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Shameful behaviour

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Went to a junior match this morning, under 15s. The behaviour of the visiting team’s supporters and coaching staff was absolutely shameful, their touchline manager spent so much time arguing and abusing the home fans that he failed to notice his team had 14 players on the field. When the home club’s manager pointed it out she was met with foul mouthed abuse from him and their spectators.

Their coaching staff spent all game ranting at the referee, so much so that I didn’t hear them once shout any instructions regarding play to their team.

Their supporters were so obnoxious to the lady running the refreshment hut that she closed it down and went home.

Their staff, team and spectators didn’t come back into the clubhouse after the game, just as well really.

 It was like a throwback to the 70s, a thoroughly unpleasant experience 

Edited by Phil
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Just now, Spidey said:

Name and shame 🤷🏻‍♂️

No I’m not going to do that 

"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice, socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality" - Mikhail Bakunin

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If nobody reports it - and I’m not saying it has to be you that does - then all that’s happening is that team and its entourage get to know they can get away with it.

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Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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2 minutes ago, gingerjon said:

If nobody reports it - and I’m not saying it has to be you that does - then all that’s happening is that team and its entourage get to know they can get away with it.

I’m sure the home club will report it. I was just an unaffiliated spectator 

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"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice, socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality" - Mikhail Bakunin

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Dreadful behaviour and I bet that they have previous for the same but the home club and the match official need to ensure that a report is submitted. 

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Just now, Gomersall said:

So what’s the point of this thread Phil

Just pointing out that we sometimes have a cosey view of the community game that isn’t always born out by the facts 

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"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice, socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality" - Mikhail Bakunin

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Okay report it to the league. Ranting on a forum won’t fix the issue

As I’ve already stated I was an unaffiliated spectator, I went to the game to watch two sides who I’d been told were very talented and both unbeaten 

Edited by Phil

"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice, socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality" - Mikhail Bakunin

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24 minutes ago, Phil said:

I’m sure the home club will report it. I was just an unaffiliated spectator 

Isn't an unaffiliated spectator the correct person to point this out, with no perception of bias.

I am one who says a club behaving like this should absolutely be named and shamed.

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"The history of the world is the history of the triumph of the heartless over the mindless." — Sir Humphrey Appleby.

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9 minutes ago, Phil said:

Just pointing out that we sometimes have a cosey view of the community game that isn’t always born out by the facts 

I'm not sure anyone has that cosy view to be honest. Anyone that has played Rugby League or watched the game at that level knows how bad it can be.

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13 minutes ago, Tommygilf said:

Logic dictates this game was Siddal vs Sharlston 

Yes ok it was, I hope you appreciate why I was trying to be circumspect, Sharlston are a respected club, their coaching staff and spectators did that respect no favours today 

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"Freedom without socialism is privilege and injustice, socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality" - Mikhail Bakunin

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29 minutes ago, Damien said:

I'm not sure anyone has that cosy view to be honest. Anyone that has played Rugby League or watched the game at that level knows how bad it can be.

Agreed. I stopped coaching years ago because, well, people were scumbags. 

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33 minutes ago, Damien said:

I'm not sure anyone has that cosy view to be honest. Anyone that has played Rugby League or watched the game at that level knows how bad it can be.

I'm honestly amazed we have any refs at all given that that's what they have go through as they start out.

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Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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2 hours ago, gingerjon said:

If nobody reports it - and I’m not saying it has to be you that does - then all that’s happening is that team and its entourage get to know they can get away with it.

Even if someone reports it, they can just deny it or say it wasn't their supporters. And the game is so desperate for young players and teams, there wouldn't be any meaningful action. 

Unfortunately it's a minority of adults who spoil the game for the kids. 

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1 hour ago, Wakefield Ram said:

Even if someone reports it, they can just deny it or say it wasn't their supporters. And the game is so desperate for young players and teams, there wouldn't be any meaningful action. 

Unfortunately it's a minority of adults who spoil the game for the kids. 

It really isn't good is it. Add that facilities are often poor or a bit naff frankly, the concerns about the physicality of the game and its impacts, and its no wonder why more parents are taking their kids to the local football clubs or even Rugby Union.

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Unfortunately this is the reality of sport in this country at all levels, and that's just about any sport. Parents push their kids to succeed so they themselves have something to boast about and that desperation to experience that success through their kids leads to them being taken over by their passion which spills out in this kind of disgusting behaviour.

The best thing to do would be to ban them immediately from attending games. Chucking the kid out of the team would seem at first to be an option but I wouldn't necessarily want to punish the kid for their parents behaviour and there would be a risk that the parent would take their frustration out on their kid if they could no longer be involved in the sport.

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38 minutes ago, The Hallucinating Goose said:

Unfortunately this is the reality of sport in this country at all levels, and that's just about any sport. Parents push their kids to succeed so they themselves have something to boast about and that desperation to experience that success through their kids leads to them being taken over by their passion which spills out in this kind of disgusting behaviour.

The best thing to do would be to ban them immediately from attending games. Chucking the kid out of the team would seem at first to be an option but I wouldn't necessarily want to punish the kid for their parents behaviour and there would be a risk that the parent would take their frustration out on their kid if they could no longer be involved in the sport.

Well, you can't choose your family.

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7 hours ago, Phil said:

As I’ve already stated I was an unaffiliated spectator, I went to the game to watch two sides who I’d been told were very talented and both unbeaten 

Was it in Lancashire or Yorkshire?

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