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RFL Launch Respect Campaign

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More information here with downloads for various resources, which should be a must for clubs at all levels:

RESPECT is a game-wide campaign from the community level up to Super League, promoting positive environments for all participants in our sport and combatting any anti-social or discriminatory behaviours.

RESPECT is a game-wide campaign from the community level up to Super League, promoting positive environments for all participants in our sport and combatting any anti-social or discriminatory behaviours.

RESPECT is about making sure that everyone involved in Rugby League, particularly children and young people, have a positive and enjoyable experience. 

It's about treating others how you would wish to be treated and showing respect for teammates, opponents, match officials and the fans in the stands. RESPECT for each other makes Rugby League an even greater game.

The RESPECT campaign features Codes of Conduct for all participants, whether you are a player, match official, parent of a child playing, volunteer or watching from the sidelines. 

The campaign not only specifies expected behaviours from participants, but these are also tied to disciplinary procedures should action need to be taken for any unacceptable behaviour.

RESPECT isn't just part of our game, it is the game.


Edited by Damien
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57 minutes ago, Damien said:

More information here with downloads for various resources, which should be a must for clubs at all levels:

RESPECT is a game-wide campaign from the community level up to Super League, promoting positive environments for all participants in our sport and combatting any anti-social or discriminatory behaviours.

RESPECT is a game-wide campaign from the community level up to Super League, promoting positive environments for all participants in our sport and combatting any anti-social or discriminatory behaviours.

RESPECT is about making sure that everyone involved in Rugby League, particularly children and young people, have a positive and enjoyable experience. 

It's about treating others how you would wish to be treated and showing respect for teammates, opponents, match officials and the fans in the stands. RESPECT for each other makes Rugby League an even greater game.

The RESPECT campaign features Codes of Conduct for all participants, whether you are a player, match official, parent of a child playing, volunteer or watching from the sidelines. 

The campaign not only specifies expected behaviours from participants, but these are also tied to disciplinary procedures should action need to be taken for any unacceptable behaviour.

RESPECT isn't just part of our game, it is the game.


Great that they're doing this. Sad that it's needed.

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3 hours ago, JohnM said:

As a matter of interest, how do you measure the success of such campaigns, no matter what the sport?

Levels of reported incidents short to medium term, long term there are a few indicators.

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On that basis, I wonderwhat the results are for similar campaigns in other sports. That should give me something to do whilst I avoid being infected by the rugby union internationals.

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Hopefully players mouthing off to the officials is clamped down upon, the myth that this only happens in football and not in rugby still prevails, but it should be easier to fix than in the round ball game.

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On 10/02/2024 at 16:24, Whippet13 said:

Absolutely and I think it needs a real behavioural shift and a zero tolerance policy when it comes to players and supporters.

I know there are resources there for the youth game but it really does start at an early age and parents and those watching on the sidelines are key. I think the sport has long had an issue at all levels when it comes to abuse on the sideline, the shouts of rip his head off at kids matches from grown adults etc, and many don't like to admit it. At professional level there are a lot of blind eyes took to what goes on sometimes.

Whether we like it or not behaviour and respect at all levels is often much more football like than we like to think and is certainly streets behind RU.

Edited by Damien
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49 minutes ago, Damien said:

Absolutely and I think it needs a real behavioural shift and a zero tolerance policy when it comes to players and supporters.

I know there are resources there for the youth game but it really does start at an early age and parents and those watching on the sidelines are key. I think the sport has long had an issue at all levels when it comes to abuse on the sideline, the shouts of rip his head off at kids matches from grown adults etc, and many don't like to admit it. At professional level there are a lot of blind eyes took to what goes on sometimes.

Whether we like it or not behaviour and respect at all levels is often much more football like than we like to think and is certainly streets behind RU.

You make a very valid point. Coming on for forty years ago Phil Larder came down to us in London to give some pointers on youth development and one of the things he said we'd have to face was the behaviour of spectators, particularly parents, on the touchlines. Seems that nothing's been learnt over the years!

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1 hour ago, Damien said:

Absolutely and I think it needs a real behavioural shift and a zero tolerance policy when it comes to players and supporters.

I know there are resources there for the youth game but it really does start at an early age and parents and those watching on the sidelines are key. I think the sport has long had an issue at all levels when it comes to abuse on the sideline, the shouts of rip his head off at kids matches from grown adults etc, and many don't like to admit it. At professional level there are a lot of blind eyes took to what goes on sometimes.

Whether we like it or not behaviour and respect at all levels is often much more football like than we like to think and is certainly streets behind RU.

Agree with this and also needs to happen at the top level. Kids copy their heroes so abuse and arguing with refs need to be clamped down on. But it won't be. 

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On 10/02/2024 at 12:54, Hopie said:

Hopefully players mouthing off to the officials is clamped down upon, the myth that this only happens in football and not in rugby still prevails, but it should be easier to fix than in the round ball game.

Interesting reading your post. Not seen anything significant abuse wise from fans or players in League, but do feel the players, as in Union, are starting to appeal to the ref more, 'managing the game' a bit by exaggerating things. Something I dislike in in football. If you read the football forums, there is indeed a line, perpetuated by some rugby posters, that rugby is squeaky clean. They never chat back. Or someone did in 1967, got marched back 10 and it isn't happened again since. Big difference for me is that crowd atmosphere has always seemed much nicer at rugby than football.

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