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Everything posted by JohnM

  1. Or perhaps, and you may not like this, they actually know what they are doing. But remember this. Keep saying it to yourselves, "Re-imagining Rugby League" is an RFL project, in strategic partnership. Matt Dwyer is hardly "junior office staff.". Although, even if IMG had deployed " junior office staff" on the project, they'd do a better job than some of our pro and semi pro clubs. https://www.sportspromedia.com/insights/analysis/rugby-super-league-rfl-img-promotion-relegation-interview-rhodri-jones-dwyer/
  2. Thanks. But no mention of IMG anywhere. Does that mean: 1. They have left the room already? 2. The games governing body is in fact governing the game? 3. The anti-IMG claque on here will disband. I think we should be told.
  3. In general terms, and accepting there doesn't seem to be this particular element in the "Re-imagining Rugby League" rankings, I'd say, just like Toronto, they helped to break down the "Northern Parochial Sport" barrier that has penned in the game ever since the invention of the motor car and live television.
  4. Gosh. A bit extreme. There's so much to live for. Don't do it...talk to someone.
  5. Just added the "sad" emoji. Why does it look as if I'm saying "daft"?
  6. ."With their income they should be in the top three every season." If that were the case, someone would complain about Leeds domination. That's the joy of the whole competition: every club has to work to get a winning manager, a good income, good cost control, good player development and recruitment, good facilities, fan engagement.....perhaps the RFL could engage a global sports management company to drive that, to solidify best practice into a series of scored criteria. Oh, well, it'll never happen....n
  7. Here we go again. It's got it all. 1. If 2. Greedy 3. IMG I admit to being skeptical of any long term prospects of Oldham's survival but happy to be proved wrong and they seem to be moving in the right direction. In addition, no one knows how rugby league will look like after 12 years of the RFLs "Reimagining Rugby League" project. At the end of the project, will SL comprise the same clubs as now? Clubs come....clubs go. Evolve or become extinct.
  8. Based on history, I'd say victory to Catalans Dragons, but recent Cas performances might make that less likely. Depends, possibly, on which team has the best discipline.
  9. 1. General election 2. Euro 2024 3. Tour de France 4. Holiday season 5. Northern weather 6. The RL inherited dissatisfaction gene Just wait until the Olympics start, too.
  10. Understood. My beef is really the amount of abuse he's received on social media and from some pundits who should know better.
  11. A factor, certainly. I'll split it with you...if you don't mind drinking from a poisoned chalice, and if you can manage with the salary reduction Whoever gets the gig, though, I trust the mob will cut the social media ######.
  12. Mid season blues? I'll say! With acknowledgement to Sheryl Crowe. and co. All I wanna do is have some fun I got a feeling I'm not the only one All I wanna do is have some fun I got a feeling I'm not the only one All I wanna do is have some fun Until the sun comes up over The Rock Community Stadium
  13. I disagree. Not only that, you have deliberately mis-rrpresented my comment. I did not make such a claim. I asked the question.
  14. I agree with much that EagleEyePie has posted. But....who in their right mind would want the job, given the amount of abuse that Southgate got...and is still getting...on anti-social media, on TV and in the press? Criticism, sure, by the qualified and unqualified, but the personal abuse he's received is out of order. Of course, whoever gets the gig will still get the Anyone But England treatment from the Scots, but that goes with the territory.
  15. Thank you , Gareth, for all you have done for the England team. The amount of abuse and ill-founded criticism you have been subject to has gone beyond what is acceptable. In any other field it would have been subject to legal action.You have every right to tell the naysayers like Lineker to f¥¥¥ off. I'm reminded of a few lines from Mike Harding's poem "Bring on the Rosy Cheeked Girls" The sly-eyed, twisty-mouthed grabbers and fumblers, The shifty-faced, two-tongued, leadswinging lizards, The snotty-nosed, mardy-arsed bullies And false friends . . . And stick them up to their necks In the foulest stink-pot of an old bog You can find . . . head down . .. And leave them there.
  16. It's not a fact. It's not a done deed. It's a rumour. It's in the media. No one really cares anyway.
  17. Don't take it as gospel. It's in the Guardian, and it's a reporter's rumour.
  18. True. Certainly, subjectively maybe, "modern day" full backs are subject to more pressure and more aggression than was the case 30-40 years ago. Welsby, though, plays in a way that reminds me of Joe Lydon at his best in running the ball out.
  19. Golden age. Yes, the skills these guys show in catching the high ball, pressure or no pressure, on the 5th is spectacular. However the way the fullback is used bring the ball out seems to have changed from the days of Ken Gowers, Gary Connolly , Steve Hamson,
  20. So if the player who drops the ball vertically is moving forward, the trajectory of the dropped ball with reference to the ground is moving forward (resolve the vector triangle). I still see the ref, trained, qualified, experienced and close to the action, as the best judge and it seems to me that there is more to discuss in terms of players performance and skills.
  21. I managed to catch the BBC match commentary in the second half at the point where Hudds came close to leading. Then it all went wrong for them and Leigh seemed to shift up a couple of gears, whilst Hudds seemed to fall asleep. What changed? It's hard to fathom from this match thread, mired as it is in the swamp of refereeing criticism.
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