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21 man squad for the York game.  Can see Corkill getting a game with no Shaw. 

Ellis Archer

Amir Bourouh

Luke Broadbent

Andrew Bulman

Greg Burke

Rio Corkill

Luke Cresswell

Hanley Dawson

Ben Evans

Ellis Gillam

James Greenwood

Tom Hopkins

Anton laria

Ryan Johnston

Danny Langtree

Jarrod Sammut

Connor Saunders

Jarrad Stack

Shane Toal

Jack Wells

Greg Worthington

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Todays 17. 

01 Luke Cresswell

27 Andrew Bulman

04 Greg Worthington

03 Rio Corkill

02 Shane Toal

  1. Jarrod Sammut
  2. Ryan Johnston

13 Jack Wells

25 Amir Bourouh

  1. Anton laria
  2. Danny Langtree

32 James Greenwood

12 Jarrad Stack


Archer, Gillam, Evans, Burke

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2 hours ago, bruner said:

People been calling for Archer and Corkhill the last few weeks. Let's see how they go. 

Archer didn’t get much game time, corkill missed a few tackles, not championship standard! 
bottom of the league just hope they beat Newcastle next week!

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43 minutes ago, BarraFan said:

 corkill missed a few tackles, not championship standard! 

an unfair statement there, the lad is only 18/19 and has played a couple of games, centre is the hardest position on the field to defend, he will learn and improve.

Edited by The Vet
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Lethargic, no zip. York were so much quicker . No idea what's going wrong but not the same as last season by a long way. TBH I did expect this but we look plodders and a quick break looks non existent. 

Must win next week and our support is needed . It will turnaround but hopefully quickly

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York fan here. I thought in the first ten minutes we were going to steamroller all over you, your players were still on the bus. You hung in and gave as good as you got for the first half, but once York were back to having 13 on the field in the second half, there was only one winner. I thought Cresswell had an outstanding game for you, if one or two of your high profile players had shown his commitment and effort, it may have been closer.


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