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NRL Europe? In Winter?

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24 minutes ago, Dave T said:

Yeah, I try to be open minded on stuff like this despite my instinct to be to steer well clear, but I just don't see what the Aussies get out of this. On one hand, the investment could be modest, tens of millions of quid could be found I'm sure - but I'm not sure where the returns come on that. I think there is plenty growth to be had, but we have never been a sport in the UK that is awash with funds that can be returned to investors.

I don't think the Aussies are bothered about strengthening the international game through this - if that was the aim, I think there are more direct ways to do that. 

I'm struggling to see what the Aussies could do/invest/bring to the table that is going to get them a substantial return. 

Yeah strengthening the international game argument is nonsense. That could be done overnight already if the NRL wanted and I am certain the RFL/SL would go along with anything that meant more quality internationals, no matter the time of year.

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4 minutes ago, Damien said:

Yeah strengthening the international game argument is nonsense. That could be done overnight already if the NRL wanted and I am certain the RFL/SL would go along with anything that meant more quality internationals, no matter the time of year.

I don't want to be overly negative on this - but I just don't see what the benefit is. If they wanted an international game, that can be done at the moment, the World Club could be enhanced, partnerships like the Vegas initiative could be done - but I don't think any of that needs NRL investment. 

Hopefully if the proposals are coming from the UK they are really firm and clear as to what they are offering for investment.

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36 minutes ago, Dave T said:

I don't want to be overly negative on this - but I just don't see what the benefit is. If they wanted an international game, that can be done at the moment, the World Club could be enhanced, partnerships like the Vegas initiative could be done - but I don't think any of that needs NRL investment. 

Hopefully if the proposals are coming from the UK they are really firm and clear as to what they are offering for investment.

The NRL would get total control over professional rugby league, Dave.

NRL, Super League, and the international game (club and country). That's why they would buy it. They could do what they want.

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10 minutes ago, Coggo said:

The NRL would get total control over professional rugby league, Dave.

NRL, Super League, and the international game (club and country). That's why they would buy it. They could do what they want.

They already do what they want

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So would all the Super League clubs have to change their none game day income to the Members League system the NRL has with gambling, hospitality and local sports clubs ?

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13 minutes ago, RugbyLeagueGeek said:

They already do what they want

It may seem that way! Haha!

But in fact they have no direct control over Super League. That would all change.  

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40 minutes ago, Coggo said:

The NRL would get total control over professional rugby league, Dave.

NRL, Super League, and the international game (club and country). That's why they would buy it. They could do what they want.

Yes, that's the conclusion I come to too. 

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Appreciate the concerns regarding an NRL takeover, but if this is close to half true then it appears that someone close to the top of the game in UK, whether RFL, club owners, IMG or a combination of all 3, having been flying a kite to see what interest there might be.

Whether this is to supplement the IMG input or replace it, it doesn’t smack of confidence in either the RFL leadership or IMG for that matter, which makes it feel more club lead.

Whatever the situation, I can’t help feeling for all the concerns an NRL Europe must be better than what we have now.

The NRL are currently seriously discussing a 5-10 year plan to expand to increase to 20 clubs.

When has the RFL/SL ever had a 5 year plan, other than getting to the end of it alive. 

There’s some serious money swishing about at the back of some SL clubs now, and they probably see a bigger future than one dictated by clubs celebrating putting 2000 seats on some terracing, to get an IMG point. 

Harsh I know, but the game in the UK is as big as the leaders in the sport allow it to be. It needs a completely different mindset to be something everyone appears to want it to be. 

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9 minutes ago, The 4 of Us said:

Appreciate the concerns regarding an NRL takeover, but if this is close to half true then it appears that someone close to the top of the game in UK, whether RFL, club owners, IMG or a combination of all 3, having been flying a kite to see what interest there might be.

Whether this is to supplement the IMG input or replace it, it doesn’t smack of confidence in either the RFL leadership or IMG for that matter, which makes it feel more club lead.

Whatever the situation, I can’t help feeling for all the concerns an NRL Europe must be better than what we have now.

The NRL are currently seriously discussing a 5-10 year plan to expand to increase to 20 clubs.

When has the RFL/SL ever had a 5 year plan, other than getting to the end of it alive. 

There’s some serious money swishing about at the back of some SL clubs now, and they probably see a bigger future than one dictated by clubs celebrating putting 2000 seats on some terracing, to get an IMG point. 

Harsh I know, but the game in the UK is as big as the leaders in the sport allow it to be. It needs a completely different mindset to be something everyone appears to want it to be. 

An NRL takeover would be revolutionary. Perhaps too revolutionary for a rather conservative British fanbase.

It could mean winter rugby, or a closed shop, or mergers. The NRL has all three.

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1 minute ago, The 4 of Us said:

Appreciate the concerns regarding an NRL takeover, but…

Whatever the situation, I can’t help feeling for all the concerns an NRL Europe must be better than what we have now.

When has the RFL/SL ever had a 5 year plan, other than getting to the end of it alive. 

The NRL is simply the best rugby product on the planet. It gets more fans than and more viewers than any other club rugby competition and hands down has the greatest income.

For SL to come under the banner and management of an organisation of that quality sounds like a great opportunity to me and despite some questioning what the NRL gets out of it, I think there is plenty benefit in such an acquisition for the NRL.


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7 minutes ago, Coggo said:

An NRL takeover would be revolutionary. Perhaps too revolutionary for a rather conservative British fanbase.

It could mean winter rugby, or a closed shop, or mergers. The NRL has all three.

An allegiance to the RFL or SL by the British fanbase seems odd to me.

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9 minutes ago, Coggo said:

An NRL takeover would be revolutionary. Perhaps too revolutionary for a rather conservative British fanbase.

It could mean winter rugby, or a closed shop, or mergers. The NRL has all three.

I with you save for Winter rugby. That ship has sailed (I hope)

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