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Dave Naylor

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  1. Dixon's three tries and twelve conversions (36pts) today means he now holds the Oldham record for most points in a single game.
  2. That's a very bold selection. Dropping a winger topping the entire structure scoring charts and playing a loose forward at hooker. I sense some inside knowledge. We'll see on Sunday I suppose.
  3. I don't know is the short answer. The club has details of who had chosen seats and which they were. I'm don't know the method they use to ensure that allocated seats remain available for the people choosing them.
  4. Enter the stadium via the main reception where you should be scanned in. Then up one floor to the Broadway Suite for the Pie and Peas and then out into the Joe Royle stand for the game. You can mostly sit wherever you like other than the posh corporate style seating areas — essentially in the middle at the top of the stand.
  5. When you book tickets you will be offered an upsell of pie and peas hospitality.
  6. Statement: Emmerson Whittel https://roughyeds.co.uk/2024/03/statement-emmerson-whittel/
  7. Chairman Bill posted a poem online this evening. You can read it here: Bill's Battlecry
  8. Remember when I was awarded that Supporters Direct thing in 2016. And then at the awards dinner, the previous owners took it off me and handed it back to me on stage. I still laugh about that.
  9. I deserve a medal for tolerating Mrs Naylor's constant ear bashing. "You doing more work for nothing again???" "But it's like a hobby sweetheart!" Anyway, my aim right from the very start was to inject some professionalism into the club. My entire attitude to anything I engage with is, it's got to be right. I don't like shoddy work. I had an issue recently with a fan whose season ticket was missing. I did a bit of detective work, found it, and posted it to him. He lives a fair distance away. He replied with "Thanks Dave, as efficient as ever". I count that as a win.
  10. I don't feel jilted to be honest. The current ownership want to go in another direction and that's that. I'm still involved. The new ticket system this year is all me and I still run the online shop, albeit just the site, I don't physically deal with the products. As for consultants and marketers. Hmmmmm. Added Just been strumming over the word jilted. Maybe I do feel like that lol
  11. A new website is on the way — so I'm told — however I'm not involved. The current site morphed out of the Dare to be Wise fan site I did a while back. I'd designed that as a "What I'd do if I built a website for the club". It's the only website in any division that uses its current software platform and literally every byte of code came from my keyboard. It's super fast and I literally can't remember the last time it was down — I don't think it has been for years. I monitor it like a hawk with various bits of automation. Prior to the new owners coming on board I was at the planning stage of a new design. The new site was going to take on board what I think works, change/ditch what I think doesn't and add some more fun bits. I've now got lots of experience at running an RL website (I actually also manage several other websites both connected and unconnected with RL). Oh yeah and we smashed the IMG figures by almost double. Anyway, I've lovingly kept the current site updated to the best of my ability — as a labour of love — for the past six or seven years. I've updated it from halfway up a mountain in Greece, sat cross-legged in front of the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury, from my hotel room in Manhattan, NYC, lying on the beach at Marbella and most recently from Waterstones Cafe at Bentalls Dept store in Kingston-on-Thames. After one game, I was sat on the runway in an aircraft waiting to come home from a holiday. I was able to download Murgy's images after a game just before we took off. I processed the photos during the flight and prepared the match report. As soon as we landed I pushed the update and it all appeared on the site before I got home. It works in such a way that it's easy for me to run a copy of it on my mobile devices and post news articles with images pretty darned quickly. It's also super nerdy but hey-ho. I hope the new website delivers something good for the club and fans. It's going to be strange being on the outside. I can't wait to critique it.
  12. Don't know. Mike Ford has been dealing with all the shirt supplies and he's over in Italy for the RU international at the moment. I'll find out from him when he's back on Sunday (assuming he is coming back in time).
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