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I do not think many folk care that much about my beloved Wigan
On this note, this is one of the reasons II get touchy when a thread becomes a Wire v Wigan thread. I actually have a lot of time for Wigan, they are my favourite rivals, and as a club they are an example for many others.

Unfortunately, your opinion can be dismissed simply because of the rivalry (which I appreciate I was guilty of with you - see above).

Saints are the ones who get to me!

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*Deleted majority for clarity sake - most points are fairly valid and a matter of opinion where we differ - incidents you haven't seen were recollections of highlights I saw at the time, no links sorry*

Nobody agrees. I take it you thought there was no issue with O'Loughlins 'tackle' on Robinson? Despite Nathan Brown (recognised as a top coach in SL) thinking it was disgusting and threatening retribution!

With such varied views on exactly the same incident, how on earth can the panel win?

O'Loughlin's late tackle on Robinson wasn't a great effort, but the rules for some reason distinguish between a late tackle on the kicker from a late tackle on a passer that has released the ball. In my opinion it shouldn't - O'Loughlin's was worthy of a sin-bin but nothing more, seen plenty similar since that haven't had the outcry, including a poor effort from Mossop in Sunday's game.

Notwithstanding the above, that doesn't make Nathan Brown any less of an idiot. I actually tried to look up the number of charges for the subsequent game at Huddersfield, as there were a series of reckless shots making contact to the head from both sides that were equal to the Coley effort - Mason, Griffin, Tomkins J, etc, but as if to prove my point on consistency they were treated completely differently and not even charged.

I know you mentioned about knocking a player unconscious and no example being comparable - but again thats an area where we differ, the potential severity and / or intent of a high shot is often not replicated in the ultimate consequences. I'd argue that Moore's effort on Donald in the Leeds / Saints game was potentially much worse than Coley (both feet off the floor, swinging arm and aimed at the head with all body to go at), but he was lucky that Donald ducked far enough that contact was minimal, whereas the angle of Fakir approaching and his running style made the consequences of Coley's lazy effort and poor technique look much worse than it was purely due to the resultant point of contact.

Like I said right at the start, I agreed that it was a sending off and that a ban was required, but two matches in my opinion was excessive.


oderint dum metuant

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Another one for you to consider Dave - this one came to mind today, as I thought it much more dangerous than Coley's and it also caused injury to Lomax;

Then the more lenient charge and write up;


How that was considered careless rather than reckless I'll never know - terrible techique and given relative sizes of player involved a shoulder charge would have ensured part of the arm would have made contact above the shoulder of Lomax in any circumstances.

Edited by giwildgo


oderint dum metuant

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You also have have to take into consideration the past records of the players and Coley has had a few run ins, often for silly tackles or petulant offences. Certainly did when at Salford B) B) When was he ;ast up before the committee?

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Another one for you to consider Dave - this one came to mind today, as I thought it much more dangerous than Coley's and it also caused injury to Lomax;

Then the more lenient charge and write up;


How that was considered careless rather than reckless I'll never know - terrible techique and given relative sizes of player involved a shoulder charge would have ensured part of the arm would have made contact above the shoulder of Lomax in any circumstances.

:D I'm sensing we aren't going to agree on much on this one mate, as I didn't find that one too bad, with the write up about right.

IMO he clearly went for the shoulder charge, the impact was with the shoulder, at high pace and he was gtting stepped. Once the player had beaten him with that step, his lower arm came up, and I don't feel that it was an attept to elbow the ball carrier. I think it looked more spectacular than it actually was, and the actual offence was that the shoulder charge was high, and much of that comes from the difference in size in players (although that doesn't excuse a high tackle).

When you look at the speed, and the fact that there was no raised arm, and the fact he was stepped, then I can definitely see why it would be classed as accidental rather than reckless or intentional.

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