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What Are You Listening To - The Reckoning

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7 hours ago, Oxford said:

It's hard not to spend your time avoiding stuff when so much of it is simply ordinary, not awful just very ordinary. Breaking barriers and moulds is the job of music and musicians but the job spec seems to have changed to sounding very similar and pinching each others rhymes. Part of the problem is radio has become generic in all but name.

Don't apologise you'll only encourage them.

Worth remembering, though, that in whatever you consider to be a "golden age", the majority of music released was also filler, dross or worse. Posterity acts as a filter, and the high points stand out in memory. Just Google the charts for any given year to be reminded of the horrors of your halcyon days.

What makes it harder to sift through releases these days is that there is just so much of it. What makes it easier is the internet, so you can try (on Spotify or YouTube etc.) before you buy/steal.

Plus, when I were a lad and it was all fields round here and jumpers for goal posts, a home recording would be a rough old mess and normally wouldn't see the light of day. Now, anyone with a computer can produce something that, if they make the effort to learn what they are doing, can sound as slick as a studio product.

Edited by Futtocks
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Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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11 minutes ago, Martyn Sadler said:

There isn't a lot of modern music I listen to, but this track, 'Up North', by the Norwegian band Borknagar, is really worth listening to.

I listened to the track and it's not bad at all.

But I may not be here for a while as the image of Martyn Sadler head banging and air guitaring may haunt my waking moments for years to come and I have voluntarily entered therapy.



2 warning points:kolobok_dirol:  Non-Political




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This slab of Tangerine Dream-esque Krautrock comes to you from Steve Davis' band. Yes, that Steve Davis. He's come a long way since Snooker Loopy...


Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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"Don't turn on the TV, don't show me the paper
(I) don't want to know he got kidnapped or why they all raped her
I want to go on vacation 'till the pressure lets up
But they keep hijacking airplanes and blowing them up

It's been a hard day on the planet
How much is it all worth?
It's getting harder to understand it
Things are tough all over on earth "


2 warning points:kolobok_dirol:  Non-Political




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