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Adelaide Tiger

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  1. Perhaps I wasn’t clear enough. As I understand it IMG have been brought on board as consultants to the RFL. Therefore they are not an Independent Board to govern the game. I was referring to the Chairs of each club agreeing to bring in a totally Independent Board - with no club affiliations - to govern the game. Therefore, the clubs WILL NOT have any power in deciding whether or not to accept some/all of the vision/strategy/actions put forward which appears to be happening with IMG proposals.
  2. I totally agree. The first action needs to be the Chair of each club agreeing to an Independent Board that builds the vision and strategy for the game. Without that commitment from the Chair of each club then I fear for the long term health of the game.
  3. Spot on. I believe that there are some RL followers that want the game to die so they can rejoice and say with glee ‘At least our team was still there till the end!’. I have asked the following question many times on this Forum over the years but nobody has ever responded. So here I go again as Whitesnake sang ‘Can anyone please explain to me how the game can grow if we continued as we did prior to IMG?’. I will not hold my breath …… For those that are apathetic about a possible NRL involvement with SL there is a documentary on google titled ‘NRL hits Vegas: Dream to Reality’. Just take some time to watch it to see how the NRL hierarchy operate. It might make you think twice about your stance.
  4. Yep, that’s what I put on the Facebook post.
  5. Takes me back to a game of RU at High school - we were not allowed to play RL even though we were in Cas - when it was sleeting in down horizontally. The lad opposite me was in tears most of the first half. I thought he was a bit soft until we played into the sleet in the second half. I played most of that half with my head burrowed inside my jersey. Must have looked like the Honey Monsters young lad with my frozen fair hair sticking out of the collar of the jersey. Salvation arrived at half time when all 15 of us plus a mates Dad - who wasn’t the slimmest of blokes - who always came to watch us somehow managed to huddle underneath a golf brolly he brought.
  6. Just saw a post on Facebook re Cas v Leigh on Friday. It states that there are 2,500 tickets left for sale. Don’t know if that includes any unsold tickets allocated to Leigh. But if correct it means around 8,000 tickets have been sold. Hopefully that will get Cas over the 7,500 average for the 3 year period but as there has been so many different figures posted about what Cas need from Fridays attendance it might be squeaky bum time! The club also had a ‘ticket donation’ promotion where people could buy either 3 for £30 or 5 for £50 and donate them to local charities for other people to attend. Apparently over 200 have been purchased and donated.
  7. Nope you are wrong. It was Herman’s Hermits that sang ‘I’m Henry the Heighth, I am’ ….. not Madness!
  8. I agree with you that a mid season game v France should be the best option but the fixture has not attracted the buy-in from supporters or clubs. IMHO If a War of the Roses goes ahead it should be: 1. Elevated and promoted as a contest that is above the standard and ferocity of SL, and 2. Acts as a test trial for a mid season international against France. Unfortunately, the closed minded club CEO’s will not reduce the fixtures by 2 games to accomodate the above.
  9. The only other option is England v France. And some posters on here complained that this game should be canned as it is one-sided and players pull out. So what is your best option?
  10. I am totally ignorant of how Cas, or any other club, value their ground. Is it based on the club just coming up with a figure; is it based on the rateable value; or is it based on if the land was developed. I ask this because back in 2011 the then Cas Chairman was quoted in an article in a publication called Sports Management that the club had secured a £50m development agreement with a Foodstore. So can someone explain how Cas would have come up with the £8m valuation?
  11. I have no need to doubt you that some Cas fans instigated some trouble in the ground that day but a group of Hull FC fans were certainly responsible for starting a big fight with Cas fans in the West Stand. What was funny was watching an older work colleague of mine who was stood nearby wading in to separate those fighting. My work colleague was a ref in the Yorkshire League and ran the line on occasions in the First Division. I spoke to him at work and he said it was like jumping into a scrum when Redhill played Stanley!
  12. Thanks RR for the reply. I was aware that the Boards plan was pre IMG. My comment was based on whether people think that the potential position that Oldham may be in in 5 years time - which obviously would negate the two years to date - may get them near the 15 point mark.
  13. Back to the discussion about Oldham. All I know about the resurgence at Oldham is what I read on this and other RL sites. So do posters think that the IMG process will offer the club a far better chance - with the move to Boundary Park and sensible planning - in the next 5 years or so to achieve the 15 point mark to achieve Grade A status. Or, would they have had a better chance if P&R had been retained?
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