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Rugby league in parliament

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57 minutes ago, weloveyouwakefield2 said:

why did Jacob Rees mogg make this political? Good to see the heritage museum decision brought up in parliament but as usual schoolboy behaviour spoils it…

Not at all, chief.

Rees-Mogg noted Speaker and Wire fan Lindsay Hoyle's 'hear, hear' suggested an adjournment debate on rugby league may well happen. The Speaker gets to choose one adjournment debate a week (on Thursdays).

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7 minutes ago, creditwhereitsdews said:

So Channel 4 will be "great for widening the notoriety of the sport"?

Never trust a Tory.

Never trust a politician. In the 1950's I worked with leading Labout councillors and saw them taking back pocket funds for passing requeats from bribing people. Everything from jobs. building permits, legal arguments, appointments for their favour, controversial decisions etc. All for back pocket funds. I remember a very high standing local (Pontefract) Labour politician comiong into the office where I worked and said to my boss: '  How about that then', he rolled up both his trouser legs and showed  full legs of rubber bands full of white fivers. He was on his way abroad. This was at a time when you could only take £5 abroad after paying for everything in the UK. I could go on and on, but believe me I have seen this sort of thing from all party members. THERE  IS  NOBODY that speaks for the man in the street. We are all there for their convenience. I was on the Suez invasion and lost three mates out there to snipers and back stabbers. We never get a mention. The newspapers said that we only lost 128 soldiers out there. Thats 128 families who lost somebody. All politicians care about is what is in  it for them. Same with slavery if you look at history white people were slaves in the past. Women and 8 years kids down the pit, kids clinbving up chimneys, no toilets, just oil lamps, women in service. So ALL ordinary society used to their rich people's convenience. SO NEVER TRUST ANY POLITICIAN.  

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I am not on a fence. I am looking at reality. We have been manoeuvred from time immemorial. So we could be conducted to their wishing. Take religion for instance. Lots of things invented to control the masses. Like: 'Do as you are told or you wont go to Heaven'. If you differed in any way you were burnt at the stake. Up and over even if you are only 12 years old. All the tributes to the hierarchy. Brainwash people from an early age so they will follow every command or they will go to Hell. Humanity has now been shown to go back millions of years. So are all the people that were born before 0 BC in Hell. Every country has effigies of Gods. The more you look at them the more it is possible to believe in UFO's. Religion and Presidents and Monarchy were invented to control us. Power, easy living and riches, for them. Poverty, sacrifice, and early death for us. People are still manipulating us. Looking properly at TV and you will see brainwashing in evidence. People take it on board without realising it and go down various routes of destruction. Sitting on the fence !! I don't think so. I go down to way that is best for me and my own. I have a dustbin in my head and use it very often.

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And go where. I have been among the rich and the poor in my lifetime and know what I am talking about. SEEN it FIRST HAND. I am coming up 88 and have been on active service, been a miner, a railway clerk, a soldier and finished up as a senior manager. I have seen all types of society and helped first hand and advised the poor and helpless during that time. Helped the miners during the miner's strike and helped poor people with their wills and estates. Lived in a back to back house for over 30 years with no electricity, or flush toilets and a midden (IF you know what one of those were), one room downstairs, one bedroom and a boxroom. Biggest room was the cellar for coal. I retired with a detached house and an acre of land by hard work and passing exams and ignoring the rich who tried their best to put me down at work when they saw my background as a working class lad. My mother told me 'You can get there if you try'. So try I did and jumped the hurdles that came up. ON a FENCE, NEVER. I went the way that common sense told me.

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This thread is unfortunately irredeemable. If you want to restart it on the politics forum then feel free.

"When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt; run in little circles, wave your arms and shout"

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