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'ASBO Tomkins' & 'Bully-boy Bailey'?

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I was just thinking the other day both players may be as ill disaplined as one another but in all fairness at least Joel is a very talented Rugby League player, whereas it seems Ryan is propped up by his team. I guess this may seem unfair but I'm not trying to be, as I don't supportan SL team. It's just when I see Joel Tomkins it's not always aimed at the smallest Backs on the team. I agree with the Sky Sports commentator who said Joel Tomkins could be a liability (or words to that affect) for England due to his ill disapline. So, in my opinion Wigan need to do something about his 'hot-head'. Whereas Bailey needs to be demoted to a Co-op Championship squad as he's just not good enough for a top level SL Prop, in my opinion.

On a side note; does Bailey always hide behind his teammates during 'biff' which he's started?

Edited by HappyDave

"I've never seen a woman with hairy ears... And I've been to St Helens" - John Bishop

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Tomkins = occasional hothead and bonehead who will be chastised by his coach for his rulebreaking actions on the pitch.

Bailey = serial thug and coward who will be praised, rewarded and encouraged by his coach for his rulebreaking actions on the pitch.

'nuff said.

Bailey, a man with four grand final winners rings. Tomkins, a man with no medals or brain.

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Bailey, a man with four grand final winners rings. Tomkins, a man with no medals or brain.

Exactly, if he was so bad why would he make the leeds 1st team!! at the end of the day, he goes on the field and does his job - wind the opposition up so they concentrate on him more than his team mates!!

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Bailey isn't actually that bad a player, and certainly better than a lot of props in Super League. It would appear tha most people who constantly cricitise him for being 'dirty' didn't watch Rugby League prior to the Super League era, because there were a huge number of players who had a much nastier edge to their games knocking about then than Bailey.

What I'm looking for is someone who can contribute to what England has given to the world: culture, sophistication, genius. A little bit more than an 'ot dog, know what I mean?

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I was just thinking the other day both players may be as ill disaplined as one another but in all fairness at least Joel is a very talented Rugby League player, whereas it seems Ryan is propped up by his team. I guess this may seem unfair but I'm not trying to be, as I don't supportan SL team. It's just when I see Joel Tomkins it's not always aimed at the smallest Backs on the team. I agree with the Sky Sports commentator who said Joel Tomkins could be a liability (or words to that affect) for England due to his ill disapline. So, in my opinion Wigan need to do something about his 'hot-head'. Whereas Bailey needs to be demoted to a Co-op Championship squad as he's just not good enough for a top level SL Prop, in my opinion.

On a side note; does Bailey always hide behind his teammates during 'biff' which he's started?

he would get eaten alive by the likes of sean hesketh, brett mcdermott and marc jackson....

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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Bailey, a man with four grand final winners rings. Tomkins, a man with no medals or brain.

joel tomkins, a man in the super league dream team and a shoe in for the 4 nations and a very talented player to boot.........................

ryan bailey, ###### who runs away from anyone of equal size who stands up to him. i still remember him running off the pitch at widnes after he dropped the elbow on terry o'connor as third man in the tackle (as usual) just because terry went for him.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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he would get eaten alive by the likes of sean hesketh, brett mcdermott and marc jackson....

I've absolutely no problem with that. :D

Shame Radford was too fast to start on him & didn't let him stand up grab onto his jersey so he couldn't run away then go toe-to-toe with him. :lol:

"I've never seen a woman with hairy ears... And I've been to St Helens" - John Bishop

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Bailey isn't actually that bad a player, and certainly better than a lot of props in Super League. It would appear tha most people who constantly cricitise him for being 'dirty' didn't watch Rugby League prior to the Super League era, because there were a huge number of players who had a much nastier edge to their games knocking about then than Bailey.

The number of dirty players around pre SL era is surely irrelevant.

It's now we're discussing and that's why Bailey stands out as a nasty piece of work, because he's the worst of only a select few in our game today, IMO.

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Tomkins = occasional hothead and bonehead who will be chastised by his coach for his rulebreaking actions on the pitch.

Bailey = serial thug and coward who will be praised, rewarded and encouraged by his coach for his rulebreaking actions on the pitch.

'nuff said.

occasional? give over try "every other week." I'd love to know how you know that brian McClennan rewards Bailey for his behaviour, what with? sweets? a pat on the head? The pair are as bad as each other, anyone without blinkers and more than one eye can see that.

"surely they've got to try somthing different now, maybe the little chip over the top?2



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Did he get them back then? Rumour has it that he walked in on the 6 foot thief but he got away when Bailey waited for two other people to tackle him first.

I know it's harsh he was burgled & they stole his winners rings but I can't help but chuckle at that sadistic joke. :D

"I've never seen a woman with hairy ears... And I've been to St Helens" - John Bishop

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occasional? give over try "every other week." I'd love to know how you know that brian McClennan rewards Bailey for his behaviour, what with? sweets? a pat on the head? The pair are as bad as each other, anyone without blinkers and more than one eye can see that.

No they are not - Joel Tomkins has never shirked confrontation or a tackle with a player of any size, Bailey has made a cowardly retreat a trademark.

Tomkins is young enough and talented enough to mature into the best British second rower for years to come - he isn't far off at the moment (13 tries and 7 assists in 27 regular season games this season), whereas Bailey will never be the best prop in a Leeds team.


oderint dum metuant

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Tomkins is young and will learn the error of his ways and go on to be a class act.

Bailey wont change. He is a big guy that if he channeled all his efforts into being a good player rather than the thugs antics could be a very good player. The RFL are to blame time after time. Look at his record on the disciplinary page of the RFL website. 9 time out of 10 he gets away with a caution or nothing at all. You telling me he didn't know he was elbowing Radford in the head?

There are others besides these 2. Lauaki needs to calm a little too.

Edited by Symo10
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Tomkins is young and will learn the error of his ways and go on to be a class act.

Bailey wont change. He is a big guy that if he channeled all his efforts into being a good player rather than the thugs antics could be a very good player. The RFL are to blame time after time. Look at his record on the disciplinary page of the RFL website. 9 time out of 10 he gets away with a caution or nothing at all. You telling me he didn't know he was elbowing Radford in the head?

There are others besides these 2. Lauaki needs to calm a little too.

no hope for lauaki im afraid,he's just crackers.
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No they are not - Joel Tomkins has never shirked confrontation or a tackle with a player of any size, Bailey has made a cowardly retreat a trademark.

Tomkins is young enough and talented enough to mature into the best British second rower for years to come - he isn't far off at the moment (13 tries and 7 assists in 27 regular season games this season), whereas Bailey will never be the best prop in a Leeds team.

no doubt Tomkins is the better player, but just because he's more prepared to face the music from his actions doesn't make him a less dirty player than Bailey. I've read on the wigan board some fans fear Tomkins may struggle to catch the side if his discipline doesn't improve due to the strenth of your new recruits.

"surely they've got to try somthing different now, maybe the little chip over the top?2



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no doubt Tomkins is the better player, but just because he's more prepared to face the music from his actions doesn't make him a less dirty player than Bailey. I've read on the wigan board some fans fear Tomkins may struggle to catch the side if his discipline doesn't improve due to the strenth of your new recruits.

That may benefit him in the long run. If MM has the option of dropping him if his discipline doesn't improve it may concentrate his mind onto playing the game instead.

Look what happened to Tomkins, S & Ganson. Got sent off for descent, but the lesson seems to have stuck, never seen him get done since.

Baily on the other hand is beyond redemption. :P

"it is a well known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it."

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Yawn, every team has a "pantomime villain" Leeds have Bailey,Wigan have Joel Tomkins, etc,etc,etc.

leeds have more pantomime villains than bailey................sinfield and mcguire spring instantly to mind.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


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leeds have more pantomime villains than bailey................sinfield and mcguire spring instantly to mind.

Do you ever give it a rest.

Change your name to "keyboard warrior" saddo.

How somebody that follows a team that has had the Hulme sisters,Kurt Sorenson,etc,etc,talking about pantomime villains.


Edited by terrywebbisgod

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

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Do you ever give it a rest.

Change your name to "keyboard warrior" saddo.

How somebody that follows a team that has had the Hulme sisters,Kurt Sorenson,etc,etc,talking about pantomime villains.


Don;t worry about him - he used to have a pop at me and Cas all the time - now he loves me!! ;-)

Now then, it's a race between Sandie....and Fairburn....and the little man is in........yeees he's in.

I, just like those Castleford supporters felt that the ball should have gone to David Plange but he put the bit betwen his teeth...and it was a try

Kevin Ward - best player I have ever seen


The real Mick Gledhill is what you see on here, a Bradford fan ........, but deep down knows that Bradford are just not good enough to challenge the likes of Leeds & St Helens.
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