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The wisdom of Jacob Rees-Mogg

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9 hours ago, Tommygilf said:

Maybe its because I'm of a certain age, but some of the memes, the facebook pages, etc are often hilarious whilst also being very aware of their own limited spectrum. JRM is often the subject as he undoubtedly comes up with some good one liners. Many of these pages focus on Mogg but also other unashamedly conservative or pro brexit or often just eccentric individuals like Peter Hitchens, Farage or Boris Johnson - I've seen a few even aimed at ulster unionist and republicans as well as Ruth Davidson. One of the websites to have sprang out of this movement (with merchandise and everything) is called 'conservative cavalier', which says it all really. They also must be understood in the context of the underground, clandestine way most youth conservative groups now operate. The internet allows an extent of unabashed escapism from what must feel at times the often oppressively "left" wing University and college campus' of the UK. In this world, such unashamedly conservative characters provide a beacon for young conservatives (small c) in a perverted reflection of the way gay icons did in the past for people oppressed by society's view of their sexuality. In many ways, its nice for them to know they're not the only ones.

I don't think Mogg takes them seriously as a way to support - they are a form of satire after all. Indeed its a very public school humour imo, but that is not to say that it is limited to public schoolboys - indeed many of the memes are depricating to the subject. Its light hearted and reading into it any more than that is silly. There's plenty of similarly left wing meme pages.

On a serious note, between Mogg and someone like Heidi Allen and Ruth Davidson, the tories may be able to rally their grassroots in a way not seen really since Thatcher. Neither is capable of being leader, yet, but both appeal to different yet equally important sections of potential Tory support.

To be honest I just laugh at them for the satire they are. After all, "you can't clog the mogg".

Wnt and had a look at that Conservative Cavalier site. First thing that caught my eye was this Taxation is theft tee shirt. tells you all you need to know about their warped world view. 

"it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it."

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Just now, Griff9of13 said:

Wnt and had a look at that Conservative Cavalier site. First thing that caught my eye was this Taxation is theft tee shirt. tells you all you need to know about their warped world view. 

It is warped, but only as much as those demanding 100% inheritance tax. They are as embarrassing to me as a Labour member as these must be for mainstream tories - if you take them seriously. 

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