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  1. After watching Keighley yesterday. I cannot see us avoiding relegation. There are 2 games, we have a slight chance of winning. The rest. No chance. The new coach has a miracle to proform. With a weaker squad than the club had last year. In a lover division.
  2. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=700983448706378&substory_index=700983462039710&id=100063841873884
  3. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0n7wBXestEuvtDe9o9YRvUdswrxQo8mKbRcWSmqzEJ6pAARqDKEDnL4aARhJ7oEzvl&id=100063841873884
  4. Lol...that hiding really hurt didn't it...
  5. Statement from the club. The club are aware that in recent days of rumours have been circulating that players are not being paid. Ryan O’Neill on behalf of the club has issued the following statement: “I’ve read on social media and heard rumours that the club have not paid players wages. In the 4 years since we took on the club we have never missed a payment to players. It is something we pride ourselves on. Yesterday Kaue and I came up to Keighley to get to the bottom of where these rumours are coming from. I always believe transparency with fans is part of what this club is about, and I am therefore sharing with you the root of this gossip. At the start of 2022 season we increased match winning bonus from £200 to £250, in return for a restructure of the payment: Players would be paid £150 per win in the monthly payroll, and the extra £100 would accumulate into a pot that they would be paid at the end of the season in a lump. This ‘pot’ would be paid personally by us rather than the club. This policy is beneficial for club cashflow, and in the end benefits players from having that increase in the winning pay. At the end of 2022 season we paid this pot to the players, along with a substantial promotion bonus, which was a great boost for the players at the end of the incredible season. We have now discovered that new players to the club were not aware of the winning pay policy, and this has caused this current issue. We believe that the structure of winning pay is fair, and ends up with the players receiving more than they would otherwise, and is a considerably higher winning pay than many of our competitor clubs. I hope this will put to bed the rumours, as they are damaging to the club, a drain on morale, and spoils what we are trying to do at Cougars.”
  6. Keighley were given a lesson in how to defend yesterday. Toulouse are the best we have played this year.
  7. Aa a Cougar fan. Thats the first game this year where it clicked. Bulls were lucky to get 6. We completely dominated them.
  8. What will happen. If the bottom two teams in sl. Have exactly the same points, across the broad, As the top two teams in the division below. The the two teams in the lower division get promoted?
  9. Have to agree with you. Some well drilled and disciplined teams have come to Cougar Park this year. Been impressed by them. Keighley are on fire this year.
  10. The club is now owned by people who really want it to succeed. They are not spending beyond there limit. Good times are happening at Cougar Park. More signings in the pipeline.
  11. The second sin bin. Was the turning point. Both sin bins were good calls by the ref.
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