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Everything posted by gingerjon

  1. There is a reasonable, and positive, article to be run that, in terms of visibility, the Challenge Cup is the most visible club rugby in the UK. There's too many long words and not enough ragebait in that though.
  2. Absolutely fantastic news and a clever piece of soft politics from the Australian government.
  3. Apologies, Harry. You aren’t the idiot as you appear to have listened to the debate.
  4. To bring it vaguely back on topic, does anyone have the strength to do the breakdown of home Thursday games by team?
  5. [1] I hate the world and I want to get off. [2] An idiot.
  6. More than one licence? You live and learn. Either way, the point was that it's delegated well away from the centre.
  7. https://fashionunited.com/executive/report/focus-brands-acquires-reebok-license-for-outerwear-in-europe-and-the-uk/2024072961162
  8. It’s the same post every few months. One day it may even be true.
  9. Yes. It's better when there's atmosphere. It's why I'd make all Thursday games local (i.e. same side of Pennines) games.
  10. Yup. Or, as ever, if your income for the year can be knocked so badly by it that it causes a real difference to your balance sheet then that is a concern.
  11. If it was all very dull then that wouldn't be happening.
  12. Response underneath: currently 11 contracted squad members, 14 triallists.
  13. And yet Oldham have tripled their season ticket sales.
  14. Completely unrelated, I've just been listening to a podcast about '15 minute cities' and how there was opposition around the world to a specific one. The council involved listened, noted and then withdrew the 15 minute cities idea. Well, they changed the name. They still did the same things but no one protested. But, anyway, must get back to a debate about what to call doing the exact things required under the grading system.
  15. I'll explain it again then. We are reaching a point where a lot of clubs have a significant part of their ticket income guaranteed by virtue of season ticket sales and memberships. Whether the game is on a Thursday or not makes no difference to them. I don't like how they have been awarded but I doubt there's any conspiracy against anyone. Given the usual high standards at the RFL, I doubt anyone has even really noticed.
  16. That is true. But they have had time and a lot of them have had periods with significant money thrown at them. And yet, here we all are.
  17. To be fair, so has every club.
  18. Beef Island, the airport for the British Virgin Islands, is interesting in a Gibraltar-esque way, and landing on Boavista in Cape Verde in a sandstorm was an experience I don't want to repeat.
  19. I've just spent a happy few minutes looking into this and, apparently, for most flights, it is no longer true - and hasn't been since around 2006. For state and military flights, it remains the case. For civil and commercial, they can fly over Spanish air space.
  20. How do his hits and misses compare to other strikers? That's a genuine Q. They all miss way more than they hit.
  21. Looks like. For a few clubs, it will make no difference as they are shifting so many season tickets/memberships. For others, they will need to be a bit creative to get the numbers in.
  22. There's no guarantee that the Thursday games will be the Sky main channel selections.
  23. I believe, though I don't really know the reasons, that the value of shirt sponsorship is declining everywhere. Happy to be corrected.
  24. Shirt sponsorships in UK RL don't.
  25. They've been doing that for a while.
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