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Sad news - Terry Newton


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RIP Terry

Condolences and thoughts to his Wife, children and his family.

I'll remember him for his contribution to the game which was considerable, he served GB and England well and also played for the biggest clubs, in the biggest games in our sport. He was a whole hearted player who never conceded an inch and made his opponents fight for anything they got from him. Whatever his reputation, on field persona or off the field mistakes, he was a member of our Rugby League community

The RFL should examine exactly how they deal with players who have lost their livelihoods and good name due to transgressions. I'm not saying that anyone did anything wrong but we must ensure that we take care of the well being of those individuals who fall foul of society's ills.

Maybe there was nothing more that anyone could have done to help Terry get through but we should at least examine our procedures and aftercare to prevent any individual from feeling that this is the only way out!

I hope that everyone at the Grand Final pays their respects to Terry Newton.

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RIP Terry

Condolences and thoughts to his Wife, children and his family.

I'll remember him for his contribution to the game which was considerable, he served GB and England well and also played for the biggest clubs, in the biggest games in our sport. He was a whole hearted player who never conceded an inch and made his opponents fight for anything they got from him. Whatever his reputation, on field persona or off the field mistakes, he was a member of our Rugby League community

The RFL should examine exactly how they deal with players who have lost their livelihoods and good name due to transgressions. I'm not saying that anyone did anything wrong but we must ensure that we take care of the well being of those individuals who fall foul of society's ills.

Maybe there was nothing more that anyone could have done to help Terry get through but we should at least examine our procedures and aftercare to prevent any individual from feeling that this is the only way out!

I hope that everyone at the Grand Final pays their respects to Terry Newton.

Very well put.

I've been thinking about this all day.

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Whatever mistakes Terry Newton made in his life, the tragedy of his passing has shocked us all.

None of us could ever imagine the torment that must have been going through the lads mind. Even more sadly his family as well as grieving for him , will probably be tormented at the manner of his passing for a long time to come.

I have no doubt that the minutes silence will be observed (as it always is at these sad times) - impeccably.

However when we pause and contemplate Terry Newton on Saturday lets all spare more than a passing thought for the family he's left behind as they are suffering intolerable anguish at this very sad time.

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like a lot of opposition fans terry was the one player we loved to hate, but i think that was because we all secretly admired him. the last game widnes played against wigan in super league at home, he absolutely destroyed us with a virtuoso performance, what is sad is that underneath all the pantomime villain exterior on the field terry was a brilliant player who for me was the only hooker of his generation that could come close to keiron cunningham.

RIP terry the world of rugby league is all the poorer for your untimely passing.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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One aspect of this tragedy just keeps coming back into my mind and I just can't shake the feeling that it had something to do with Terry's state of mind leading up his taking his own life.

I didn't know Terry well but have met him on four or five occasions where I have had the chance to speak with him as part of a group of players just having a drink. That doesn

Edited by The Clan
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two things should happen now,

1 the player who sold terry the HGH should hold his hand up, and admit he has been dealing in illegal substances......because whoever you are you are partly responsible for this tragic episode.

2 insted of just doling out bans for drug use the rfl should set up a team of highly skilled people to support and monitor each players reaction to any ban meted out which may be a contributing factor to episodes of low mood. and offer a supportive network instead of saying "any player can contact US if they need the services of the counselling team". the german fa have such a team in the planning stage after the national goalkeeper committed suicide.

these two things can't bring terry back but perhaps it may help others in the future.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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Very sad news.

We were on holiday and the hotel printed top stories I was shocked to say the least.

I have read many comments on here about the RFL not helping players under bans. Do we know that this is the case?

There must be some personality traits with players that give 100% and wear their heart on the sleeve.

Very sad and his poor family have to live with it.

Great player who made poor choices.

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but they don't monitor them really do they james? reading that it is a bog standard thing that every large organisation has to adopt, and really they do nothing at the end of the day.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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but they don't monitor them really do they james? reading that it is a bog standard thing that every large organisation has to adopt, and really they do nothing at the end of the day.

The offer is there but you can't make people take it.

Depression is a dificult illness to deal with. There isn't the same logic and the sufferer will see things through different eyes.

I hope the RFL do look at what they offer players both during their careersand at the end. The army send soldiers on resettlement courses maybe the RFL need to ensure players are equiped to deal with the end of their careers.

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