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  1. I didn't sign up to superleague- but that is what I got.
  2. This is something that gets my goat. When customers have to rifle through the small print, any attachment you might have to that service evaporates. Expectation v reality. Although, looking through the schedule this is one of through few games not shown, lots of Thurs and Fri games on, such as Les Cats tomorrow. It is petty though.
  3. Ah OK. Thought they were all live....my bad. Waste of money then. Should have stayed on Now.tv
  4. Is superleague+ goosed already? Game not shown on the schedule and the app won't work on the TV?
  5. I'm not sure this is worth arguing over. This was a very local event that didn't really have any rivalry about it.
  6. Largely due its social function in the community. The Rams isn't a social club, it's semi pro RL club providing a level of football no socially led club can achieve. It does it to a set of minimum standards that community based clubs don't want to strive for. Apples and pairs.
  7. You are probably right and I'm sure most Rams fans are members of those clubs as well.
  8. Did they get an email asking if they would kindly deposit $12,000,000 from a Nigerian bank account?
  9. Unless I'm missing something that's £2.4m of accumulated debt in 5 years. Pretty much the entire turnover from 2021. The other point is that a CBS is an FCA regulated body and if someone is not telling the truth about the reality and outcomes to get people to invest, I believe that's fraud.
  10. I believe it's an Aussie thing about washing lines
  11. Not sure about your last comment, we're begrudgingly respected by RU at least, for knowing how to cut our cloth accordingly. ATEOTD Salford were punching but now we know why. The thing is, did we find out at the right time? Too late? Just in time? Or half way through the season like when clubs used to go pop? Thus, is the games financial systems working?
  12. Who was that trialist? They should have put the floodlights on by now Which team are we? Why didn't they put clean shirts on at half time? Etc
  13. I do wonder why Eddie Hearn cares about RL and why we should listen to him. The best story has been the efforts of Sir Kev and it's been capitalised on as much as you can with the breadth of the TV and media landscape these days. The only story that could outstrip his efforts is a world cup win for England because that team will have the stars that could do something that hasn't been done for over 50 years! it's the most glaring and obvious story in the waiting. All the other stuff around SL "stars" going on SAS who Dares wins (remember Sam Burgess?) or Celebrity Master Chef or whatever, will just generate a passing interest. I think the only other story that could possibly top that would be a merger of the two codes. I'm not sure which of the 2 is the least likely.
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