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David Shepherd

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David Shepherd last won the day on March 6 2023

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  1. And it would be classic Featherstone if we went and won it now that promotion is no longer available.
  2. I'm laid up after an emergency operation. Do French TV stream TOXIII away games?
  3. Was having a nosey at companies house to see if any of the alleged new investors have become directors of the company and/or bought shares. If they have, companies house have yet to be informed. Was browsing through some documentation and found that we've borrowed money from Yorkshire Choice Homes against the land. Worryingly, if you scroll to page 24 of the document, there appears to be a plan for housing on all of the land that isn't the stadium & car park. Edit: Access to the site appears to be through the land we recently bought on Station Lane. (Millenium House?) https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/Wa3wwcqgYI4DPy8Ca2g47VFT4M6c77i5FojzuWcgeZs/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3JZU75NXZ%2F20240731%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240731T102721Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEHAaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJIMEYCIQCXtcZg38sG50c0Y458I%2BV54rIGvy40EGpBNFZydcEecgIhAOrDA%2F4pNjNZgyNsEVycKM3YcuCiIbtKjnaEb7%2FIm3x3KrsFCFkQBRoMNDQ5MjI5MDMyODIyIgydmiUXLCVjWUW%2FDusqmAXLxMXTK9T2ai%2BweUpf9VBWUqId63jjjgSk2oy4iCBZ%2BA5n0BprExJDBThVhLyK%2FCumDphD1PTqLJKv1BEvrV6LK%2Fk%2BCcY%2Fv5jaSmVcgkFf0Xk0cN8AJ4bzutQeueaojeibe%2FsHgmZrh7b1Gxc5h99%2FtuzaS7CBzXiUxrAjNI5QAYWLpCga64aJSvn2R3pgDfy5AbuinDLbbO%2B4jjoneNACm09ALquxEn2kufHwmqkwZ5qUMaX0JxFD69pWzDmP51%2BRuXt2SnUzD4VbRbBvZxHl8w67bIPBaZqufth2%2BgUyxm8B1buTm5oJy8fqIlRmSPRnl3bLwZz2%2FtnsJaMoxeHgoDv%2Fc9OZ0WJ6H0IMa8duxRJ6nNN7LLFqDrbMRQpr72sXDaiQPt6GKRT7jy4xiNflev%2FwddEO1fw5a9z%2FS6Ec5QCSYBFkQBFkyOWKa26SbTSiYkwUwwci4hJ%2Fo8BK8djii9ss7Jy8Z%2FR4dbQDHH2ERnPJPynxlJrAP3wRHAK0hwEk8QyuZUBzq0HVAhVzep2V%2Fpyt0rnyTTpm9YucAjBLNAqaO4bqTaxCe5arnS3KFE%2ByErFqgqra3eepquS06FSfM6HQSuG1wcqOOl61BRGig9MAYx1CHtZtB2%2BcP6Z4d%2Bw%2FpGfGwfqgebwdI2YgJhAr6qxlxd2CXwUgOEN4FSGrTT7vAFT5Num7wEakWxuJJzNc9s%2BXjA3IZyf8I6UjXIlV7k0E7ZHHjohX%2FDbqrCCLy9edLSKePQ32hr7NoaSWIdiDFLpma0N4yMXNytB35%2F172to%2B6FKRDimtMqSD%2Fn9Lci39YBIe1jtRbO2MCvdtpkNJ3rfTPJr2LgRgAmgF5GfEKxl5bHAf8tQ%2FKE46s1KOneXQwl1jGgHAML3Op7UGOrABSgtE0utO4plkSGQGWqybj4k9jWxWpo2pz6Ophg%2FfY9us4BfP%2FjRVYDj2mVoZVMsSM9QqHtlZT%2BaWP1ocLKLA2JDLGoRXpHOcShPSjrK7JzJa2T1y7OyJtldHTgM%2FM6GTW24Y5TX5psmkYLkxLKDHD8%2FEuOXUyptHfZJY0qn%2FtlooDkKFCvGF7LMMEHJEIOwGKCoXKIMSSwNNI9e5MX42lNGS3EkuoTxoGvzHYGxL14Y%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D"03165021_mr01_2023-07-10.pdf"&X-Amz-Signature=cec84b8ef49211030871af0cd1190d4aeff937db21066602ac819e249bf59954
  4. Desperate times. We'll have no halfbacks at the weekend. 3 injured, 1 suspended and Danny Addy (who's been filling in at 6) also suspended.
  5. 4. Don't stage an international in a city where tens of thousands of potential spectators are reasonably likely to be in the city centre celebrating winning the Top 14.
  6. Back from Toulouse having consumed far too much "hospitality". Struggling to see where the next win comes from, lose against 'haven and we can look forward to an away trip to Cornwall. Did think the defence was improved, but that lack of ideas in attack is very worrying. How much longer can Ford hang on?
  7. I'm a broken man. Got swept up in Stade Toulouse's celebrations in the city on Friday night, then thought hair of the dog (and then some, and then some more) was the answer on Saturday. Stumbled into my hotel at 3:30am having lost my key, don't think the receptionist was too impressed with my poor recollection of GCSE French. Can't remember much about either international and am quite glad I can't remember the Fev game, but I know I had a blast of a weekend.
  8. I'll be there in person. I've had it booked for months (for the Fev game) and am quite chuffed that I've got an international to watch too. Hope it's a better game than last year's fixture. French team certainly looks a hell of a lot stronger this time.
  9. The team we fielded should have beaten the team they fielded. There's no one in that Sheffield team that I'd have over any of the players we put out. Abysmal performance. No line speed, no depth in attack, little go forward. Ford Out.
  10. Only "A" class shareholders can do anything with the land. There are several hundred of them and you're only allowed one each, regardless of how much money you've put in via "B" shares (Campbell etc).
  11. With the news breaking that we've been issued with a winding up order over unpaid debts, it's not a stretch to imagine that the club is a massive ****show from top to bottom.
  12. Genuinely one of the nicest blokes you could ever wish to meet and brave beyond words these last few years. RIP Rob.
  13. Not sure BBC3 is the right channel. Never going to get big numbers on such a poorly viewed niche channel. Needs to be on BBC2 at a minimum.
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