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Posted (edited)
Clarke is only there to even up the score with regards to Eddie's creampie moments every time Saints are on, and Baldie's constant bias towards any team that has the misfortune to be based in Yorkshire.

Yeah Stevo really backed Hull KR on Friday :rolleyes:

He's that far up Clarkeys ######,it's unbelievable.

Edited by terrywebbisgod

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

Yeah Stevo really backed Hull KR on Friday :rolleyes:

He's that far up Clarkeys ######,it's unbelievable.

Hull KR are in Humberside.

FFS all this McGuire cheating is really geting on my nerves. Having to read over and over again about his "blatant" cheating. It was so clear that mcguires knee gave way as he tracked back and stood on carmonts foot. as he tries to break his fall he grabs the only thing he can, the player.

It was a cowards act of ridell to stand over a player clearly in agony. more to the point no one seems to realise that as play went on and richards kicked BEFORE being tackled, said kick rolled inoccuously in to touch, carmont nor richards nor anyone else would have got on to it.

As a bradford man i hate to see leeds win, they "cheated" their way to a win at millenium, but big deal, every club gets calls and doesnt get calls.Had Richards converted any of the other relatively kickable goals then no one would be having this conversation, its just the fact that Wigan lost.

No doubt wigan will now win at headingley with leeds 2 main players out injured and all this will be forgotten, until come 4 nations time when we could have really done with McGuire.

Clarke is big time out of order as was riddell, to slag over a fellow player in such a way is disgraceful.

End of rant

As a bradford man i hate to see leeds win, they "cheated" their way to a win at millenium

Hang on a minute leeds didn't cheat they played to the whistle,it was gansons fault he didn't go to the screen.


Pressure is beginning to tell.

It certainly is , on Wigan. They've choked twice now against leeds when it mattered and having the bookies make them favourites on saturday certainly takes the pressure off leeds. I'm hoping for a slugfest on Saturday because there will be only one winner.......and it won't be Wigan. We all know Fielden has a glass jaw and needed Peacock to be his minder against the aussies, as for ASBO Tomkins and Leuluai, did you see their ***** fall out when JJB ran in and sorted them after they threw their weight about following Abletts hit on Ratboy. I've never seen two rugby players look so scared in my life. Bring it on Wigan. As for Phil Clarkes comments, very very disappoiniting and comments he will live to regret. Have you got a new sarnie box for saturday?


Maguire is a sneaky little rat- always third man in and grapple tackling.

If he was thick enough to try what he did- albeit successfully and cheat- then he deserves his injury as a lesson that cheats never prosper. What annoys neutral fans like me is that Maguire can be playing as magnificently as he has been and also carry on like he does.

As for cowardly- Mister Peacock should look closer to home at the Rhinos who possess the biggest one in the league in Ryan Bailey. At least justice was done and Radford got off for dishing out what he deserved!

Maguire is a sneaky little rat- always third man in and grapple tackling.

If he was thick enough to try what he did- albeit successfully and cheat- then he deserves his injury as a lesson that cheats never prosper. What annoys neutral fans like me is that Maguire can be playing as magnificently as he has been and also carry on like he does.

As for cowardly- Mister Peacock should look closer to home at the Rhinos who possess the biggest one in the league in Ryan Bailey. At least justice was done and Radford got off for dishing out what he deserved!

If every player who gave away a penaty, or committed a pro foul, or as you choose to call it Cheated, deserved an injury, there would be a lot of players in intensive care, some of them for the rest of there lives

Get a grip man.

Dont expect anything from a pig but a grunt


I'm guessing Peacock's comments weren't so much a personal attack as they were an attempt to promote the game by spicing things up and judging by this thread he's certainly succeeded :D

As a Saints fan I've never really minded Clarke before despite his obvious Wigan bias at times, it can often be funny and he generally brings some interesting analysis to the table. He does seem to have gone off the boil lately though, his boxing analogy which he wouldn't drop all throughout Friday's game was irritating and completely pointless. He was silly to write these comments and he should apologise but I don't think for one minute that he would wish Maguire any harm. If anyone really does believe that a serious injury is a deserved comeuppance for such an incident then they must have rather odd priorities.

Personally wish Maguire a full and speedy recovery and in the meantime hope for another two great games this weekend.


But in the end he did grab the lad, just because he got injured in the process makes it no less of a cheat.

That's like the idiot who when drunk at night stupidly walks on your wall, slips off and breaks his leg. I may go out angry he walked on my wall, but I didn't build it with the intention for him to slip and fall off it.

It maybe the first time he walked on mine or anyones wall, it maybe the hundredth. Others may walk on my wall all the time and get away scott free.

It's got nothing to do with Rugby gods, justice or karma. In the end he's just unlucky, but it still does not mean he did not cheat in that one off instance. By all means feel sorry for his injury but don't use the injury to suggest it being something that it was not.

I didn't hear weeping and grinding of teeth for Eastmond when he got injured just running a ball up against Leeds, not that I'd expect it, but the reaction to an unlucky injiry from Leeds seams to be way out of proportion.

Try playing with both half backs tied behind your back, then you'll know what unlucky is. When you lose 4 half backs well I suppose that's careless on Saints behalf (and before you ask the 4 are Pryce, Eastmond, Lomax, Wheeler) Smith was our 5th and not even last choice for most of this year.

Just pick another and get on with it. Just hope Maguire makes it back for your appearance in the WCC if you get that far.

It's all about da bass

Just hope Maguire makes it back for your appearance in the WCC if you get that far.

Yes, he's building up quite a collection of WCC Loser's Medals.


Under Scrutiny by the Right-On Thought Police


I may have missed this, but did McLennon apologise for accusing Wigan players of injuring McGuire (when he was of course injured fouling Carmont)? Did I miss that retraction.

Clarke's views may be pie tinted and wrong - though I can see what he means, injuring yourself fouling someone feels different from injuring yourself playing fairly - he is speaking as a pundit. Nobody for a moment associates Schofield's comments with the Leeds club, so why should they Clarke's any more than using Hannibal's views as motivation to up their game against Wigan.

Peacock's comments are of a different order - he is his country's most recent captain. Unless Piggy and Leuluai knew that mcGuire was injured, and neither of them is medically qualified, you could understand their reaction and suspicion that McGuire's injury was convenient. Given the previous of the Leeds team in "gamesmanship" and moaning and groaning theirs was not a disproportionate reaction.

It is tragic he was injured, for him and his country, but the hysterical and self-righteous response from the Leeds club does them no creit. It is fine for nutters like 3owls to give us his "wisdom", but for McClennan and Peacock to say what they say is petulant and lacks any class.

I suspect, like Saints bottling (in the true sense of the term) playing Wigan, fear is the primary factor at play.


i remember watching the league game from shedingley against saints just before the semi final what a pure coincidence that both pryce and eastmond were injured and missed the semi, in the wigan game in the play offs, what a coincidence that paul deacon was injured so early in the game which he was bossing. and now the whino's are whinging about mcguire..................pot kettle and black spring to mind.

"Why is Napoleon crying ?" said one sailor to the other, "poor ###### thinks he's being exiled to st helens" came the reply.


Posted (edited)
How do you know I never played the game?My career was ended by a serious knee injury.I know what sort of pain Danny felt and to have two classless clowns acting like that is reprehensible.

Phil Clarke may be entitled to his opinions but his "rugby gods" piece is disgraceful.

If Piggy and Leuluai had chased after Richards and not Mcguire maybe you'd have won.

Yet another pathetic Wigan fan.Only a few decent ones on this board now.

By the way, don't patronise me by calling me "sunshine" allright dear.

No his article is fair and balanced. The Rugby Gods part is not his view. You obviously missed Clarke giving his view "IMO he has been excellent/outstanding for Leeds this season"

As somebody who has played the game then you should know that the players reaction was one that is the norm in sport to such an act of cheating at such an important part of a game. You would also know and there was no reason to think otherwise that his injury was not initially to be thought to be very serious. When Valencia was badly injured for Man Utd it was immediately obvious. The Wigan v Leeds it was far from obvious. Indeed, many thought he was feigning injury knowing he had commited foul play. An agge old tactic that you as somebody who has played the game would be well aware of.

I imagine and believe you have a very good knowledge of the game but where Leeds are concerned bias overrides knowledge and objectivity.

Edited by Allan Marsden
Posted (edited)
No his article is fair and balanced. The Rugby Gods part is not his view. You obviously missed Clarke giving his view "IMO he has been excellent/outstanding for Leeds this season"

As somebody who has played the game then you should know that the players reaction was one that is the norm in sport to such an act of cheating at such an important part of a game. You would also know and there was no reason to think otherwise that his injury was not very serious. When Valencia was badly injured for Man Utd it was immediately obvious. The Wigan v Leeds it was far from obvious. Indeed, many thought he was feigning injury knowing he had commited foul play. An agge old tactic that you as somebody who has played the game would be well aware of.

I imagine and believe you have a very good knowledge of the game but where Leeds are concerned bias overrides knowledge and objectivity.

Ditto Wigan.

McGuire's injury could well act as a lesson to any other player watching that it doesn't pay to cheat. Perhaps the rugby Gods have punished him for his unsportsmanlike play. Either way, he'll be a massive loss for Leeds and I can't see them winning the Grand Final without him. In my opinion, he's been brilliant for them this season.

Directly pasted from the sky sports website.

Edited by terrywebbisgod

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

Ditto Wigan.

McGuire's injury could well act as a lesson to any other player watching that it doesn't pay to cheat. Perhaps the rugby Gods have punished him for his unsportsmanlike play. Either way, he'll be a massive loss for Leeds and I can't see them winning the Grand Final without him. In my opinion, he's been brilliant for them this season.

Directly pasted from the sky sports website.

The question is Leeds fans wrongly lambasting Clarke because they cannot understand a person can write something whereby they articulate some opinions being given throughout RL but when they offer THEIR opinion they differentiate by saying In My Opinion. The whole article is fair. He refutes the call for a penalty try against Leeds for example and he praises McGuire. Even when questioned later by Hemmings, Clarke states that the view is one being held by many.

To then get a Leeds fan (yourself Terry), the Leeds coach and the Leeds/GB captain lying and make numerous false accusations is totally hypocritical. The Wigan team / coach are the only ones acting with any class.

The question is Leeds fans wrongly lambasting Clarke because they cannot understand a person can write something whereby they articulate some opinions being given throughout RL but when they offer THEIR opinion they differentiate by saying In My Opinion. The whole article is fair. He refutes the call for a penalty try against Leeds for example and he praises McGuire. Even when questioned later by Hemmings, Clarke states that the view is one being held by many.

To then get a Leeds fan (yourself Terry), the Leeds coach and the Leeds/GB captain lying and make numerous false accusations is totally hypocritical. The Wigan team / coach are the only ones acting with any class.

well it was good to read that Thomas Leuluai has since apologised for his conduct

 Soon we will be dancing the fandango


The question is Leeds fans wrongly lambasting Clarke because they cannot understand a person can write something whereby they articulate some opinions being given throughout RL but when they offer THEIR opinion they differentiate by saying In My Opinion. The whole article is fair. He refutes the call for a penalty try against Leeds for example and he praises McGuire. Even when questioned later by Hemmings, Clarke states that the view is one being held by many.

To then get a Leeds fan (yourself Terry), the Leeds coach and the Leeds/GB captain lying and make numerous false accusations is totally hypocritical. The Wigan team / coach are the only ones acting with any class.

Where have I lied?

Thank you for your valuable contribution.

I may have missed this, but did McLennon apologise for accusing Wigan players of injuring McGuire (when he was of course injured fouling Carmont)? Did I miss that retraction.

Clarke's views may be pie tinted and wrong - though I can see what he means, injuring yourself fouling someone feels different from injuring yourself playing fairly - he is speaking as a pundit. Nobody for a moment associates Schofield's comments with the Leeds club, so why should they Clarke's any more than using Hannibal's views as motivation to up their game against Wigan.

Peacock's comments are of a different order - he is his country's most recent captain. Unless Piggy and Leuluai knew that mcGuire was injured, and neither of them is medically qualified, you could understand their reaction and suspicion that McGuire's injury was convenient. Given the previous of the Leeds team in "gamesmanship" and moaning and groaning theirs was not a disproportionate reaction.

It is tragic he was injured, for him and his country, but the hysterical and self-righteous response from the Leeds club does them no creit. It is fine for nutters like 3owls to give us his "wisdom", but for McClennan and Peacock to say what they say is petulant and lacks any class.

I suspect, like Saints bottling (in the true sense of the term) playing Wigan, fear is the primary factor at play.

Why should either Saints or Leeds fear playing Wigan? You keep spouting on about the Good Friday game yet seem to conveniently forget that Saints turned you over at the DW stadium a couple of months later. Since then Wire,Huddersfield and Leeds have followed suit.

Now I don't actually think that Saints can win the GF this year. To get there will be a massive acheivement by itself,given we are without our first and possibly second choice half backs. The kids have been great this year

but one thing that really cheers me up is that Saints without Eastmond and Pryce have kept going and are only 80 mins from OT.

Take Sam Tomkins and O'loughlin out of the Wigan side and your lot will struggle.

Ditto Wigan.

McGuire's injury could well act as a lesson to any other player watching that it doesn't pay to cheat. Perhaps the rugby Gods have punished him for his unsportsmanlike play. Either way, he'll be a massive loss for Leeds and I can't see them winning the Grand Final without him. In my opinion, he's been brilliant for them this season.

Directly pasted from the sky sports website.

Phil Clarke is a bigger pr**k than hannibal, and that's saying something. The "rugby gods" would have been well in order to break Sam Tomkins neck for the amount of cheating he did over the 80 minutes, i wonder what Phil clarke would have thought about that. Do you only deserve an injury for cheating in the last minute, what about the other 79, and what about a massive injury on a totting up basis for cheating throughout the match, a broken back say, a good old career threatener eh. Clarkes a tw*t, let's leave it at that.

Phil Clarke is a bigger pr**k than hannibal, and that's saying something. The "rugby gods" would have been well in order to break Sam Tomkins neck for the amount of cheating he did over the 80 minutes, i wonder what Phil clarke would have thought about that. Do you only deserve an injury for cheating in the last minute, what about the other 79, and what about a massive injury on a totting up basis for cheating throughout the match, a broken back say, a good old career threatener eh. Clarkes a tw*t, let's leave it at that.

Such a silly post. Even Hannibal does not deserve such abuse.

Phil Clarke is a bigger pr**k than hannibal, and that's saying something. The "rugby gods" would have been well in order to break Sam Tomkins neck for the amount of cheating he did over the 80 minutes, i wonder what Phil clarke would have thought about that. Do you only deserve an injury for cheating in the last minute, what about the other 79, and what about a massive injury on a totting up basis for cheating throughout the match, a broken back say, a good old career threatener eh. Clarkes a tw*t, let's leave it at that.

You are overloading on tosspot points this week.

I don't recall you being so vociferous in your condemnation when Ablett tried to break Tomkin's neck a few weeks ago.

You really are a complete gobsh!te.

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