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Salary Cap

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Wigan has never broken the salary cap.

So, if clubs are going to struggle in the current economic climate, do you think the cap should stay or go?

So why were Wigan deducted points then, for breaching the salary cap I believe.


The salary cap should stay.

Even in the current economic climate clubs will try to spend beyond their means and go belly up.

Edited by terrywebbisgod

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So why were Wigan deducted points then, for breaching the salary cap I believe.


The salary cap should stay.

Don't believe everything you read on the BBC.

Wigan hase never broken the cap nor have they ever been found guilty of breaching the cap - read the judgement from the RFL if you can find it.

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So why were Wigan deducted points then, for breaching the salary cap I believe.


The salary cap should stay.

Even in the current economic climate clubs will try to spend beyond their means and go belly up.

Mr Hetherington has been arguably the most strident promoter of the cap for years - it will be interesting to see if he agrees with you should the continuation of the cap come up for a vote between the clubs.

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Don't believe everything you read on the BBC.

Wigan hase never broken the cap nor have they ever been found guilty of breaching the cap - read the judgement from the RFL if you can find it.



All told Wigan have been docked 6 points for various salary cap breaches.

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and next you'll have the words "broken in the spirit of the salary cap"

How ever you look at it, its cheating :P

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Mr Hetherington has been arguably the most strident promoter of the cap for years - it will be interesting to see if he agrees with you should the continuation of the cap come up for a vote between the clubs.

Are you a closet Leeds fan,you mention Mr Hetherington and Leeds more than you do your beloved Wigan.

I really do think you need some form of therapy.

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

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1. The salary cap was never about evening up the competition

2. The salary cap was never about producing financial stability for clubs

3. And even if it ever was about these two things it has clearly failed miserably on both counts.

4. The salary cap was only ever about one thing - cutting the ###### off Wigan

5. Rugby League must be a in a very fortunate position indeed at the moment because in the present economic climate it must be the only business in the country that is advocating wage inflation as a response to its consumers having less money available to spend on their product.

1. I agree - it wasn't it's original and primary purpose, it has however become that.

2. I think it was but.......see 4.

3. The cap hasn't "failed" because it has created a playing field that would be less even without it and has ensured some financial stability. I wonder how many chairman currently bankroling their clubs deficits and competing on the field would stop doing that if the top clubs pulled away, how would clubs compete if other clubs could have a player budget three times as big. Clearly it works as well as it can in the circumstances and is far better then having no cap but........

4. You have a point, but you take it personally. It could perhaps have been Warrington who'd gone professional and bought up all the best players in the 80's. I'm sure the cap would still have been put in to cut their "bolocks'

off and why not....because.....

5. You yourself refer to wage inflation. Pick the best ten players in the SL. Write down their current wages and then remove the salary cap. Watch where those wages then go.

So a lot of what you say is true, but the salary cap can't be condemned on the idea all it ever was was to stop Wigan per se.

It's not that anymore, it's become a different and effective animal and it shouldn't be strangled.

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1. I agree - it wasn't it's original and primary purpose, it has however become that.

2. I think it was but.......see 4.

3. The cap hasn't "failed" because it has created a playing field that would be less even without it and has ensured some financial stability. I wonder how many chairman currently bankroling their clubs deficits and competing on the field would stop doing that if the top clubs pulled away, how would clubs compete if other clubs could have a player budget three times as big. Clearly it works as well as it can in the circumstances and is far better then having no cap but........

4. You have a point, but you take it personally. It could perhaps have been Warrington who'd gone professional and bought up all the best players in the 80's. I'm sure the cap would still have been put in to cut their "bolocks'

off and why not....because.....

5. You yourself refer to wage inflation. Pick the best ten players in the SL. Write down their current wages and then remove the salary cap. Watch where those wages then go.

So a lot of what you say is true, but the salary cap can't be condemned on the idea all it ever was was to stop Wigan per se.

It's not that anymore, it's become a different and effective animal and it shouldn't be strangled.

Good Post

:P so there BOAB :P

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Didn't Wigan admit to breaching the SC when they signed Stuart Fielden before they offloaded another player to accomodate Fielden under the SC?

yep and then got Dobson

There was some controversy over Dobson's signing for Wigan. Under English law, Dobson was not permitted to play in England because he did not have a work permit. However, Wigan managed to obtain a work permit for him, albeit in controversial circumstances. When Dobson signed for Wigan, they were at the bottom of the Super League table, 6 points behind the nearest team and heading towards relegation. Dobson's impact at Wigan helped the team survive relegation in the 2006 season. Michael is noted for his good organisational skills on the field.

lets all have a disco...... Pies are going to go ape......... :lol::lol:

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yep and then got Dobson

There was some controversy over Dobson's signing for Wigan. Under English law, Dobson was not permitted to play in England because he did not have a work permit. However, Wigan managed to obtain a work permit for him, albeit in controversial circumstances. When Dobson signed for Wigan, they were at the bottom of the Super League table, 6 points behind the nearest team and heading towards relegation. Dobson's impact at Wigan helped the team survive relegation in the 2006 season. Michael is noted for his good organisational skills on the field.

lets all have a disco...... Pies are going to go ape......... :lol::lol:

That sounds like some kind of "special relationship" to me.

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and next you'll have the words "broken in the spirit of the salary cap"

How ever you look at it, its cheating :P

Correct - it is cheating in my eyes and in the eyes of most RL fans.

It is cheating in exactly the same way that Leeds' and Saints' and Wires', etc, etc creative accounting is cheating but have they ever been punished to the same degree?

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Correct - it is cheating in my eyes and in the eyes of most RL fans.

It is cheating in exactly the same way that Leeds' and Saints' and Wires', etc, etc creative accounting is cheating but have they ever been punished to the same degree?

stop you there..... I'm a Wire (don't give a to55 about leeds or saints, there fans can pull you up ;) )

have you got any facts that Warrington have cheated / broken the salary cap???


Yeah people don't understand or can't accept it with the players we have, but we HAVEN'T broken the cap :P

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Correct - it is cheating in my eyes and in the eyes of most RL fans.

It is cheating in exactly the same way that Leeds' and Saints' and Wires', etc, etc creative accounting is cheating but have they ever been punished to the same degree?

Ah,"creative accounting" Saints have been caught breaching the cap, I suppose you'll say Mr. Hetherington has payed off the RFL to keep quiet about the Leeds breaches.Special relationship and all that.Most clubs now how to work within the cap,some don't.Wigan,Bradford and Saints didn't, deal with it.

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Cap should stay but we also need a draft (for non-homegrown players) to stop the best players migrating to the best teams. That way we'd have a fair spread. AT the moment the best teams are hogging the best players and are also capturing the best foreigners.

If the foreigners don't want to play for the likes of Cas, Salford etc then they should not be allowed to come

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I think the salary cap is basically a good idea. It's not perfect and does need a bit of tweaking (as one poster put it). For example, if a club does develop a lot of homegrown players, they should be allowed to benefit from their efforts.

The problem with the cap (in any form) is that it a restrictive practice and might not stand up if challenged in court. Because of that, it will only work if the clubs want it to work. The clubs, therefore, need to accept that it is their own best long-term interests to make the cap work.

I think it was in an article in RLW that I read one coach stating the obvious - that no cap can prevent envelopes changing hands.

Rethymno Rugby League Appreciation Society

Founder (and, so far, only) member.

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Cap should stay but we also need a draft (for non-homegrown players) to stop the best players migrating to the best teams. That way we'd have a fair spread. AT the moment the best teams are hogging the best players and are also capturing the best foreigners.

If the foreigners don't want to play for the likes of Cas, Salford etc then they should not be allowed to come

Lobby, would you take the next logical step and insist on some form of central contract for overseas (or even all?) players?

Rethymno Rugby League Appreciation Society

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If a club does develop a lot of homegrown players, they should be allowed to benefit from their efforts.

We have a different mechanism for that Tony. Firstly clubs have to develop home grown players to get a license and secondly they have to field a large set quota number of home growns in future.

Apply rewards to those clubs who have home growns and Leeds, Wigan and Saints would immediately be given an advantage when they are already well in front on the pitch, and such as Crusaders would be put at a disadvantage.

All clubs must develop and field home growns and all clubs are striving for this.

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If the foreigners don't want to play for the likes of Cas, Salford etc then they should not be allowed to come

Superleague is a joint business venture, if it wasn't as Tony says the cap would be challenged in an attempt to scrap it. Having said that would the challenger be sure of their SL license in the future?

As a joint business venture aiming to present 7 evenly matched games each week, to obtain intensity and entertainment we know we are short of quality players so we import them from the southern hemishere.

As SKY money largely pays for them then a draft idea is a good one up to a point.

Nice one Lobster

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