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I am unconvinced that Stella isn't pretty much identical everywhere in the World. Are you sure it wasn't a different Artois beer?

It said Stella on the tap, didn't have to be Stella in the glass I suppose. I must admit I stuck mainly to Pelforth and Leffe whist in France - Estrella in Spain.

“Few thought him even a starter.There were many who thought themselves smarter. But he ended PM, CH and OM. An Earl and a Knight of the Garter.”

Clement Attlee.

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The memories of watching that game have stayed with me since 1981. I was sickend at the time from a sense of injustice and what appeared to be racism in action that went pretty much unchecked.

To be fair in that era it was common practise to try and nullify any stand out play by any means, fair or foul, and I doubt colour really came into it. If Tony Johnson had been playing ###### that day I suspect he would have been left well alone.

"it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it."


I remember an interview some years ago with Cec Thom(p?)son, who was about the only black player of his generation, and he said that racism wasn't that big a problem in his day, what really mattered was what class people thought you were and if you were working class as he was then that was OK.


I remember going to Headingley in either the late eighties or early nineties and Roy Powell was playing for Leeds against Fev. Leeds were terrible that day and Fev won. For me Powell was their stand out player - never stopped and tackled everything that moved, if all the Leeds players had played as well as Powell they'r probably have won. But it was Powell who got the abuse from the Leeds fans stood near to me. Whether it was because he was black, or because he was out of favour, or they could identify him more easily because he was black I don't know. But I do know he didn't deserve the abuse he was getting from the Leeds fans. In fact if there was a better 80 minute man at the time than Roy Powell I never saw him.

“Few thought him even a starter.There were many who thought themselves smarter. But he ended PM, CH and OM. An Earl and a Knight of the Garter.”

Clement Attlee.

You sure it was Stella. I'm pretty sure it's the same stuff everywhere.

UK Stella is brewed in UK and is quite different. Try Heinekin in Amsterdam and say that's just the same.

Maybe it's like Guinness. People will swear blind that the Guinness in Dublin tastes different but Guinness spend millions of pounds making sure that Guinness is the same everywhere.

Also untrue I'm sorry to say. Try a bottle of Guinness in West Africa then say it's the same as we now get here. Beautiful it is, just like it used to be in the good old days; like when Wigan were a bunch of thugs.

Sport, amongst other things, is a dream-world offering escape from harsh reality and the disturbing prospect of change.

Also untrue I'm sorry to say. Try a bottle of Guinness in West Africa then say it's the same as we now get here. Beautiful it is, just like it used to be in the good old days; like when Wigan were a bunch of thugs.

A certain amount of thread drift has set in now, but I am well aware that bottled Guinness is a completely different drink. Many years ago Diageo were one of my clients but sadly I never managed to wrangle a trip out to their biggest Guinness brewery, which is in Lagos.

My point is that I can go into the village pub right now and buy a pint of Guinness that will taste as near as dammit identical to one I could buy in the centre of Dublin. Guinness spend a lot of money making sure that's true.

English, Irish, Brit, Yorkshire, European.  Citizen of the People's Republic of Yorkshire, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom and the European Union.  Critical of all it.  Proud of all it.    

A certain amount of thread drift has set in now, but I am well aware that bottled Guinness is a completely different drink. Many years ago Diageo were one of my clients but sadly I never managed to wrangle a trip out to their biggest Guinness brewery, which is in Lagos.

My point is that I can go into the village pub right now and buy a pint of Guinness that will taste as near as dammit identical to one I could buy in the centre of Dublin. Guinness spend a lot of money making sure that's true.

But you can also buy bottled Guinness in UK and it's quite different to the W African brew.

You didn't say draft, so I win, Nyhaaa!

What's thread drift? Who brews it?

Sport, amongst other things, is a dream-world offering escape from harsh reality and the disturbing prospect of change.

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