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Grand Final: Wigan Warriors v St. Helens



46 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win?

    • Wigan
    • St Helens
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Wigan by a pondfull

This Sts side going on about unbeaten in 8, played nowt

no stand off, no scrum half,

Wigan to stride right over the buggers by 30

Even as a Wire I am sorry but Westwood is nowhere near as skillful as Super Sam or Ellis.
Wazza's main industrys are service industries, call centres, warehouses and the public sector nowadays. All three are under threat from the Tory cuts.
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Not yet sold out.

It isn't like either had a Cup final a few weeks ago, tight fisted Lancashire buggers! ;)

Please concentrate those derogatry comments here


                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Wigan by a pondfull

This Sts side going on about unbeaten in 8, played nowt

no stand off, no scrum half,

Wigan to stride right over the buggers by 30

And this post to be quoted many times after the game if they don't. :P

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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And this post to be quoted many times after the game if they don't. :P

:D :D :D

cmon I can be positive before hand!

right after we get our collective ***** handed to us on a plate I may not be so chipper!

Edited by Riversiderontour
Even as a Wire I am sorry but Westwood is nowhere near as skillful as Super Sam or Ellis.
Wazza's main industrys are service industries, call centres, warehouses and the public sector nowadays. All three are under threat from the Tory cuts.
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:D :D :D

cmon I can be positive before hand!

right after we get our collective ***** handed to us on a plate I may not be so chipper!

If it helps, I'm sure you'll win.


                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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I think it's all about knowing when to take the risks and when to play the percentages, personally i wouldn't want to see my team take any huge risks in the first few sets as if they don't come off (a short kick off for instance) your under preasure from the off. Hard along the ground for touch where the ball can make a mug of somone is a good option, I'm amazed teams don't try it more often.

I understand the hesitation to put pressure on your own side at the start. But for me when it's 0 - 0 with 80 minutes to go you can take a bit of pressure. When you're 2 tries down and chasing the game, that when you're already under pressure and taking risks just looks like desparation. I'd much rather take a risk in their half than have to throw it about in our own.

Besides, makes it a little more interesting.

It's all about da bass

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Well its final day.... nerves, excitement and can we / can't we!!!!

Best of luck to Wigan / Saints and enjoy your day.

Wish i was there, but we're not good enough.............. maybe one day

Best Wishes


I'd like to reiterate Paul's comments above. Best of luck to both sets of fans on the forum.

This game is the culmination of my first 'proper' season as a RL fan. Right from the first game (and my first game of RL ever) in Wrexham, I've enjoyed every single game I've watched - and I've watched every live game much to my wife's indignation. It's been a brilliant season. This truly is a wonderful game. I can't think of any other sport where I feel such an overwhelming sense of admiration for the athletes taking the field. To paraphrase Nobby: RL players belong to the Warrior Race!

Let the battle for the GF begin. I'm not going to offer a prediction because I think the script for this game has been written beforehand: KC - the Welsh International - will score the last try from a metre out and win the game for the Saints! Wigan need to tear up that script before they walk onto the pitch...

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Woohoo...not only is it GF day its also DERBY DAY :D

Getting very excited / anxious now. Being picked up at 2.50.....bring it on

May the best team win.

Whatever happens given that before the start of the season I didnt expect much so to finish 2nd & be in the GF is massive. Well done boys

COME ON YOU SAINTS....lets do it for Keiron

Edited by saintsbird
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Was meant to be in Italy for my sisters wedding, but the M4 fiasco yesterday = missed flights.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Off to the final.

1 question, just bought a ticket online, doesnt seem to mention how I will get it? Is there a ticket office open at OT?

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Was meant to be in Italy for my sisters wedding, but the M4 fiasco yesterday = missed flights.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Off to the final.

1 question, just bought a ticket online, doesnt seem to mention how I will get it? Is there a ticket office open at OT?

There is usually an RFL office outside of the ground.

Visit my photography site www.padge.smugmug.com

Radio 5 Live: Saturday 14 April 2007

Dave Whelan "In Wigan rugby will always be king"


This country's wealth was created by men in overalls, it was destroyed by men in suits.

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Where's the best place to watch the game in Wigan ? Someone has recommended Sam's Bar but last time I was in there it was a bit of a dive (was a couple of years ago so it may have improved).

I’m not prejudiced, I hate everybody equally

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Well Grand Final Day is here.

I'm off out early to get a pub to show it for me, hope all the Wigan and Saints posters here enjoy their day, as well as all the neutrals from here, gutted I'm not going now, hope it's a classic.

Also, hope it is a perfect minutes silence for Terry Newton.

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hopefully my web stream will hold up. as for a winner, i don't really care, although a crushing anti-climax for cunningham would be mildly amusing but then so would a wigan choke.

pies by 10.

foxes or poor people?

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Having left Exile far behind, am buzzing with excitement. Will be sititing by my 86 year old auntie who is the ideal companion for a tense game, drawing on 80 years of Wigan watching. If only Sullivan, Boston and Hanley were playing this evening...

I am holding nerves at bay, and have tried to stick to my normal game day routine, doing some light singing to warm the voice up - trying out a There's only 1 Wigan Rugby/Sam will tear you apart medley. I think this has all the ingredients of a classic, as the teams are well matched.

A few random reflections...

Big game experience - should be pretty even, with Wigan maybe edging it - we have NRL, World Cup and Grand Final winners, and they have a fair few players for whom the experience is new, or who can vividly 3 GF defeats. Our Coach knows what is required and our young players are used to beating Saints year after year in the Reserves final, so can draw on that.

Tactics - I am no expert, but Wigan have a better the better back 5, and Saints the better front row, so I expect more flair from us, as against close range barging from Saints. Wigan have to keep the penalty count down and spend as little time on our line as possible. I read somewhere that KC* is playing his last gane, though I might have wrong, Let him play the game trying to bring the ball out of defence. One thing which strikes me about Wigan's last 2 games is that they seem to have been pacing themselves much better. Rather than trying to blitz the opposition and trying (and failing) to defend a good but not massive lead, we have played well at the end of each half, even scoring the last try in both games, which is far more of a rarity than you would expect for the season's most successful team (where is Clarkey when you need for a random fact?).

Atmosphere - in the flesh and in the virtual world, I see no reason why the minute's silence and game can't be enjoyed in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Now the teams are evenly matched for once, there isn't the need for bitterness/taunting that characterised the eras in which first Wigan and then Saints were massively dominant. That may be wishful thinking and we may get Choker threads aimed against us if we lose (I was particularly amused by the folk who accused Pat of choking - this a man who has scored the winning try in the NRL Grand Final...).

International implications - I hope all the English players come through unscathed. You could make excellent cases for Wellens, Foster, Graham, Roby, Wilkin, Sam, Joel, Goulding, Gleeson, Fielden and Lockers being in the 4N squad. Having read Open Rugby's article on that Comp we will have an enormous task to trouble NZ or Oz so we need all our talent fit and well.

Edited by Exiled Wiganer
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Mrs D and I will be watching in a bar in downtown Kassiopi with a few bottles of Mythos and maybe the odd cocktail.

Not really bothered who wins. Maybe Wigan because they've been the best side over the season and haven't won it in living memory. Then again I'd quite like our new coach to join us with a Grand Final win behind him.

Either way, let's hope it's a cracking game. I see no reason why it wouldn't be.

And when they found our shadows

Grouped around the TV sets

They ran down every lead

They repeated every test

They checked out all the data on their lists

And then the alien anthropologists

Admitted they were still perplexed

But on eliminating every other reason

For our sad demise

They logged the only explanation left

This species has amused itself to death

No tears to cry no feelings left

This species has amused itself to death

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From a RA&B perspective it's a tricky one...

Fielden, Deacon, Pryce


Potter, Hargreaves, Pryce

I'm not that fussed who wins, and this GF is 'so last season', but I reckon it would be good for the Warriors to come up trumps. Having said that it would be good if Potter proves himself to be a better coach than Anderson after the all the negativity he's had from the home support. On the other hand do we really fancy Saints to do a number on the NRL winners? But then again Noble put that team together and Deacon looks to be the final piece... I can't decide.

Oh, hold on a mo. We was robbed twice by Saints, and they've let the whole RL world down for the last three GF's! Wigan it is then... Pies and Mintballs all round.

Forever in our shadow, forever on your mind.


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Woohoo...not only is it GF day its also DERBY DAY :D

Bloody Hell, you've got me nervous now. When does the Hull v Hull KR game start?

                                                                  :kolobok_sad:   Hull FC....The Sons of God....  :kolobok_sad:
                                                                     (Well, we are about to be crucified on Good Friday)
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Saints to win by golden point - oh hang on SL has its own rules and thinks it a poor way to decide the winner.

ok ill go for Cunningham to plough over for the winner, the script is written. they must of learnt summut by now loosing for the last 3 years, oni thing is Rhinos are not there this year so they have a chance.

Saints 26 - 16 Pies

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