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17 hours ago, sheddingswasus said:

Ranji knew what he was doing. He made it worse pretending he was injured. We don’t need this in the game. James Bentley  got a yellow for Leeds and a two match ban for it. The Oldham player was stupid and rose to the bait. They should have both got yellow 

The only reason he got a yellow was because he used open hands not a forearm, he was lucky. Bottom line was you were loosing and so acted out.

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Its a difficult league - I am sure Rochdale thought they would turn us (Swinton) over a few weeks ago but never did - then last week we lose to Doncaster at home we cruising at 12 nil up and its went to pieces and we have scored 60 I think it was at Doncaster earlier this season.

So I am Oldham will pick wins and Rochdale will suffer loses as will Swinton............

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22 hours ago, moorside roughyed said:

I can see the amount of people posting there getting smaller and smaller. There are normally more than this by now.

A lot more posts now. It's sad that it takes a dire performance like yesterday's to bring them out 😧

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20 hours ago, Rochdale Roughyed said:

About 3 months ago upon the signing of the Melrose playing fields lease, Littler said....

“When I came to the club I spoke to Chris and John about putting structures and facilities in place to assist the club with progressing.

“On the back of the excellent gym facilities at Glo Gym and the staff we have in place we are building systems that will support the team’s ongoing development.”

......really Stu????? No evidence so far. At least we are launching a Women's team though 🙄

It would be interesting to hear what someone from the Club has to say about yesterday's performance.

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1 hour ago, roughyed1064 said:

who believes its only matter of time before our present coach either walks or gets the push.

I really hope this isnt the case and Littler is given the time to build.

For the first time in a long time the club seem to be making progress behind the scenes.

This season was never going to be easy .

Last season wasnt easy for Rochdale but they stuck with Calland and they are reaping the rewards of steady improvements off the pitch and stability on it. We could learn from this.

Yesterday was in my opinion no way as bad as the comments on here.

We ran out of steam against a better side. 10 minutes to go we had 2 chances if we had taken either one the blow out may not have happened.

Some of the lads ran their blood to water. Wearing the shirt actually means something to them.

They took home their 50 quid losing pay(50 quid in total no contract money its pay as you play) and their battered bodies and then got up for a days work today. They did this to represent our club.some critics on here didnt even attend the game. Most have never pulled a pair of boots on . 

Any of our players or coaches reading this heads up boys lets go again this week. 


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10 hours ago, herbie said:

I really hope this isnt the case and Littler is given the time to build.

For the first time in a long time the club seem to be making progress behind the scenes.

This season was never going to be easy .

Last season wasnt easy for Rochdale but they stuck with Calland and they are reaping the rewards of steady improvements off the pitch and stability on it. We could learn from this.

Yesterday was in my opinion no way as bad as the comments on here.

We ran out of steam against a better side. 10 minutes to go we had 2 chances if we had taken either one the blow out may not have happened.

Some of the lads ran their blood to water. Wearing the shirt actually means something to them.

They took home their 50 quid losing pay(50 quid in total no contract money its pay as you play) and their battered bodies and then got up for a days work today. They did this to represent our club.some critics on here didnt even attend the game. Most have never pulled a pair of boots on . 

Any of our players or coaches reading this heads up boys lets go again this week. 


Herbie .... we were nowhere near Rochdale, they beat us 44-0 in the 2nd half alone. A couple of chances doesn't change that. No idea what Rochdales completions were like in 1st half, prob around 30-40% but we would have probably had 60 or 70 points against us (for the 2nd week running) if they played anything like in the 1st half.

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