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iangidds last won the day on February 1 2018

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    Film making in Montenegro

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  1. Going for an inclusive tournament that created many blowouts and robbed the public of the best v the best was unforgivable
  2. That would be amazing, seems like it was a financial mess as here in Europe jobs are been cut and funds have dried up !
  3. Ok thanks , looks like they are burying bad news as they are not announcing anything as far as I can tell
  4. Sorry if this topic has been covered but I've been off the forums for a long time. Just wondering if the last world cup financial report was ever published and if so what was the profit /loss of the tournament?
  5. I really miss the days of 10,000 brits travelling to Aus. Although I never wanted Origin to be seen as the pinnacle of our game the reality is it is seen as that by many ; now I'm 100% clear that the international game is the pinnacle and if we don't really prioritize that we are crazy ! But we all know as a game we are completely
  6. People are telling me it was that it was because the game was in Victoria which makes no real sense as it seemed everyone had travelled from their state . The NRL will not generate an audience anywhere else with an atmosphere like that.
  7. Yes , I watched the game at the hotel and it was ok for atmosphere but believe me it was like the sound was on mute during most of the game whilst I was sat there
  8. Just been to my first ever origin game , I'm utterly gobsmacked at the lack of atmosphere; total silence throughout unless there was a break!
  9. I think one of the worst experiences I've had was England v Nz at Huddersfield; probably in the same series . It nearly killed me off from RL for life
  10. Well it's sounding positive! It would definitely be good to set out the targets we wish to achieve, creating a template of what could be carried forward and how we grow the investment group . I'm over in the UK in a few weeks around the chester area but I'm happy to meet anywhere across the 62 corridor, maybe at league express hq in Brighouse or the St George Hotel!!! if either of those venues exist?
  11. Especially pack players
  12. Always on the look out for players
  13. Yes next to the adriatic sea , slightly better than Batley Brook! It's certainly a good place to live
  14. Possibly but between us it's a very small amount, maybe we stop been a talking shop and decide to actually do something. That's not directed at you but at the people who talk rather than act .
  15. We raise nearly 10k a year and choose a new club each year to help
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