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3 hours ago, unapologetic pedant said:

There was a 10k crowd for the England v New Zealand women`s RU game at Exeter. I looked at those Union fans enjoying their game on Sunday and wondered whether their RL equivalents would respond in similar numbers to England v Jillaroos or England v Kiwi Ferns. And concluded that a substantial proportion would either not be aware the games were happening, or at home feeling very pleased with themselves that they had no interest.

Women`s RL in the UK will have to build a new younger audience. The older contingent of RL "fans" can`t be relied upon.

Why am I ' expected ' to be interested in it ?

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3 hours ago, gingerjon said:

But that didn't happen overnight. Women's RU has been played - at international level - in front of some absolutely dire crowds. The pushback we get in league now from some, not all, 'traditionalists', they had in union (and had, as well, in soccer, cricket etc) mostly happened a decade ago and now people have moved on.

Keep playing women's RL, resourcing it properly, and making it visible and we'll get to that stage too.

Explain ' pushback ' ?

As I've pointed out in the past , I did in some small way contribute to women's ' Rugby ' in that the very first England/GB women's RU captain spent 6 years in a classroom with me , whatever games the lads played , Carol Isherwood joined in with , she hoped to play RL at Leeds Uni , but unfortunately there was only a Union women's team , the rest is history , good on her , she's actually made a career out of it , doesn't mean I have to be interested in either women's Rugby 

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22 minutes ago, GUBRATS said:

doesn't mean I have to be interested in either women's Rugby 

Then I don't have to be interested in your post about it.

Off you trot. This isn't about you.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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42 minutes ago, GUBRATS said:

Why am I ' expected ' to be interested in it ?

I don't think anyone expects you to be. However when the thread is about women's RL it's a bit odd to keep posting that you aren't interested in it and that you don't watch it.

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2 hours ago, GUBRATS said:

Why am I ' expected ' to be interested in it ?

Nobody is expected to like Rugby League.

But it`s disappointing when a RL fan doesn`t want to support an area of the game that`s growing.

The female game can potentially engage parts of the population, both geographically and socially, that have proved stubbornly impervious to the men`s game. I would expect a fan of the game to have an interest in that.

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1 hour ago, GUBRATS said:

Don't explain pushback then , I won't comment further 

Come on mate, the reasonable majority needs you! 

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5 hours ago, gingerjon said:

But that didn't happen overnight. Women's RU has been played - at international level - in front of some absolutely dire crowds. The pushback we get in league now from some, not all, 'traditionalists', they had in union (and had, as well, in soccer, cricket etc) mostly happened a decade ago and now people have moved on.

Keep playing women's RL, resourcing it properly, and making it visible and we'll get to that stage too.

I hope you`re right, but I have an uneasy feeling our antediluvian phase will last longer.

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32 minutes ago, unapologetic pedant said:

Nobody is expected to like Rugby League.

But it`s disappointing when a RL fan doesn`t want to support an area of the game that`s growing.

I'm not particularly disappointed if someone doesn't support an area of Rugby League.  Each to their own.

What disappoints me is when they seem to consider this something worth bragging about.

"The history of the world is the history of the triumph of the heartless over the mindless." — Sir Humphrey Appleby.

"If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?" — Sam Harris

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7 hours ago, gingerjon said:

Keep playing women's RL, resourcing it properly, and making it visible and we'll get to that stage too.

Which brings us back to my original point, why not have it finish a few weeks after the men. O.k maybe not mid-December, but even the end of October, mid-November.

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7 hours ago, The Rocket said:

Which brings us back to my original point, why not have it finish a few weeks after the men. O.k maybe not mid-December, but even the end of October, mid-November.

I'm really not sure of any benefits at all. You'll note that in the other sports mentioned - over here - being tied to the season of the sport as a whole has worked. The one example I can think of which had a fair run playing at a different time of yea - WSL soccer - moved back to winter having tried summer seasons.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. (Terry Pratchett)

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