy......Arthur English 
Quilley......Tony Steedman 
Connie......Marcia Fox
Mrs Tully....Josephine Tewson
Mrs Jameson...Margaret Courtenay
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Tony Mansell is a tycoon, a successful businessman but at the moment he is desperately concerned about his ill wife.
She is in bed, Tony and the doctor discuss the situation outside on the landing.
The doctor is perplexed, Mrs Mansell's heart is failing, and 24 hours previously she was perfectly okay.
In the bedroom Mrs Mansell stirs as a breeze comes into the room, the window is opened and a figure in black enters. Mrs Mansell looks up, her view hazy, fuzzy, but she sees a female figure over her and screams.
Tony and the doctor run in, too late, she's dead. The doctor diagnoses heart attack, the mysterious female figure gone.

Many weeks later Tony is at the dining table at home, the housekeeper Mrs Roberts serving food, and suddenly she suggests Tony should remarry, it's what Mrs Mansell would have wanted. She immediately apologises, has no idea what made her say that, as if someone or something made her say it.
At the office the next day his business partner George Matthews has some disturbing news. Rivals Laker and Todd have bought stock in their company and are trying to purchase more shares , it seems a hostile take over is being planned.
Tony listens as George warns him of the fight they face to keep hold of their company, but Tony is distracted, and tells George he has written a letter to Modern Mates, a dating organisation, looking for a new wife.
Liz, Tony's secretary is basically infatuated with Tony, and the office junior secretary Suzy tells Liz that enough time has passed and she should make her move with Tony.
But Tony posts the letter to Modern Mates so Liz's hopes dashed.



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