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Chile joins World Rugby League

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They are a Ra Ra sponsored group charged with f......g the whole thing up.

When all these fools join up, they'll start changing the rules till it looks like Ra Ra, or there'll be a humungous legal battle, bankrolled by the dark side to bankrupt our IRL.

Be vigilant, don't underestimate our enemies. Many and varied are the ways of the dark side. 

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At a minimum they tie up resources, dealing with confused newcomers questions.

Just like its consuming our time talking about them today.

It depends on the finances they can muster in order to become a  thorn in the games flesh. They could eventually tie us up in legal battles.

They can also undermine the IRL's claim to be the world governing body and that could impact on our claim as a bona fide sport in any application for government funding around the world and of course, in our attempts to become an Olympic sport. This translates to the ability to slow down (to a grinding halt in some countries) the growth of the game.

This is not a good news story. As far as I know, none of their members have any significant participation in the game, but that doesn't effect their ability to cause confusion, by lieing to our fledgling members, or to befuddle indifferent politicians about our legitimacy.

We are making progress around the world, and this is one of RaRa's responses The intend to frustrate, slow down, stifle and suffocate our growth.

For me, this is confirmation that we are finally doing something right, at last but its never going to be easy. Its difficult enough as it is, without their vile meddling.

Make no mistake, they envy us and so, fear us. Our product is superior and its appeal to the general population around the world is becoming evident.

Any authentic body, eager to develop the sport around the world, would seek to join the existing governing body and pull together, to fight the good fight.

The actions of this group prove the opposite. The are not rugby league people, they are not out to build the game but to destroy it.

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They don't fear RL - they just want to take it over.  There is RU and under it there is Rugby Sevens.  RU would like to absorb RL as a similar junior version of 'the main game.'  The NRL and several British clubs would be very pleasing additions to 'World Rugby's crown.

The only problem, of course, is that they are at least sixty years too late.  The two codes have moved so far apart in terms of laws and culture that it is about as workable as the reintegration of the Rugby Football Union into the Football Association from which it split over a rule difference that became obsolete a few years later.

Many RU are totally ignorant about RL.  Many assume the rule differences are minimal.  They assume there are two organisations operating in the same sport.  In fact there are two sports that share one word, 'Rugby', and some rules.

I have no visceral antipathy to RU.  I come from a football (soccer) area and background. It's just that RU is a very boring sport to watch.  If RL became RU I would cease to take an interest.

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