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Everything posted by Futtocks

  1. Wondering if, on that day, a young Johnny complained about Catweazle being on later than usual.
  2. Should we narrow the scope of this thread to "people Johnny deems to be famous"? I'm voting no.
  3. Richard "Kinky" Friedman, aged 79. Musical provocateur, murder mystery novelist, animal lover and political agitator, he spent his life entertaining and enraging the right people in both cases.
  4. Ollie Robinson now holds a record he'd rather someone else took off him a.s.a.p.
  5. I'm on holiday, visiting family members in the NE and Scotland.
  6. I just had to evict an Elephant Hawk Moth that flew in through the kitchen door. A beautiful big creature, mainly pink but with green markings and looking far too tropical for the North of England.
  7. Went out to Bempton Cliffs earlier today, and saw tons of everything but puffins. Well, we saw one very clearly, as he clearly wasn't expecting us and did a hurried u-turn. Any others were very hard to properly ID from above and so far away, especially without some form of magnifying lens. Some dolphins also passed by while we were there. Then, on the way back over the Wolds, we saw a pretty large raptor, but couldn't stop to get a better look at the time. It looked like similar colouring of brown plumage and yellow beak to a Golden Eagle, but not that big.
  8. My sister just showed me a video shot from her kitchen window of the local family of stoats, cavorting manically in the garden.
  9. Discarded Banana Peel Rum. Very nice indeed. Discarded make spirits using by-products from other food processes. So they also made Chardonnay grape skin vodka and a vermouth made with cascara (skin and pulp of the coffee bush).
  10. If it's something urgent, you can always log in via your browser.
  11. I just launched the app and logged in without noticing anything out of the usual. I guess the first thing to try is uninstall > restart phone > reinstall.
  12. A.P.E.X. (1994) Time travel! Deadly robots with glitchy lo-rez eyesight! Chunky blokes with really big guns! The Landmaster ATV from 1977’s Damnation Alley! A voiceover by Patrick Swayze’s sister-in-law! And, admittedly, a bit more spent on props and costumes than this sort of movie usually gets. Either that or they did a lot of creative borrowing from other films.
  13. They can be a bit too steady and safe for the badge-kissing element of the tabloid press. But their "PRIDE AN' PASSION!" alternatives have always failed, so meh.
  14. On this day in 1816, Lord Byron issued a challenge to his fellow holiday-makers, John Polidori, Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley. to write a macabre story each.
  15. I'd 100% definitely watch it if I was able, but it just isn't possible on that date and time. If I hear it was any good, I'll certainly watch it on catch-up.
  16. The Fall (2006) - not a Mark E.Smith biopic, but a visually lush fantasy starring Lee Pace, who may be best known for playing the grumpy elf king Thranduil in The Hobbit.
  17. Brooklyn Kings v Boston bears https://youtu.be/svQSd2rr5Pg
  18. Just watched the pilot episode of "The High Life". Not much of a revelation, as it turns out they remade the exact same story for episode 5 "Choob". Still, it is a lot of very silly fun.
  19. The Leeds coach and all players went straight into the changing room, followed by Gary Hetherington, and the door was closed on everyone else.
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