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Canada unrealistic?

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As I said....nobody should be guaranteed anything. Sporting merit is about competing to earn your place.

If a tennis player loses (let's say 25 matches in a row)..his ranking points will nosedive and he won't be eligible to play in a slam.

If a golfer fails to make the cut (let's say...25 tournaments in a row)..his ranking points wil nosedive and he won't be eligible to play in a major.

If a boxer loses (let's say...25 fights in a row)...his ranking points will nosedive and he won't be ranked by any of the governing bodies.

If a Premier League team loses (let's say...25 games in a row)...their points total will be low amd fhey will lose their right to play in the top table of the football League.

Every major sport in the world...you have compete to earn your place. it's a fundamental tenet of sporting merit. Regards the issue of ownership money I agree that's a major issue. That's off topic and is not what is being discussed here. If you perform badly, in sport, you lose your place. If you keep your place regardless of performance that's not sport. That's a closed business. The franchise system in North America.

I could never accept not competing for your place. As well as not being sport, It's unwarranted privilege.

Like Italy RU in the six nations?

Ron Banks

Midlands Hurricanes and Barrow

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if anyone has seen canadian boarder security show knows any offense even positive drink driving offence & you cant get into canada at all even for a quick sports visit, to clarify what i meant about visa issues! Theres pros and cons to this healthy dialogue is good either way, 80 pound for a passports not much but it needs to be done early obviously still bit of an expense for semi pro player to go with time of work, child care etc, upsides a free trip to canada wow!. Think the canadians have big goals like the super league in mind if just wanted a semi pro level why not talk to usarl could have a north america semi pro comp up & running within a couple of years.

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The travel involved for a Toronto team playing in the USARL would be almost as, if not more prohibitive as travelling to England for blocks of games. At least in league 1 they have the potential for promotion to the top flight.

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80% or more will have a passport already, so it is a minor issue.  


Overall I'm in favour of it, if they can provide some guarantee they will finish the season at least.  I'd prefer the money was invested in trying to develop a Canadian or Northern American semi-pro league, but possibly their funding is only for UK comp and super league potential.  


Quite a lot of work for the RFL planning schedules and helping with the travel, if this goes ahead at the same time as Toulouse but it is also a great opportunity for them to create growth in sponsorship, media coverage and attendances.  Would like to see a super league side go to Toronto for pre-season too.  

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I can't believe the regurgitated cobblers that's been put on here.

The application from the Canadians has been common knowledge for months and its had a lot of press about how it will stack up and many on here have given their thoughts - both for it and against it on previous postings.

But we still have people who -

A. Cannot, or through pigheadedness refuse to work out that the Canadians are paying for the whole shebang. It us not costing a CL1 or the RFL one penny. NOT ONE ##### PENNY!

B. For some unexplicable reason equate players who play semi-pro have never travelled abroad before so do not have a passport. Going to Benidorm for a 2 week #### up is not solely fir the creme da la creme athletes.

C. Think that players would be against taking 2/3 days leave to have a sporting trip if a lifetime i.e. Player goes his boss 'Can I take 3 days leave to visit Canada to play rugby league against Toronto'. The boss 'Don't talk daft and get back down the mineshaft'.

D. Forget that the RFL actually produce a fixture list BEFORE the season starts - it is true I say.

E. Will shout from the highest rooftops that the Canadians may be full time due to travelling over here in blocks of 4 weeks. As sure as eggs are eggs if the Canadians beat someone - especially an established heartland team the internet will melt through aggrieved supporters claiming that its not fair.

F. Cannot work out that even the first team to travel there would have 4/5 months notice. Surely this is long enough to get a passport, buy toiletries in small throwaway containers, cancel the milk for 3 days, make sure the gas is turned off, organise a neighbour to open and close the curtains to fool the local burglars etc.

As my dad used to say 'God, give me strength'.

Here we have an unexpected opportunity to;

help promote an international and unique aspect to our game;

to help promote the game in a country that appears to be receptable to the game;

to offer semi pro players a chance to play abroad;

to give clubs in CL1 a great recruitment tool to attract players;

for CL1 clubs to aggresively promote/market the gave against Toronto in local press.

And if it goes belly up at least we can say we had a go.

Forgot to add - thank God the ancestors of some of the negative posters on here weren't in attendance at The George Hotel in 1895. You can imagine their ancestors spitting their beer over the floor when an official of the Northern Union says 'We've got an application from Runcorn'.

I have liked this post, as I agree with it.  I will not proceed to argue against it :D


For background, I wanted Les Cats in Super League and I want Toulouse in Super League, but I was very concerned about Celtic Crusaders.  Most expressing concern were and are against those three. 


We have the financial reassurances.  If they are genuine, then this is fantastic.  Caution is reasonable though. 


Overall, I clearly think we should go for it.  However, I will also say it seems a strange way to do things.

"You clearly have never met Bob8 then, he's like a veritable Bryan Ferry of RL." - Johnoco 19 Jul 2014

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80% or more will have a passport already, so it is a minor issue.  


Overall I'm in favour of it, if they can provide some guarantee they will finish the season at least.  I'd prefer the money was invested in trying to develop a Canadian or Northern American semi-pro league, but possibly their funding is only for UK comp and super league potential.  


Quite a lot of work for the RFL planning schedules and helping with the travel, if this goes ahead at the same time as Toulouse but it is also a great opportunity for them to create growth in sponsorship, media coverage and attendances.  Would like to see a super league side go to Toronto for pre-season too.  

Some assurance that the financial claims are more than hot air is important. 

"You clearly have never met Bob8 then, he's like a veritable Bryan Ferry of RL." - Johnoco 19 Jul 2014

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if anyone has seen canadian boarder security show knows any offense even positive drink driving offence & you cant get into canada at all even for a quick sports visit, to clarify what i meant about visa issues! Theres pros and cons to this healthy dialogue is good either way, 80 pound for a passports not much but it needs to be done early obviously still bit of an expense for semi pro player to go with time of work, child care etc, upsides a free trip to canada wow!. Think the canadians have big goals like the super league in mind if just wanted a semi pro level why not talk to usarl could have a north america semi pro comp up & running within a couple of years.

Kiwi, you are like an old gramaphone record - and a bad one at that!

I grant you that the odd player may have committed a misdemeanour that prevents a passport being issued but the way you are banging on about it you would think that we are sending the Wakefield prison XIIII rather than a CL1 team.

Why don't you just say that you are totally against this rather than continue with insinuation that most CL1 players are repeat offenders or have ASBO's.

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