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shrek last won the day on March 31 2017

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  1. Classic FA Cup tie at the DW this afternoon, at 3pm, both sets of fans pretty much agreed in being non-fussed, promotions the priority, don't need any more of a fixture pile up etc etc. 89th minute - Blackburn equalise to make it 2-2, away end goes mental. 94th minute - Aasgaard scores a screamer to win it for Wigan, home end goes mental. Who cares if there are now not enough free mid weeks between now and the end of the season to fit all the matches in.............!!!
  2. Well done Sam Kerr, can't believe she got a yellow for it! Video safe for work - the sound however is not!
  3. Yes - but I'm fairly sure that was only named after he'd long since gone as manager.
  4. Quite - or moves on of his own accord, he did used to play for Bolton, that would be an especially awkward appointment!
  5. The word "hero" gets banded about to easily, but blimey, to have a player credit you with saving his life is some going. Charlie Wyke Nice touch to see the South Stand get renamed, the chairman doesn't hang about - can't be many managers at clubs playing out of stadiums with stands named after them!
  6. We served the home game against Wolves U21s, watched it on TV instead........... I do have an eye on late November when we play Cambridge away on the Tuesday night and then Plymouth on the Saturday.........................
  7. Youngest was keen to go and all helps build his confidence with crowds and noise etc. Not sure he's quite ready for our next away trip to a sold out away end at Bolton though, we'll be taking the ear defenders for sure!
  8. All this newcastle talk is a million miles from my football experience this week. Went to Crewe v Wigan, in the Papa Johns, who gives a monkeys Trophy and witnessed a truly awful spectacle, notable for being the first three figure crowd I've been in for a professional game. Claims of 925 being there where greatly inflated!
  9. So Leigh Athletic is on the cards.................... Can't speak! Don't recall the move to Leigh doing Horwich RMI much good!
  10. Put into administration by a guy who doesn't actually appear to have a debt at all to call in. In the meantime, relegated by an incompetent governing body, asset stripped and 75 decent folk put on the dole.
  11. Indeed - not sure about the North West Counties either, all sorts kicking off there over Bury and the Isle of Man entry, be just our luck for that draw bridge to be drawn up as well, Manchester League it is! No good options from here on out, even if they get saved, with no team, no manager and not much time to get things going hard to be optimistic.
  12. Latest statement from Wigan's administrators looks stark in black and white, losing faith a buyer will be find, but looks like its curtains if there isn't one in place by the end of the month.
  13. He's only at Wigan on loan so you never know.
  14. The betting story is getting the headlines as its a good yarn with a shred of believeability. But for me I thinking it comes down to the share price of the original holding company, International Entertainment Corp, seem to have done ok since overloading the club and the volumes of trades around the time of the sale seem to have shot up. So there was a bet, just more likely to be on the stock market rather than the betting exchanges.
  15. 4 weeks since the last takeover, stinks. Thankfully the assets are all still in place.
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