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Posted (edited)

A posting on FB states a Fev fan was assaulted and was on life supprt. On the fax forum it is reported as a Fax fan as being badly assaulted along with a partial description of one of the guys involved.

Whichever side it is, yesterday was a black day for RL, with the attack coming on the back of Terry Newtons suicide.


I guess no one knows or is just keeping quiet. Below is the article from the Warrington Guardian website:-

FYI - Taken from the Warrington Guardian this morning

A RUGBY fan has undergone emergency surgery after being attacked after the Halifax verses Featherstone clash.

The 32-year-old man, who is a Halifax rugby supporter, was returning to his coach at the car park on Dallam Lane, when he was attacked at around 8.15pm, yesterday, Sunday.

He suffered a serious head injury and is being treated at Walton Hospital.

Police say the car park was extremely busy with many fans returning to coaches.

Edited by DemonUK

Here we go again .....


A posting on FB states a Fev fan was assaulted and was on life supprt. On the fax forum it is reported as a Fax fan as being badly assaulted along with a partial description of one of the guys involved.

Whichever side it is, yesterday was a black day for RL, with the attack coming on the back of Terry Newtons suicide.


I guess no one knows or is just keeping quiet. Below is the article from the Warrington Guardian website:-

FYI - Taken from the Warrington Guardian this morning

If anyone wants to read it for themselves, the article is here:


I just hope the guy is okay and gets over this, and I also hope that whoever did this is found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. There is absolutely no place whatsoever for this type of behaviour in our sport.


Its a terrible end to the season. Fev need to sort out some of the fans and quickly. One bad apple will spoil the barrel and its a shame after the season you have had, however I would hate to tar all Fev supporters with the same brush.

I hope the guy will be okay.

You will now be remembered in 2010 for ALL the wrong reasons.


The fox running with the hounds

When you are in deep trouble, say nothing, and try to look as though you know what you're doing


Posted (edited)

easy to say that Soss!

But those I saw inciting aggro, violence etc I have never EVER seen at a Rovers match before!!! Shocking!

Edited by Robin Evans

"I love our club, absolutely love it". (Overton, M 2007)

easy to say that Soss!

But those I saw inciting aggro, violence etc I have never EVER seen at a Rovers match before!!! Shocking!

I know what your saying Robin and that is why I am saying not to tar all supporters with the same brush. On the other hand I was verbally abused at both our home and away games with Fev this season. I have the utmost respect for your club and you personally but there does seem to be a level of agression with some of your fans.

Barrow had 5000 supporters at our GF so I know how difficult it will be to identify these people who are not regular visitors to your games but someone will know who they are.

As I said its a terrible end to your season.

The fox running with the hounds

When you are in deep trouble, say nothing, and try to look as though you know what you're doing


easy to say that Soss!

But those I saw inciting aggro, violence etc I have never EVER seen at a Rovers match before!!! Shocking!

thats the only problem with grand finals you get people going or should i say idiots going to the game who give the real supporters a bad name.the real supporters of every club know that the true supporters of each club are not thugs and are their to watch their team play the game and for the supporters to have their day out.you cant tar all supporters with the same brush just because of a few idiots,cracking season for fev gutted for your supporters after yesterdays game i was just willing finn or briggs to pop the one pointer over and close the game out.

easy to say that Soss!

But those I saw inciting aggro, violence etc I have never EVER seen at a Rovers match before!!! Shocking!

Exactly, we must have gained around 1500-2000 extra yesterday and i'd say virtually none of those will be back next season.

I noticed in the pubs before that the faces i recognised were having a drink and a sing but were not goading anyone.


I do hope that the injured fan recovers completely, there is absolutely no place in rugby league for fan violence no matter how intimidated you feel. Too many fans tag on when a team reaches a final and of course we all look forward to having extra support. What we don't and never will need is an excuse for violence.

I wasn't there so I can't comment on the incident, I'm just sad that someone has been injured.

To be a ROVER is a privilege not to be taken lightly, with fans like ours, we will always be honoured.


At present we do not know who attacked the Halifax fan who is to say any Featherstone fans were involved ok this might be a little bit naive but until it comes out what happened and who was involved I dont even know why this has been put onto the Featherstone thread. I am not trying to bury my hand in the sand but ultimately it gives the club a bad name from the start.

The Incident during the game for me was badly managed first of it appeared as though a pitch invasion had taken place, the stewards and police didnt seem to know what was happening, the Fax fans came straight over to the South Stand to provoke. I am not saying Fev fans were angels!.

A numer of questions need to be addressed

Why was it not announced that there was a fire leading to the evacuation of the West Stand?

Why were the stewards and police not informed?

Why did it take so long to move the Fax fans back a good 20/30 metres to dampen the intensity of the potential explosive situation?

Why were the Fax then put back into the West stand before then having all to be moved to the East stand?

By the way in the second half there were a number of skirmishes in the East Stand in which the police had to intervene.

Fax you are not entirely innocent in all of this.

On the whole the majority of Featherstone fans were very well behaved in a testing situation, but Warrington your stewarding, policing and communication skills need to be scrutinised!!


As a true supporter of Featherstone firstly I hope the injured man makes a full recovery and secondly someone knows who the thug or thugs are and it is your duty to inform the police or at least notify the club if you feel too intimidated by them and Im sure our BOD will take it to them for you.


a 5-30 pm kick off in any sporting fixture is in my opinion a recipe for trouble.

people drinking most of day in pubs, then alcohol readily available in the ground.

this is not a rugby league or football problem it is a society problem.


Both sets of fans had a share of idiots yesterday, we got some abuse at the service station on the way home luckily I was sober so delt with it in a polite and friendly manner. Why do these people call themselves RL supporters we don


It's quite a while since I've posted but after this incident I feel I need to make comment.

We were all bitterly disappointed at the outcome yesterday but I would forfeit any game to prevent this kind of happening.

I am sorry to say as a regular home follower that I am ashamed to go to occasions such as this and be associated with some of the drunken #### who follow us once in every Blue Moon.

We are not on our own but since our regular audience has declined the drunken and loutish hangers on for this type of occasion become a more than an acceptable proportion of our following.

If this is what success brings then I'll float peacefully in the doldrums.


looks like it was a prank that went wrong bloke who phoned ambulance clarifies this on rl fans.tar brush.conclusions jump.accusations thrown.not a good end to the season and why do alchol fuelled youths always turn up andspoil the showcase.why not turn up every week and become part of the rl family.d isgusted with some of our fans behavior.had a good craic with fax fans but even they had some unsavory caracters whom wanted to fight and throw abuse.it needs to be eradicated this is not football

everyone has a saviour even fev

Both sets of fans had a share of idiots yesterday, we got some abuse at the service station on the way home luckily I was sober so delt with it in a polite and friendly manner. Why do these people call themselves RL supporters we don't need them, I agree that the drink is a big problem but it was on sale in the ground so some people will have been at it all day.

The sooner major Rugby League games can go back to sensible kick off times the better. For me 3-00pm is the time major games should kick off. the weird and wonderful kickoff times are all to suit Mr Murdoch's soccer schedules.

“Few thought him even a starter.There were many who thought themselves smarter. But he ended PM, CH and OM. An Earl and a Knight of the Garter.”

Clement Attlee.

a 5-30 pm kick off in any sporting fixture is in my opinion a recipe for trouble.

people drinking most of day in pubs, then alcohol readily available in the ground.

this is not a rugby league or football problem it is a society problem.

I have to say that I agree with you "leagueleaders".

Its a terrible end to the season. Fev need to sort out some of the fans and quickly. One bad apple will spoil the barrel and its a shame after the season you have had, however I would hate to tar all Fev supporters with the same brush.

I hope the guy will be okay.

You will now be remembered in 2010 for ALL the wrong reasons.


Very sad when this sort of thing happens and it's not what any of us true fans of the game want to see or hear about. I hope the guys going to be ok!

That coach park was a recipie for disaster tbh, there were Fev coaches one side and Halifax the other. I saw many Halifax fans revving for a scrap, fingers up in the bus windows along with their backsides and hopping on and off their busses gesturing the Fev fans over and it didn't look like they wanted a light for their cigs either! I saw a woman in a Fax shirt scragging and punching a woman in a Fev shirt and her husband having to drag her off like a screaming banchee! There sadly seems to be a lack of common respect going on between the two sets of supporters and "both clubs need to get this sorted out not just Featherstone".

My crowd of friends are a level headed bunch of people out to support our team and and enjoy our days out, we have good banter with the opposition fans wherever we go, but it's a good job we are level headed too as we were receiving snide remarks and intimidation every time we passed fax fans yesterday! But we are level headed enough to let it go and just ignore it.

I know a guys been hurt and there is no excuse for that, but the fans should have been policed, the police should have had a prescence in that coach park!

I am not in any way condoning whats happened to this guy and i hope he has a speedy recovery, i'm just explaing what i saw in that coach park, it was truly volatile and could have been much worse. I can only comment on what i saw from my seat on the bus and my experience on the day. To cap it all off we were stuck in slow traffic all the way to the M62 behind a sea of sweaty bare backsides and one and two fingered gestures from the opposition fans bus window ahead of us with my daughter along side me! Not the best hour of my life! infact quite disgusting.

Are the people causing trouble at games like this true fans of either team, we at Fev took over 4000 to the GF, we have around 1500 fanbase for home games. so who's the other 2500? and where are they for the league fixtures?

Its a terrible end to the season. Fev need to sort out some of the fans and quickly. One bad apple will spoil the barrel and its a shame after the season you have had, however I would hate to tar all Fev supporters with the same brush.

I hope the guy will be okay.

You will now be remembered in 2010 for ALL the wrong reasons.


Very sad when this sort of thing happens and it's not what any of us true fans of the game want to see or hear about. I hope the guys going to be ok!

That coach park was a recipie for disaster tbh, there were Fev coaches one side and Halifax the other. I saw many Halifax fans revving for a scrap, fingers up in the bus windows along with their backsides and hopping on and off their busses gesturing the Fev fans over and it didn't look like they wanted a light for their cigs either! I saw a woman in a Fax shirt scragging and punching a woman in a Fev shirt and her husband having to drag her off like a screaming banchee! There sadly seems to be a lack of common respect going on between the two sets of supporters and "both clubs need to get this sorted out not just Featherstone".

My crowd of friends are a level headed bunch of people out to support our team and and enjoy our days out, we have good banter with the opposition fans wherever we go, but it's a good job we are level headed too as we were receiving snide remarks and intimidation every time we passed fax fans yesterday! But we are level headed enough to let it go and just ignore it.

I know a guys been hurt and there is no excuse for that, but the fans should have been policed, the police should have had a prescence in that coach park!

I am not in any way condoning whats happened to this guy and i hope he has a speedy recovery, i'm just explaing what i saw in that coach park, it was truly volatile and could have been much worse. I can only comment on what i saw from my seat on the bus and my experience on the day. To cap it all off we were stuck in slow traffic all the way to the M62 behind a sea of sweaty bare backsides and one and two fingered gestures from the opposition fans bus window ahead of us with my daughter along side me! Not the best hour of my life! infact quite disgusting.

Are the people causing trouble at games like this true fans of either team, we at Fev took over 4000 to the GF, we have around 1500 fanbase for home games. so who's the other 2500? and where are they for the league fixtures?

I think some people should start dishing some apologise out now really, the guy was not attacked

I hope this is right....however police apeal for witnesses??? if it was a prank then surely his mates would have explained this to the police.

As for the thread.."my mate phoned me and asked me to post"...mmmmm slaps to me of a lets calm it down post.

I really do hope it was a prank gone wrong but I wouldn't be asking for appologies just yet....not that you will get many anyway.

The fox running with the hounds

When you are in deep trouble, say nothing, and try to look as though you know what you're doing



I'm a mum who took her 2 boys (10 & 8 ) yesterday, like we go to every Fev home game.

I've read everyones comments and feel that I should add my point of view.

We arrived just after 1pm and sat in the north stand with various diff supporters and were having a really good time.

I guess there were lots that jumped on the band wagon and turned up yesterday to perhaps their first RL game of the year. Yes,extra support is welcome to a degree but I don't think they realise how intimidating the young groups can be when they are all together, swiggin bear/chanting/swearing etc. I for one felt intimidation and tension towards the later end of the game and I felt for my 2 boys, who at the end of day have waited ages for the game and were so excited they couldn't sleep the night before. 2 boys who live, breath and play rugby league and both have ambitions to be Rugby players when they are older and want to play at Wembley.

I actually believe that both teams had taken numerous 'undesirables' who were so leathered, if you asked them a question about the game today, they would not be able to remember watching it. We do not want this in RL, there is absolutely no place for it.

True supporters, enjoyed their day yesterday and were an absolute credit to our club. A young group of Oldham supporters were sat behind us for most of the day, and all had had enough booze to last a fortnight, but not once did they shout abuse, swear or cause trouble, even though my 2 boys were shouting for York. There was some really good banter and they respected the fact that my 2 boys could hear everything they said and I respected them for it.

I'm upset for the injured Fax fan. I sincerely hope he pulls through.

My thoughts on the actual policing of the game - ######.

My thoughts on the fire.....I cannot believe that any club would want someone who endangers the lives of potentially thousands of fans and I think a full investigation should now take place.

My thoughts on the game overall.....it was ours to lose and we did. My MOM without doubt Tommy Saxton


It appears whilst walking to his fax bus a fellow fan jumped on his back and he fell to the ground and banged his head according to their board however no doubt conflicting stories will occur, im sure that when the guy recovers (hopefully) he will be able to make a statement explaining the real incident and what happened

But it seems according to the RL world we are already guilty and an embarrassment, its funny that we were no trouble when visiting each individual ground and nothing but praise heaped on us

I say let the RL world moan and have a go at us, i know and we know what a good job we did remaining calm under severe provocation

Posted (edited)
I'm a mum who took her 2 boys (10 & 8 ) yesterday, like we go to every Fev home game.

I've read everyones comments and feel that I should add my point of view.

We arrived just after 1pm and sat in the north stand with various diff supporters and were having a really good time.

I guess there were lots that jumped on the band wagon and turned up yesterday to perhaps their first RL game of the year. Yes,extra support is welcome to a degree but I don't think they realise how intimidating the young groups can be when they are all together, swiggin bear/chanting/swearing etc. I for one felt intimidation and tension towards the later end of the game and I felt for my 2 boys, who at the end of day have waited ages for the game and were so excited they couldn't sleep the night before. 2 boys who live, breath and play rugby league and both have ambitions to be Rugby players when they are older and want to play at Wembley.

I actually believe that both teams had taken numerous 'undesirables' who were so leathered, if you asked them a question about the game today, they would not be able to remember watching it. We do not want this in RL, there is absolutely no place for it.

True supporters, enjoyed their day yesterday and were an absolute credit to our club. A young group of Oldham supporters were sat behind us for most of the day, and all had had enough booze to last a fortnight, but not once did they shout abuse, swear or cause trouble, even though my 2 boys were shouting for York. There was some really good banter and they respected the fact that my 2 boys could hear everything they said and I respected them for it.

I'm upset for the injured Fax fan. I sincerely hope he pulls through.

My thoughts on the actual policing of the game - ######.

My thoughts on the fire.....I cannot believe that any club would want someone who endangers the lives of potentially thousands of fans and I think a full investigation should now take place.

My thoughts on the game overall.....it was ours to lose and we did. My MOM without doubt Tommy Saxton

Do you know. I dont think there is anything in your post that I would disagree with at all.

I too sat in the North Stand with my family and 8 year old granddaughter. We were sat amongst Fev fans, Fax fans and three Wigan fans. Everyone was in good spirits and very friendly. At the end of the game a few Fev fans shook my hand and congratulated me on our teams win.

Its just a shame that the actions of the minority of mindless people spoil things for the majority.

Edited by spanishbob2
Very sad when this sort of thing happens and it's not what any of us true fans of the game want to see or hear about. I hope the guys going to be ok!

That coach park was a recipie for disaster tbh, there were Fev coaches one side and Halifax the other. I saw many Halifax fans revving for a scrap, fingers up in the bus windows along with their backsides and hopping on and off their busses gesturing the Fev fans over and it didn't look like they wanted a light for their cigs either! I saw a woman in a Fax shirt scragging and punching a woman in a Fev shirt and her husband having to drag her off like a screaming banchee! There sadly seems to be a lack of common respect going on between the two sets of supporters and "both clubs need to get this sorted out not just Featherstone".

My crowd of friends are a level headed bunch of people out to support our team and and enjoy our days out, we have good banter with the opposition fans wherever we go, but it's a good job we are level headed too as we were receiving snide remarks and intimidation every time we passed fax fans yesterday! But we are level headed enough to let it go and just ignore it.

I know a guys been hurt and there is no excuse for that, but the fans should have been policed, the police should have had a prescence in that coach park!

I am not in any way condoning whats happened to this guy and i hope he has a speedy recovery, i'm just explaing what i saw in that coach park, it was truly volatile and could have been much worse. I can only comment on what i saw from my seat on the bus and my experience on the day. To cap it all off we were stuck in slow traffic all the way to the M62 behind a sea of sweaty bare backsides and one and two fingered gestures from the opposition fans bus window ahead of us with my daughter along side me! Not the best hour of my life! infact quite disgusting.

Are the people causing trouble at games like this true fans of either team, we at Fev took over 4000 to the GF, we have around 1500 fanbase for home games. so who's the other 2500? and where are they for the league fixtures?

Mick our average gate is 2k your not telling me its the same 2,000 people every game, i reckon we will easily have over 4,000 different home faces through those gates every year. I bet most of those fans will have attended at least a couple of games this season, some people cant make every home game and they have as much right as the rest of us to attend the final. You get that many people drinking ale for 7 hours in any town and village in the country and there will be some problems

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