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  1. No. But whoever slammed their forearm into the back of Lees' head at the start of the tackle deserved a yellow, so it evened out.
  2. So were they, to be fair. Either way, a great game and I thought England were excellent throughout. Nobody had a bad game.
  3. Admirable intentions and released in a timely manner - so we'll done to all involved. Except the designers. Eugh.
  4. Tooting Broadway is a little closer according to my Dad (he grew up in Tooting and was a regular at the Speedway at Wimbledon).
  5. There have been four true greats of the games in this century. Cameron Smith, Billy Slater, Jonathan Thurstan and James Roby.
  6. What's the betting this 'doesn't fit in the calendar' for the next couple of years for the Aussie teams.
  7. I don't think Saints beat Penrith, but it will be more competitive than 80-90% of the NRL teams manage.
  8. Surely it's cricket, isn't it? The only frontline, national sport. (Admittedly, I didn't read the article and am just answering the question).
  9. Apparently the firm that usually steward The Emirates are committed to Twickenham on Saturday. This means it'll be a firm that don't know the ground and the set-up. Oh good.
  10. Thr West Wales Whales is the team for me.
  11. As likely defending champions, Jamaica should get first dibs.
  12. That will stymie the likes of Tonga and Samoa, who may then lose access to their superstars - who aren't just joining to honour their heritage, but also to win. I agree with the sentiment, but it's delicate.
  13. What would be the point of that? Assuming you mean Australians playing under the Lebanese flag. I'm l for heritage players being used to encourage growth, but I can't see how aiming for it helps long term.
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