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Bearman last won the day on April 11 2022

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About Bearman

  • Birthday 01/01/1948

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  1. Muzza has dodged a bullet.
  2. I can't see why he would want Keighley either. Even the Keighley fans think their board have lost the plot.
  3. That one that the clubs threw out?
  4. Yes. They joined the league to compete for the HJ. If they didn't they had no business joining the league they should have stayed as a community club playing friendlies. Their action of not obeying the rules at the semi final stage have done a disservice to the other clubs taking part This is a club that is trying to step up to a higher level and their ability to cope with its geography will be a major factor in their success or failure. All of the other non heartland teams who have tried to succeed will attest to that. I would be very surprised if their application is taken seriously in light of this debacle. One of the criteria is to show how they will get players. If their pool of players are basically Union players then we all know how that will out.
  5. But they couldn't raise a team of eligible players The competition they are playing in like all competitions has rules of eligibility. If they had enough players on their books then they should have ensured they were eligible to fulfil the criteria as laid down in the rules by playing then during the qualifying games. The number of players on their roster is immaterial its the number of qualified players that count. They knew the rules but didn't apply them correctly. Hence they could not field a team
  6. That doesn't make sense. They could either raise a ream or they couldn't. If you are saying they could raise a team but they wouldn't have been competitive on the field, it would have shown as a club they were fulfilling their commitment. As at is implying they are only prepared to play if they can win.If that is the case then they will be in for a shock when they play for semi pro teams.
  7. Anglian Vipers have defaulted this weekend. They cannot raise a team. They were due to play Telford Raiders in the semi final of the Harry Jepson Trophy. That does not seem like a team with ambition to me
  8. 4 home wins BUT I can fully understand that Cru are very capable of spoiling that prediction. I'm sure everyone associated with them must be frustrated as they have not fulfilled their potential. When they are good they are....
  9. "Have Haven won the lottery?" Doesn't look like it......if they did they have lost the ticket. That said, I feel for 'em
  10. This is a no brained Not only my opinion but in his obituary the Times called him the greatest sportsman that ever lived Charle Burgess Fry England Cricket International England Soccer International Played in the FA Cup Final Played Union for The Barbarians One time world record breaking long jumper Oxford rowing Blue oxford Tennis Blue top golfer, skier and skater His party trick was to jump backwards from a standing start onto a mantlepiece. He was so well thought of that the Albanians offered him the throne of Albania! So go on trump that lot with the Johnny come lately Parvenues you lot are putting forward.
  11. The Hurricanes were very unlucky. I'll leave it at that
  12. Good shout. My favourite. I used to like White Horse because Lagavulin is the base malt. Sadly hard to find now..
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